Recession in 2020 unlikely say majority of investors. Democrat hopes dashed!

The sick part is that democrats were hoping for a recession and a downturn in the economy and damn the Country. The democrat leadership was working against the will of the people and so was the liberal media. Left wing comedian turned political analyst Bill Maher said it best for democrats, "A recession would be worth it to get rd of Trump".

Vice President Biden, during the big debate this week, promised to destroy oil, coal and gas job by the millions, and put displaced workers into Training Programs and welfare schemes. That kind of promise works a lot better with a 1936 Roosevelt Economy than with a 2020 Trump economy. So America needs to be cut down to size, according to hard core leftists like Sleepy Joe.
Gotta be careful about that euphoria stuff, but yeah, things are looking pretty good right now.

Plus the Fed is back to pouring hundreds of billions into the system, and that's a green light.

I guess we'll worry about the deficit, the debt and the Fed's balance sheet later.
Another Trump accomplishment.

He made at least a few Democrats discover the deficit.

And he made all the fake Conservatives forget about it.
By making it so huge that nobody could miss it.
I agree he's been a failure on leading for spending cuts. That's one reason he wasn't near my 1st GOP choice.

But that said, every cent went through Pelosi's fingers before Trump had the option to sign the bill.

The feds have record tax receipts thanks to the GOP tax cuts/reforms.

So now that you finally noticed the Deficit, what do about it?

The Feds have record tax receipts more than 90% of the time, tax cuts or no.
The sick part is that democrats were hoping for a recession and a downturn in the economy and damn the Country. The democrat leadership was working against the will of the people and so was the liberal media. Left wing comedian turned political analyst Bill Maher said it best for democrats, "A recession would be worth it to get rd of Trump".

Vice President Biden, during the big debate this week, promised to destroy oil, coal and gas job by the millions, and put displaced workers into Training Programs and welfare schemes. That kind of promise works a lot better with a 1936 Roosevelt Economy than with a 2020 Trump economy. So America needs to be cut down to size, according to hard core leftists like Sleepy Joe.

Don't worry if he wins the nomination he'll admit he was lying in the primary and flip flop back to pro coal, gas and oil in the general.
Recession in 2020 unlikely say majority of investors. Democrat hopes dashed!

Sounds much like pronouncements made in 07
It never hurts to take things with grain of salt.

Good point. But with dozens of Democrat candidates all out there promising gloom and doom, it would seem that irrational exuberance is off the table. There are enough people highly invested in the idea of shorting the American people and promoting failure, the markets are going to have to fight to get as high as they can.
But with dozens of Democrat candidates all out there promising gloom and doom, it would seem that irrational exuberance is off the table. There are enough people highly invested in the idea of shorting the American people and promoting failure, the markets are going to have to fight to get as high as they can.

Remember, this was a winning Dem strategy in 2004-2007. All they did was tell America how horrible everything was under Bush 24/7 even 5% unemployment was horrible according to Nancy Pelosi.

When Obama won about 3 months into his first term he was still spewing the doom and gloom Dem talking points. Bill Clinton took Obama aside and told him look you won already, stop spewing the doom and gloom idiot.
But with dozens of Democrat candidates all out there promising gloom and doom, it would seem that irrational exuberance is off the table. There are enough people highly invested in the idea of shorting the American people and promoting failure, the markets are going to have to fight to get as high as they can.

Remember, this was a winning Dem strategy in 2004-2007. All they did was tell America how horrible everything was under Bush 24/7 even 5% unemployment was horrible according to Nancy Pelosi.

When Obama won about 3 months into his first term he was still spewing the doom and gloom Dem talking points. Bill Clinton took Obama aside and told him look you won already, stop spewing the doom and gloom idiot.

I never understood why the liberals always thought that B. Hussein O was "smart".

To me, he seemed to be a condescending fool, who didn't know his scrawny ass from a hole in the ground.

And the last speech I heard in full from him was his speech on President's Day in Springfield in 2007
But with dozens of Democrat candidates all out there promising gloom and doom, it would seem that irrational exuberance is off the table. There are enough people highly invested in the idea of shorting the American people and promoting failure, the markets are going to have to fight to get as high as they can.

Remember, this was a winning Dem strategy in 2004-2007. All they did was tell America how horrible everything was under Bush 24/7 even 5% unemployment was horrible according to Nancy Pelosi.

When Obama won about 3 months into his first term he was still spewing the doom and gloom Dem talking points. Bill Clinton took Obama aside and told him look you won already, stop spewing the doom and gloom idiot.

I never understood why the liberals always thought that B. Hussein O was "smart".

To me, he seemed to be a condescending fool, who didn't know his scrawny ass from a hole in the ground.

And the last speech I heard in full from him was his speech on President's Day in Springfield in 2007

Even with the huge advantage of a law degree from Harvard, he managed to accomplish nothing in the 20+ years between graduation and becoming a state senator. That loser couldn't get hired at any major firm with a pathetic resume like that.
Gotta be careful about that euphoria stuff, but yeah, things are looking pretty good right now.

Plus the Fed is back to pouring hundreds of billions into the system, and that's a green light.

I guess we'll worry about the deficit, the debt and the Fed's balance sheet later.
Another Trump accomplishment.

He made at least a few Democrats discover the deficit.

And he made all the fake Conservatives forget about it.
You are not incorrect in this statement. But I don't think there are as many fake ones as you seem to.

We have to reign in the budget "PROCESS". It needs to be restructured so that the house is not allowed to wait to the last minute to put forth their spending bill. Introducing the bill so late puts every president over a barrel with the immediate threat of a government shutdown.
We need a constitutional requirement that budget bills be submitted by congress well in advance of the deadline to allow for PROPER DEBATE AND NEGOTIATION.
We go through this shit every year, often several times a year.

We also DESPERATELY need a balanced budget amendment but that obviously isn't going to happen until the real pain and suffering begins.
You are not incorrect in this statement. But I don't think there are as many fake ones as you seem to.

We have to reign in the budget "PROCESS". It needs to be restructured so that the house is not allowed to wait to the last minute to put forth their spending bill. Introducing the bill so late puts every president over a barrel with the immediate threat of a government shutdown.
We need a constitutional requirement that budget bills be submitted by congress well in advance of the deadline to allow for PROPER DEBATE AND NEGOTIATION.
We go through this shit every year, often several times a year.

We also DESPERATELY need a balanced budget amendment but that obviously isn't going to happen until the real pain and suffering begins.

They are fake in that the vast majority are conservative on social issues only, which is why we have not had a fiscal Conservative as president for more than 90 years
US Economic Outlook for 2020 and Beyond
Experts Forecast Steady Growth
What Will the Economy Do in 2020 and Beyond?

The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is the gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to fall below the 2% and 3% ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue below the natural rate. There isn't too much inflation or deflation. That's close to a Goldilocks economy.
US Economic Outlook for 2020 and Beyond
Experts Forecast Steady Growth
What Will the Economy Do in 2020 and Beyond?

The U.S. economic outlook is healthy according to the key economic indicators. The most critical indicator is the gross domestic product, which measures the nation's production output. The GDP growth rate is expected to fall below the 2% and 3% ideal range. Unemployment is forecast to continue below the natural rate. There isn't too much inflation or deflation. That's close to a Goldilocks economy.

Fantastic news for sure.

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