Recreational Marijuana Measure To Be Put To Voters...

If you don't support Colorado's right to legalize marijuana, then you don't support state's rights.

OK, now I've publicly agreed with TWO flaming liberals on this subject. Does this mean I have to give up my 'Conservative's Club' membership card? :eek:
I don't know where the "flames" are supposed to come-from....but, it's a.....

.....once you tire o' the mold-and-mildew (so typical) of tradition.​

That's just it though, there's a LOT of 'tradition' I like.

A police state and authoritarian government, Dem OR Rep, is NOT on the list...
According to this conversion website, 20 1980 dollars are equal to $50.37 in 2007 money.

Does an ounce of pot cost $50.37 these days?

Not even close, according to this web site.

It costs about 5 times that much.
You can easily pay $200/oz in PA.​

In Arizona you can get green Mexican weed for $150 a QP...

Being that close to The Border can have it's advantages....and, ya' can't get much closer than Nogales!!!!!!!!

Links please. In 1980, a dime bag of pot (half an ounce) was called a dime bag because it cost ten bucks. How much is a dime bag now? Do they still call it a dime bag?

An ounce cost 20 bucks in 1980.

How much does an ounce cost now in 1980 dollars?

A line of cocaine was one dollar in 1980. How much is it now?

What is the rate of increase of drug use compared to the rate of increase in population?

You made some big claims, they need big evidence to support them.
In '74, we were gettin' "bricks" for $135. (in PA). Eventually (later that year), we were gettin' good, spongy Colombian Red-Bud ounces, for $40....a price we thought outrageous....until we smoked it.

In '75, an oz was $13, in Colorado.

In '96, you could get good Mexican-ounces, in Austin, for $70.​

Much more in line I think. $10 an oz for mexican. $40 for columbian in 75 - 77.

I think you can still get mexican for about $70 an Oz.
That would be convenient!

Seeing-as-how Lowe's Hardware (now) sells 250w & 400w metal-halide bulbs, I'm thinkin' more-and-more people (in the Northeast) are growin' their own.​
In '74, we were gettin' "bricks" for $135. (in PA). Eventually (later that year), we were gettin' good, spongy Colombian Red-Bud ounces, for $40....a price we thought outrageous....until we smoked it.

In '75, an oz was $13, in Colorado.

In '96, you could get good Mexican-ounces, in Austin, for $70.​

Much more in line I think. $10 an oz for mexican. $40 for columbian in 75 - 77.

I think you can still get mexican for about $70 an Oz.
That would be convenient!

Seeing-as-how Lowe's Hardware (now) sells 250w & 400w metal-halide bulbs, I'm thinkin' more-and-more people (in the Northeast) are growin' their own.​

Grow with the conversion HPS bulbs........ Much more effeicient. More lumins. Bigger buds :eusa_shhh:
This is my stock standard reply. :
Speak truth to liberals: Legalize it!
I know this stand will shock some of the people that read my blog.
Just read it thouroughly before getting worked up.

The people that want drugs kept illegal all benefit from it in some way.
The Mafia turns a proffit
The Politician gets an issue to demogogue
The Priest/Rabbi/Pastor/Mullah gets to rail against the evils of drug use.
The terrorist gets a source of funding.

All that goes away if you legalize them and you can grow marijuana and coca in your back yard.
The crime stops because nobody has to steal to get a buzz.
Law enforcement gets a break to fight real crime.
Prisons suddenly don't have to let out the hard criminals to house druggies.
You get to tax what is sold to fund treatment programs.
You get to pay less tax on prison space from overcrowded prisons with revolving doors.
People get jobs selling legal drugs.
Since it costs less to get high you have fewer people on social services.
A bag of weed that goes for $100.00 now will sell for about $5.00.
The funding for terrorists goes away.
Border traffic gets less dangerous for our border patrol because there would be no reason to import what you can grow. And it would be legal anyway.
The underground balance of trade would stop hemmoraghing our nations cash.
Fewer cops get killed trying to stop crazed drug trafficers.
Gang activity would almost cease.
Our neighborhoods would be safer.

