Record low number of Americans "extremely proud" to be Americans

30% isn’t a big deal on a low dollar item like conduit. Your outrage is simplistic at best.
Maybe not for a refrigerator salesman, but it is for an electrical contractor.

BTW, I'm not outraged. I'm enjoying this. Arguments are my Disneyland.
You must also consider that conduit is used primarily in certain commercial applications and i. Areas where u ions are strong. The majority of residential applications don’t see any effect of this increase.
30% isn’t a big deal on a low dollar item like conduit. Your outrage is simplistic at best.
Maybe not for a refrigerator salesman, but it is for an electrical contractor.

BTW, I'm not outraged. I'm enjoying this. Arguments are my Disneyland.
You must also consider that conduit is used primarily in certain commercial applications and i. Areas where u ions are strong. The majority of residential applications don’t see any effect of this increase. Not a refrigerator salesman. I know you want to make light of anyone that calls you out. However, I am part of a very large successful NYSE company that supplies a large amount t of products to the building industry.
You must also consider that conduit is used primarily in certain commercial applications and i. Areas where u ions are strong. The majority of residential applications don’t see any effect of this increase.
Proud Americans also debate the cost of Romex!
Sounds like Michelle Obama has a lot of followers. Americans that are not proud of their country, just like her.

Of course the Illegals are proud of Mexico. The little shitheads march around with Mexican flags. I wonder why they ran away?
In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans

An all time low of 47% say they are extremely proud to be Americans. Ironically, Trump's approval rating is identical. So does that mean that Trump supporters are proud of their country and all the liberals aren't?

Makes ya think, doesn't it?
Yea, it makes you think Americans are ashamed to have Trump as president and a record number of racists in the GOP. makes me realize people are confused and really don’t know what they are talking about.
This is what Republicans are proud of:


And they are even more proud of this:


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