Record December Surplus Further Limits GOP Attack Mantra!

Great Santa of the December Passover Event--Not At all like the other boys--may have gone further than just seeking out the little kids, this year, after all. Credit Card matters aside, there seems to have been joy enough to spread around the world, in a spirit of giving as yet unknown to millions(?)!

Others can say, "That may have been it(?)!" in the truer spirit of Christmas. Tiny Tim may now, in fact, be flush with bucks--for seasons and seasons going forward.

The Now Appearing Federal Reserve tapering is likely not to be of much compulsion as a basis for a Mid-Term campaign. The unemployment rate seems likely to skid below 6.5% during the year. Whereas the Republicans mainly spent nearly a kazillion votes and minutes trying get rid of ACA--The Democrats can counter that actually they did get ACA under way. . . .starting maybe in the springtime, yet to arrive. If 7 mil. enrollments is even approached, that will be the summertime headline.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Many White Eyes Not Forget great Hiawatha. . . .Whatever that may have been about(?)!" Many White Eyes maybe remember "Rambo!" better. . . .Whatever that may have been about(?)! Italian-Man speak through Sinuses a lot!)

Enough so that a whole 75,000 were hired last month.....way below the minimum even needed to just stay even.
Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation?

The only contrived hatred is your projection onto people who disagree with his horrid policies.
Mostly, suppose the Democrats do a compare and contast of MediCaid Expansion spending in the states that opted in, versus the lack of Medicaid Expansion spending in the Red States that did not opt in to the Expansion--then who delivered back to the states when it com3es to assessing local elections statewide, not jiust in nutcase districts?

Only 50 Republicans have seats safe enough to be able to advance the Radical Extremist Republican agenda. "Radical Extremist Republican" agenda is more likely to resonant in the context of an economy doing light years better.

Those are the people who were opposed. Boehner tried to make them a national agenda. Cantor and Issa were supportive of that. McConnell tried not to tie into all of that. Paul, Paul, et. al., tried not to tie into all of that.

The rest is division.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Half-Wit Father in Washington managed at least to keep Vice-President out of limelight during ACA roll-out(?). . . .or something! Now maybe not a laughing matter!)
90 plus million unemployed. Millions more have lost their insurance due to obamacare than have signed up. Scandals littering the landscape. Thanks Santa.

According to Obama we had 48 million Americans without insurance so we had to act.
Because of ObamaCare we had 5 million people who had insurance get dropped.
To date and I heard the number tonight we have a little over 2 million sign up for ObamaCare
and of those 2+ million most signed up needing help to pay for it.

So where are those 40 something million Americans who got this whole thing going?
Why haven't they signed up?
Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation? is dislike for the man's policies.

Especially Obamacare. Nutters hate that. It is so liberal, ya know.

Aside from the fact it's hard from "liberal", is that really an excuse to do nothing for five years? You've got to do better than that. There's been presidents far worse than Obama, none have faced this level of hatred, even to questioning his place of birth.

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation? is dislike for the man's policies.

Especially Obamacare. Nutters hate that. It is so liberal, ya know.

Aside from the fact it's hard from "liberal", is that really an excuse to do nothing for five years? You've got to do better than that. There's been presidents far worse than Obama, none have faced this level of hatred, even to questioning his place of birth.


Hmmmm. Check your sarcasm meter, yo!

You are new.....and forgiven.
It was obvious that nutters hated the man's policies....months before he took office. And they have hated his policies ever since, yo!

I like the guy if he was doing something else.
Hate his politics.
Really hate his speech a day surrounded by his people props.
Hate his arrogance...

Hated his "if you have a business you didn't build that" speech...
Really hated his "If you like you plan you can keep it".
And "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"
I hated that as well...

And for the birther thing wasn't it one of his relatives that said he was born in Kenya..
Didn't that have something to do with that?
It was obvious that nutters hated the man's policies....months before he took office. And they have hated his policies ever since, yo!

I like the guy if he was doing something else.
Hate his politics.
Really hate his speech a day surrounded by his people props.
Hate his arrogance...

Hated his "if you have a business you didn't build that" speech...
Really hated his "If you like you plan you can keep it".
And "if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"
I hated that as well...

And for the birther thing wasn't it one of his relatives that said he was born in Kenya..
Didn't that have something to do with that?

You hate shit taken out of context too? Cool.
Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation?

Boooooooosh. Just had to go back one president before Obama to see such hatred.

Obama's policies ARE too liberal, no matter what the "nutter" LoneLaugher's "sarcasm" tells you. It's been a hard left since he's been in office. His policies are job "nutters" on the left just need to embrace it.
Eight posts into the thread and the race card is being played. :lol:

It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation?

Boooooooosh. Just had to go back one president before Obama to see such hatred.

Obama's policies ARE too liberal, no matter what the "nutter" LoneLaugher's "sarcasm" tells you. It's been a hard left since he's been in office. His policies are job "nutters" on the left just need to embrace it.

