Recovery Rate of Vaccinated vs Non Vaccinated


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
I'm looking for the recovery rate of those who have had the vaccine vs the 99.8% recovery rate of the non vaccinated. I understand that not all vaccinated people recover from covid, so I realize that we cannot be comparing 99.8% to 100%. I'd like to see how the recovery rates compare, even if there can only be a 0.19% difference for worst case.
I'm looking for the recovery rate of those who have had the vaccine vs the 99.8% recovery rate of the non vaccinated. I understand that not all vaccinated people recover from covid, so I realize that we cannot be comparing 99.8% to 100%. I'd like to see how the recovery rates compare, even if there can only be a 0.19% difference for worst case.
You can add the six members of my family to the unvaccinated to recover side. Two seniors, two 30 somethings and two pre schoolers.
Your numbers are way off, EvMetro. Research again, please.
They are not off, since they are not complete. You cannot know if the missing numbers are right or wrong if they have not even been provided yet. Do you have the numbers requested in the opening post?
They are not complete, as you say, and good for you, which means they are way off. Since you don't have right numbers you have a wrong OP from the get-go.
I'm looking for the recovery rate of those who have had the vaccine vs the 99.8% recovery rate of the non vaccinated. I understand that not all vaccinated people recover from covid, so I realize that we cannot be comparing 99.8% to 100%. I'd like to see how the recovery rates compare, even if there can only be a 0.19% difference for worst case.
Well, we know that 99.5% of the population is barely affected or will easily recover from a Covid infection and that the numbers bear out that only the top percentage of the very old or those facing age-related issues are susceptible.

We know that the most vaccinated population in the world (Chile) has only a 54% success rate.

So we are trying to say that a 50% successful vaccine against a 99.5% survivable virus is the very reason we need to curtail the liberties of a free person.

But I guess it is just to much to ask that if you are afraid, to keep your ass at home.
It is interesting how people are willing to be injected with something experimental without even knowing any statistics. I would have to know how much better my odds of recovery were above and beyond the 99.8% that our immune systems provide. Could the vaccine provide a 0.1% better chance of recovery?
I'm looking for the recovery rate of those who have had the vaccine vs the 99.8% recovery rate of the non vaccinated. I understand that not all vaccinated people recover from covid, so I realize that we cannot be comparing 99.8% to 100%. I'd like to see how the recovery rates compare, even if there can only be a 0.19% difference for worst case.
Well, we know that 99.5% of the population is barely affected or will easily recover from a Covid infection and that the numbers bear out that only the top percentage of the very old or those facing age-related issues are susceptible.

We know that the most vaccinated population in the world (Chile) has only a 54% success rate.

So we are trying to say that a 50% successful vaccine against a 99.5% survivable virus is the very reason we need to curtail the liberties of a free person.

But I guess it is just to much to ask that if you are afraid, to keep your ass at home.
It would be interesting to see both recovery rates, considering the already high recovery rate of non vaccinated people is already so good. There doesn't seem to be much room left for a vaccine to provide much room for improvement.
Have any of you who have taken the shot researched these statistics before getting it? Did you feel the risk was worth going from 99.8% to maybe 99.9%?
The replies on this thread so far suggest that lefties feel a little stupid about the numbers that I have requested. I suppose the difference between the two statistics does indeed look pretty trivial...
Still can't find the recovery rate of the 0.19%

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