The whole thing makes money available to bribe politicians with. It makes it possible to intimidate people to keep them from talking. It makes prostitution necessary for many women hooked on drugs by pimps that use them for a source of income.
This is why we should also legalize prostitution. Eliminate the pimp and the prostitute may get help. She will certainly be able to keep her money and get treated for diseases. The dirty politician won't be able to intimidate the prostitute into silence. Neither could the dirty priest/pastor/rabbi. They would have no hold over the prostitute.
I could go on and on.
But will the dogmatists listen?

Why would a God fearing American help drug dealers make money off of your kids?
Why would they let the pimps be able to bribe politicians into turning your daughter into a hooker?
Legalize it and control it and tax it and that will stop.

Punish the acts of the individual. Not society as a whole.
Punish the drunk driver but keep alcohol legal.
Punish the drugged driver but make drugs legal.

Only a dealer would be against legalization.
Or maybe a terrorist. Or a politician trying to hide something.
Or a priest/rabbi/pastor trying to hide something.
Or a brainwashed true believer.
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Much more in line I think. $10 an oz for mexican. $40 for columbian in 75 - 77.

I think you can still get mexican for about $70 an Oz.
That would be convenient!

Seeing-as-how Lowe's Hardware (now) sells 250w & 400w metal-halide bulbs, I'm thinkin' more-and-more people (in the Northeast) are growin' their own.​

Grow with the conversion HPS bulbs........ Much more effeicient. More lumins. Bigger buds :eusa_shhh:
Not necessarily......but, things have changed, since the early '80s......

We pretty-much dismissed HP Sodium lamps, back then, due to the data, available, at that time.

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I think many people would, hell yes.

Would you go out and buy heroin and meth if they were legal? You are the only person that you can speak for.

I no longer consume intoxicants. Not even legal ones. I don't even smoke cigarettes any more.

In my younger days, I consumed intoxicants on a regular basis. And I would most certainly have been out in the streets smoking a doobie if pot had been made legal. My dope consumption would have skyrocketed from zero to near infinity if it was legalized and the military allowed it. :lol:

I'd probably try coke as well. Meth, maybe. And the way a heroin trip is depicted in films, I would probably give it a whirl.

And I am surely not the only person who feels the same way and would react the same way.

You have to be an idiot to think this would not happen.

It happens anyways, and it is illegal.
I think it is incredibly naive to believe consumption would not rise if a drug were legalized. That is an expression of ignorance of human behavior, which is common among libertarians.

Until drunk driving punishments were made more harsh, there was a lot more drunk driving. That drunk driving declined with enforcement means there are people for whom the only thing stopping them from drunk driving is the law.

The law is a deterrent. People's behavior will change with the repeal of a law.

Believing that alcohol consumption figures for before and after the repeal of Prohibition is evidence that drug use won't rise is erroneous thinking because Prohibition was not enforced anywhere near the level drug prohibition is. Alcohol prohibition enforcement was a running joke.

You are ignoring the fact that the allure of doing something illegal would be gone. It is possible that less people would do it.
5 Years After: Portugal's Drug Decriminalization Policy Shows Positive Results: Scientific American
5 Years After: Portugal's Drug Decriminalization Policy Shows Positive Results

Street drugrelated deaths from overdoses drop and the rate of HIV cases crashes

By Brian Vastag | April 7, 2009 | 107

In the face of a growing number of deaths and cases of HIV linked to drug abuse, the Portuguese government in 2001 tried a new tack to get a handle on the problem—it decriminalized the use and possession of heroin, cocaine, marijuana, LSD and other illicit street drugs. The theory: focusing on treatment and prevention instead of jailing users would decrease the number of deaths and infections.

