Record low number of Americans "extremely proud" to be Americans

The Trump effect.

Its hard to summon a lot of pride in your nation when your President is a liar, whoremonger, and is gleefully prying kids away from their parents? And half of the nation thinks it's just peachy and some in that population think he is being too soft on illegal immigrants.

We get the government we deserve.
. Why do we have to keep repeating that Trump signed an XO to stop the separation for now? You're not passing that bullshit to a bunch of ill informed dummies. Save that shit for your stupid Facebook friends. It just makes you look stupid here, idiot.

Actually that is probably the best descriptor for Trump's people...ill informed dummies.
Despite the EO, separations continue.

But the ill informed dummies....are winning , sweets!!:2up: Why do you think there is so much anger and misery amongst liberals in these forums? Take a gander at the posts....they dont even try to hide it.:2up:

That's true--the part about the ill informed dummies are winning. Progress is seldom a direct arrow corresponding with time as we move forward. Sometimes you have to take a step back as a people to take two steps forward. One thing Trump has shown us is that small minded and stupid still walk among us despite the advances the American civilization has made.

As for the "misery", there doesn't seem to be much happiness from the right wing on this board either. A lot of talk about civil war...almost as if you guys hope for it. Not a sign of either happiness, confidence, or satisfaction with the amorphous blob-like pervert you worship.
In U.S., Record-Low 47% Extremely Proud to Be Americans

An all time low of 47% say they are extremely proud to be Americans. Ironically, Trump's approval rating is identical. So does that mean that Trump supporters are proud of their country and all the liberals aren't?

Makes ya think, doesn't it?
People should be neither proud nor ashamed of their countries.

(Of course, there are exceptions: Germans should have been ashamed of their country under Herr Hitler's tyranny.)

We are born into a country. No one asks us where we want to be born. (Just as no one asks us what ethnicity, gender, or sexuality we want to be born with.)

Most Americans apparently feel that life here in the States (for ordinary people) is preferable to life in some other country, for -- to the best of my knowledge -- not too many ordinary Americans emigrate to other nations.

Personally, I think that there are some great things about the States and some terrible things about the States.

When I see how most other ordinary people live in foreign countries, I think that I am glad that I happened to be born here.
I find it silly to be proud of something with which you did nothing to achieve.

The accident of my birth in this country makes me American.

I do however feel lucky to have been born here but not proud
Pride is an emotion that should be reserved for personal accomplishments.

Not for winning a birthing lottery.
Proud to be a 47%er! A HRC "Deplorable" is a patriotic badge of honor! lol
You have no clue about economics.
I know the cost of conduit went up 30% in the last month because of Trumps tariff talks. Do you think someone who filed for bankruptcy as much as he did, knows about economics?
You have no clue about economics.
I know the cost of conduit went up 30% in the last month because of Trumps tariff talks. Do you think someone who filed for bankruptcy as much as he did, knows about economics?
I love people that spout percentages. On a running 20 feet of conduit it equates to 10 cents. I guess in your world that will kill the economy. Do you honestly think the President controls the economy? If you do, you need to educate yourself.
I love people that spout percentages.
That's because one of our suppliers sent us a memo stating cost of steel conduit would go up 33% and the cost of aluminum conduit would go up 26%. I'm not going to make up my own numbers.

On a running 20 feet of conduit it equates to 10 cents.
"...a running 20 feet..." Who talks like that? Conduit is normally priced per LF (linear foot) or CLF (100 linear feet). And it changes depending on the size and what type of conduit you are purchasing. GRS? EMT? PVC? And no, it doesn't cost $0.05/LF. As an example...
2"EMT - $1.35/LF
2"GRS - $12.90/LF
2"PVC - $1.03/LF​
Too make a long story short, don't talk electrical with an electrical engineer.

I guess in your world that will kill the economy.
Anything that costs your business more money because of someone's big, narcissistic mouth, doesn't help the economy.

Do you honestly think the President controls the economy?
That's why I'm not giving him any credit for it.

If you do, you need to educate yourself.
Trump is a train wreck. And its not about education, it's about having the balls and love of your country, to be honest about what is going on.
I love people that spout percentages.
That's because one of our suppliers sent us a memo stating cost of steel conduit would go up 33% and the cost of aluminum conduit would go up 26%. I'm not going to make up my own numbers.

On a running 20 feet of conduit it equates to 10 cents.
"...a running 20 feet..." Who talks like that? Conduit is normally priced per LF (linear foot) or CLF (100 linear feet). And it changes depending on the size and what type of conduit you are purchasing. GRS? EMT? PVC? And no, it doesn't cost $0.05/LF. As an example...
2"EMT - $1.35/LF
2"GRS - $12.90/LF
2"PVC - $1.03/LF​
Too make a long story short, don't talk electrical with an electrical engineer.

I guess in your world that will kill the economy.
Anything that costs your business more money because of someone's big, narcissistic mouth, doesn't help the economy.

Do you honestly think the President controls the economy?
That's why I'm not giving him any credit for it.

If you do, you need to educate yourself.
Trump is a train wreck. And its not about education, it's about having the balls and love of your country, to be honest about what is going on.
I run a refrigeration and electrical supply I do know how things are priced. I could care less if you are an engineer. I know how commodities are priced. As an agreigate 30% is no big deal.spew your bullshit someplace else.
I run a refrigeration and electrical supply house.
Now I see where you get "running conduit" gibberish.

so I do know how things are priced.
If you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't say conduit was 5 cents a foot.

I could care less if you are an engineer. I know how commodities are priced. As an agreigate 30% is no big deal.spew your bullshit someplace else.
You mean "aggregate". And you're digging a deeper hole to stand in. If it costs you 30% more for the material you sell, that is a big deal. Unless you just really sell refrigerators and made up the electrical stuff.
I run a refrigeration and electrical supply house.
Now I see where you get "running conduit" gibberish.

so I do know how things are priced.
If you knew what you were talking about, you wouldn't say conduit was 5 cents a foot.

I could care less if you are an engineer. I know how commodities are priced. As an agreigate 30% is no big deal.spew your bullshit someplace else.
You mean "aggregate". And you're digging a deeper hole to stand in. If it costs you 30% more for the material you sell, that is a big deal. Unless you just really sell refrigerators and made up the electrical stuff.
30% isn’t a big deal on a low dollar item like conduit. Your outrage is simplistic at best.
30% isn’t a big deal on a low dollar item like conduit. Your outrage is simplistic at best.
Maybe not for a refrigerator salesman, but it is for an electrical contractor.

BTW, I'm not outraged. I'm enjoying this. Arguments are my Disneyland.

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