Rebuilding the American Middle Class


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Jan 17, 2010
New Jersey
October 08, 2013

Editor’s note: Congratulations to: James Daniel Mulligan (George Washington University), Justin Orlosky (George Washington University) and Samantha R. Morelli (George Mason University); the winners of the D.C University “What Do YOU Think it Will Take to Rebuild the U.S. Economy?” contest.

The U.S. economy was built by the middle class, and the middle class was built through manufacturing. This is a fact that has largely been ignored in recent years. As a result of this, the U.S. economy has stalled while its foreign competitors, countries made rich by American consumption, have experienced unprecedented growth. The only way to reverse this trend, the only way to regain that which was lost, is to return to our manufacturing roots. The only way forward is to look back.

The American people must call on their leaders, on Congress and the President, to enact a package of legislative reform that both (a) discourages American manufacturers from shipping American jobs overseas and (b) creates the conditions necessary for American manufacturing to prosper in the modern economy. This can be accomplished through the following:

read more Rebuilding the American Middle Class | Economy In Crisis

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