Recreational Marijuana Finally Available in New Jersey Now

So you like people like Rand Paul?
I'll add one more thing to the previous reply - oh, well... you beat me to it, you asked the question I was going to answer. :)

What kinds of leftists?
As near as I can tell (and I don't have a poli sci degree, this is just a layman's opinion), the only real difference in the left and right among us are the relative priorities.

For example - starting with the logic about murder being impractical, the left among us argue that in many very real ways, social issues are on par with actual physical violence. And, they make an excellent case - you know, some hate filled racist decides to "express himself" and suddenly someone ends up dead.

We talk a lot about the law, and what laws are really needed. The difference between conservatives and right leaning libertarians is, conservatives tend to favor "moral" laws, against gambling, liquor, prostitution, ... generally things they consider "moral blight". Whereas, a rightie libertarian has no love for laws like that, the libertarian view would be they're ineffective ("impractical") laws.

On the left side, Democrats tend to favor laws that address outcomes, rather than processes. Which is a slightly lengthier explanation, but an example would be the many laws arising during the Johnson administration relate to desegregation, like school busing, even all the way to affirmative action. The Dems wish for more of these type laws, because they say the problem hasn't been fully addressed yet - whereas the leftie libertarian view is that these laws simply have not worked (because they're "impractical"), and it would be a mistake to pile on more of them because they don't address the real problem.

Us lefties and righties agree for example, that adding more years to a sentence because the gun was illegal is pretty dumb. And corrupt.

Does that at least begin to answer your question?
I'll add one more thing to the previous reply - oh, well... you beat me to it, you asked the question I was going to answer. :)

As near as I can tell (and I don't have a poli sci degree, this is just a layman's opinion), the only real difference in the left and right among us are the relative priorities.

For example - starting with the logic about murder being impractical, the left among us argue that in many very real ways, social issues are on par with actual physical violence. And, they make an excellent case - you know, some hate filled racist decides to "express himself" and suddenly someone ends up dead.

We talk a lot about the law, and what laws are really needed. The difference between conservatives and right leaning libertarians is, conservatives tend to favor "moral" laws, against gambling, liquor, prostitution, ... generally things they consider "moral blight". Whereas, a rightie libertarian has no love for laws like that, the libertarian view would be they're ineffective ("impractical") laws.

On the left side, Democrats tend to favor laws that address outcomes, rather than processes. Which is a slightly lengthier explanation, but an example would be the many laws arising during the Johnson administration relate to desegregation, like school busing, even all the way to affirmative action. The Dems wish for more of these type laws, because they say the problem hasn't been fully addressed yet - whereas the leftie libertarian view is that these laws simply have not worked (because they're "impractical"), and it would be a mistake to pile on more of them because they don't address the real problem.

Us lefties and righties agree for example, that adding more years to a sentence because the gun was illegal is pretty dumb. And corrupt.

Does that at least begin to answer your question?
Oh cool, Libertarian Socialists. Does that mean you wanna get rid of Capitalism too?
What about his gun license registered with the feds?
Perhaps partly related to that, the State's power rangers are going at it already:
Jersey City police officers will be fired if they use marijuana, even while off duty, Mayor Steve Fulop said Wednesday morning.

On Friday, the state’s Acting Attorney General Matthew Platkin in a memo said police officers who are off-duty in New Jersey are allowed to consume cannabis and should not face disciplinary action.

Perhaps not so coincidentally, Fulop made his declaration disagreeing with the state’s position on April 20, or 4/20, the unofficial national day to celebrate all things marijuana.
Are college kids are smart as Confederate soldiers were ? ( seeing as how you want to go around generalizing people )

This is a letter from a Confederate prisoner of war to his future wife.

Four days have elapsed since we left Franklin and we are still prisoners. It is a short period of time, yet the anxiety and suspence of years seems concentrated in it. Those and only those that love deeply and devotedly can fully appreciate the torture of being separated from those that are dearer far to them than life itself, and they, only after they have been tutored by recesses of my heart and see how fully and entirely its every throb and impulse are your own.

In the language of the infatuated Hargrove, I think of the Sacred Past of those I love, and every form and face is that of one whose image is engraved indelibly on the tablets of my heart. I am often in imagination transported back to Col. McGavocks and fancy that I am rested in the Hall watching with restless impatience for the appearance of her who is dearer to me than the whole world beside. Such pleasing defusions are short lived however and sober reason whispers that inexorable fate has decreed that prison walls shall for a time separate us.

I console myself with the reflection that this state of things will soon be over, and at no distant day, I will be able to claim you as my own, and in exstatic happiness that will then be mine forget all of my past trials and sufferings.

My Lizzie shall it not be so – I feel assured that no effort of yours will be wanting to bring so desirable a result.

I rest my case, dawg.

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