Job killer......46 straight months of private sector job gains, yo!

Dat's a lotta months, bra.
It's a legitimate observation. What reason does the right have to oppose everything Obama does, even to the extreme of destroying this country, other than his skin color?

Since our nation has never experienced such hatred before, what's your explanation?

Boooooooosh. Just had to go back one president before Obama to see such hatred.

Obama's policies ARE too liberal, no matter what the "nutter" LoneLaugher's "sarcasm" tells you. It's been a hard left since he's been in office. His policies are job "nutters" on the left just need to embrace it.

Job killer......46 straight months of private sector job gains, yo!

Dat's a lotta months, bra.

Yes, job killer policies, "bra". The UE would be in the 5% range, if not for his policies. :eusa_eh:
The gains are pitiful compared to past numbers in which 200 to 400k were the norm and were bare minimums for inflation but since the fed is trying to keep the lid on the brew, 1.2 percent inflation, that number should be at 9. Its no surprise that 50 to 75k of new job creation per month is celebrated. The bar is now setting on the floor.
With ACA now relatively started, relatively smoothly, in the New Year--what else did Santa Claus bring the voters, during the Winter Passover(?)! Bush II, Term II famously left office with TARP on the record, at $750.0 bil. December finds the U. S. federal budget in surplus, a record exceeding $50.0 bil. for the month. The annual deficit will likely be half what it was, and way less than TARP.

Federal government runs December surplus of $53.2 billion

TARP was the famous ploy to take what deficit there was, and send off to the Wall Street Bankers, instead.

Now, instead of ACA, the Republicans are back to, "What did they know, and When did they know it(?)," as is usual and evoking of the brand. It becomes fairly difficult to avoid a compare and contrast, even on the matter of fiscal responsibility.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Great Spirit bless young braves not boarding on Tea Ships of Prairie(?), Dressed(?)! White Eyes still not find many camels, in Southwestern Desert, even(?)! (Exhale!))

Thats a real big word,relatively!!!
The ACA website in 2014, Relatively posting, is relatively better than--Target or other retail websites--relatively comparing(?)!

For one thing, the ACA website seems to work!

Enrollment surge continues for Obamacare health coverage -

Days later, this actually made the Los Angeles Times, which may soon enough even contact retailers to find out if they know anything about anything at all(?)!

Relatively noting, the ACA roll-out likely impacted--far fewer voters than the Santa Claus Passover of the solistice festival--celebrating the likely Spring birth of the Christian relatively, deity-like, man-god.

Relatively again, the usual mythology deities are even deity-like on earth--unlike the Christian man-god deity. That one seems to have understood the concept, "Ouch!" The concept, "death" appears to have also happened. . .though some suggest it may have been an act. Retailers famously can offer all kinds of explanations, about matters, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Lands of Many Nations understand--blood from the bottle on a daily basis, too--and even likely way more often!)
The ACA website in 2014, Relatively posting, is relatively better than--Target or other retail websites--relatively comparing(?)!

For one thing, the ACA website seems to work!

Enrollment surge continues for Obamacare health coverage -

Days later, this actually made the Los Angeles Times, which may soon enough even contact retailers to find out if they know anything about anything at all(?)!

Relatively noting, the ACA roll-out likely impacted--far fewer voters than the Santa Claus Passover of the solistice festival--celebrating the likely Spring birth of the Christian relatively, deity-like, man-god.

Relatively again, the usual mythology deities are even deity-like on earth--unlike the Christian man-god deity. That one seems to have understood the concept, "Ouch!" The concept, "death" appears to have also happened. . .though some suggest it may have been an act. Retailers famously can offer all kinds of explanations, about matters, too!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Lands of Many Nations understand--blood from the bottle on a daily basis, too--and even likely way more often!)

What are the signups vs the those that paid? :eusa_eh:
I don't know
Yes, job killer policies, "bra". The UE would be in the 5% range, if not for his policies. :eusa_eh:[/QUOTE]

The unemployment would be around 5% if the republicans had endorsed Obama's stimulus plans, particularly infrastructure improvements.
Yes, job killer policies, "bra". The UE would be in the 5% range, if not for his policies. :eusa_eh:

The unemployment would be around 5% if the republicans had endorsed Obama's stimulus plans, particularly infrastructure improvements.

Nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus money and very little job creation. Yeah, you're sounding really bright right now. :eusa_whistle:
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Yes, job killer policies, "bra". The UE would be in the 5% range, if not for his policies. :eusa_eh:

The unemployment would be around 5% if the republicans had endorsed Obama's stimulus plans, particularly infrastructure improvements.

Nearly a trillion dollars in stimulus money and very little job creation. Yeah, you're sounding really bright right now. :eusa_whistle:

Would have been nice if the Conservative Governors like Jindal had used that money to actually create jobs instead of filling holes in the budget created by their tax cuts for the rich, eh?

Which were given on the theory that the "job creators" would create jobs.

They didn't.

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