Rebutting Annoying Democrat Lies


Feb 14, 2011
They'll keep saying them because annoying Republicans is more important than credibility, but here are some rebuttals for starters ....

A. Rush Limbaugh did not wish that America would fail. Hoping that Obama would fail to pass what we believe to be destructive policies is the complete opposite of hoping that America will fail. Did you Democrat dweebs hope that Bush would succeed in passing Social Security reform?

B. Joe Wilson didn't yell "you lie" at a State of the Union address. He shouldn't have said it during Obama's speech, but the speech wasn't an SOTU address, and if you don't know the difference maybe you shouldn't be posting on political forums.

C. Mitch McConnell's statement about Obama being a one-term president was not made before Obama was inaugurated. It wasn't even made in 2009. And there was no implication that the Republican party's goal is to defeat Obama even if it hurts America. Again, exactly the opposite.

McConnell's statement was an acknowledgement of the reality that even if Republicans had managed to gain control in the Senate they wouldn't be able to repeal Obamacare until 2013 at the earliest. Obama would veto any repeal legislation. When Scott Brown was elected from Massachusetts that should have been a clue. It should have sent Obama a message to rethink his approach, but instead it made him double down.

McConnell correctly stated that the only way we can undo some of Obama's worst legislation is to elect a Republican president in 2012. Well, we can still hope that the Supreme Court will declare Obamacare unconstitutuional, but in general, the way to get the nation set back on what we as Republicans feel is the correct track is to get a Republican president.

I know this won't stop the lies and careless claims but I feel better for saying it. People who can't even tell 2008 from 2010 are probably incapable of learning.

Carry on.
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They'll keep saying them because annoying Republicans is more important than credibility, but here are some rebuttals for starters ....

A. Rush Limbaugh did not wish that America would fail. Hoping that Obama would fail to pass what we believe to be destructive policies is the complete opposite of hoping that America will fail. Did you Democrat dweebs hope that Bush would succeed in passing Social Security reform?

B. Joe Wilson didn't yell "you lie" at a State of the Union address. He shouldn't have said it during Obama's speech, but the speech wasn't an SOTU address, and if you don't know the difference maybe you shouldn't be posting on political forums.

C. Mitch McConnell's statement about Obama being a one-term president was not made before Obama was inaugurated. It wasn't even made in 2009. And there was no implication that the Republican party's goal is to defeat Obama even if it hurts America. Again, exactly the opposite.

McConnell's statement was an acknowledgement of the reality that even if Republicans had managed to gain control in the Senate they wouldn't be able to repeal Obamacare until 2013 at the earliest. Obama would veto any repeal legislation. When Scott Brown was elected from Massachusetts that should have been a clue. It should have sent Obama a message to rethink his approach, but instead it made him double down.

McConnell correctly stated that the only way we can undo some of Obama's worst legislation is to get a Republican president. Well, we can still hope that the Supreme Court will declare Obamacare unconstitutuional, but in general, the way to get the nation set back on what we as Republicans feel is the correct track is to get a Republican president.

I know this won't stop the lies and careless claims but I feel better for saying it. People who can't even tell 2008 from 2010 are probably incapable of learning.

Carry on.

Like Herman Cain said:

[ame=]Herman Cain says Stupid people are ruining America - YouTube[/ame]
Rebutting Annoying Democrat Lies
Yeah....that's who's doing....

They'll keep saying them because annoying Republicans is more important than credibility, but here are some rebuttals for starters ....

A. Rush Limbaugh did not wish that America would fail. Hoping that Obama would fail to pass what we believe to be destructive policies is the complete opposite of hoping that America will fail. Did you Democrat dweebs hope that Bush would succeed in passing Social Security reform?

B. Joe Wilson didn't yell "you lie" at a State of the Union address. He shouldn't have said it during Obama's speech, but the speech wasn't an SOTU address, and if you don't know the difference maybe you shouldn't be posting on political forums.

C. Mitch McConnell's statement about Obama being a one-term president was not made before Obama was inaugurated. It wasn't even made in 2009. And there was no implication that the Republican party's goal is to defeat Obama even if it hurts America. Again, exactly the opposite.

McConnell's statement was an acknowledgement of the reality that even if Republicans had managed to gain control in the Senate they wouldn't be able to repeal Obamacare until 2013 at the earliest. Obama would veto any repeal legislation. When Scott Brown was elected from Massachusetts that should have been a clue. It should have sent Obama a message to rethink his approach, but instead it made him double down.

McConnell correctly stated that the only way we can undo some of Obama's worst legislation is to elect a Republican president in 2012. Well, we can still hope that the Supreme Court will declare Obamacare unconstitutuional, but in general, the way to get the nation set back on what we as Republicans feel is the correct track is to get a Republican president.

I know this won't stop the lies and careless claims but I feel better for saying it. People who can't even tell 2008 from 2010 are probably incapable of learning.

Carry on.

Obama knows he will lose the whitehouse in 2012, which is why he pushed for Obamacare to be sent to the supreme court ASAP, in hopes that it will be found constitutional before a gop controlled congress and whitehouse could repeal it. I think even if it is found constitutional that it should be repealed anyways, just because it is unsustainable and would be just like the rest of the entitlement programs, all in the red.
I personally enjoy this one, Harry boy, exposed yet again for the Hypocricy which is the left of the democrat party.
[ame=]Harry Reid in '06: Raising debt limit last thing we should do, will weaken country, hurt economy - YouTube[/ame]
Progressives lie about absolutely everything

You mean like referring to themselves as progressives rather than liberals?

Theres no difference, they just change the terminology after people catch on to what they are really trying to do. Liberal was fun for them for awhile, and when people figured out exactly what a liberal was and it became unpopular amongst the masses, they then changed there names to progressive. Same bullshit, different title.
Progressives lie about absolutely everything
Yet.....Republicans always mananage the highest....




How original. and added nothing whatsoever to the OP topic. You do understand though that Obama doubled down on Bush's policies regarding Iraq and Afghanistan right? ANd then led us into another war in Libya and now has us in Africa?

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