Five years later, the number of deaths from street drug overdoses dropped from around 400 to 290 annually, and the number of new HIV cases caused by using dirty needles to inject heroin, cocaine and other illegal substances plummeted from nearly 1,400 in 2000 to about 400 in 2006, according to a report released recently by the Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C, libertarian think tank.

"Now instead of being put into prison, addicts are going to treatment centers and they're learning how to control their drug usage or getting off drugs entirely," report author Glenn Greenwald, a former New York State constitutional litigator, said during a press briefing at Cato last week.
Can you imagine the TOURISM JOBS it would create?
Hell.....why do you think most "conservatives" have been fighting that (from happening) in Mexico, L 'America & the Caribbean??!!!

The AMERICAN tourism-industry would.....

....AND, when touri$m $peak$.....


:woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo: . :woohoo:

Screw you Shaman, I ama conservative and I 100% agree with legalizing MJ.
Correct me if im wrong, but hasnt California already done this. If California doing this didnt challenge the Federal regulations on it, why the heck would Colorado allowing Marijuana use do so?
Correct me if im wrong, but hasnt California already done this. If California doing this didnt challenge the Federal regulations on it, why the heck would Colorado allowing Marijuana use do so?

In California, possession of an ounce or less is punishable by a fine of not more than $100...

IOW, it's been decriminalized, not legalized.
If folks want to smoke MJ, and there are loads who do, I really could care less.

I am more worried about that open door.

Once you legalize one drug how long before someone is pushing for legalizing heroin, meth or any of the other drugs out there??
Like alcohol? That industry fights legalized marijuana tooth & nail.
Correct me if im wrong, but hasnt California already done this. If California doing this didnt challenge the Federal regulations on it, why the heck would Colorado allowing Marijuana use do so?

In California, possession of an ounce or less is punishable by a fine of not more than $100...

IOW, it's been decriminalized, not legalized.

Ah. I was unaware of that. You learn something new everyday if you look for it an ask questions:) Isnt life grand?:)
Uh oh, will Big Brother actually allow the People to decide?

Colorado voters will be asked to decide whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in a November ballot measure, setting up a potential showdown with the federal government over America's most commonly used illicit drug.

The measure, which would legalize possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults, is one of two that will go to voters in November after a Washington state initiative to legalize pot earned enough signatures last month to qualify for the ballot there.

"This could be a watershed year in the decades-long struggle to end marijuana prohibition in this country," Art Way, Colorado manager of the Drug Policy Alliance, said in a statement. The Alliance supports the initiative.

"Marijuana prohibition is counterproductive to the health and public safety of our communities. It fuels a massive, increasingly brutal underground economy, wastes billions of dollars in scarce law enforcement resources, and makes criminals out of millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens."

Colorado is one of 16 states and the nation's capital that already allow marijuana use for medical purposes even as cannabis remains classified as an illegal narcotic under federal law - and public opinion is sharply divided on the merits of full legalization.

Read More:
Recreational marijuana measure to be put to voters | Reuters
- Big Government

Weed should be decriminalized...

It's not exactly like if it was decriminalized the individual who doesn't smoke will run out and get stoned...

Besides, it's not exactly like pot is difficult to find...

I know plenty of good hard working people who like to take a hit every once in a while - they're not criminals and they're not idiots....

Truth is - It's not our governments business to determine what adults ingest....

I don't think the governments care either - the way they see it is: "will we generate more revenue via fines or taxation."

That's my opinion on this issue...
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Correct me if im wrong, but hasnt California already done this. If California doing this didnt challenge the Federal regulations on it, why the heck would Colorado allowing Marijuana use do so?

California did not legalize recreational use of marijuana. It was on the ballot and it failed.

Whether drug tourism in Colorado would end up differently than drug tourism in the Netherlands is debatable.
Federal law makes it illegal.
Thus, whatever CO (or any other state) may do re: to legalization, Federal law means it will still be illegal.
It should be legal under federal law too. All drugs should be legal and available, including prescription drugs.

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