Recreational Marijuana Measure To Be Put To Voters...

Correct me if im wrong, but hasnt California already done this. If California doing this didnt challenge the Federal regulations on it, why the heck would Colorado allowing Marijuana use do so?

California did not legalize recreational use of marijuana. It was on the ballot and it failed.

Whether drug tourism in Colorado would end up differently than drug tourism in the Netherlands is debatable.

One cannot legalize a product/substance that was previously legal.

The federal government banning weed was unlawful in the first place.

Hell, weed isn't even really "illegal" - you just need a "tax stamp" to possess weed but in order to get the stamp you have to show the weed - hence you're breaking the law by showing the weed without the stamp - it is de facto criminalization..

It's a catch 22..

If gays can have civil unions then people can do drugs...

Of course it's up to the state per the Tenth Amendment...

The federal government doesn't have the right to intervene - their duty is to uphold the Bill of Rights...
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If the commerce clause gives the Federal covernment the power to force everyone to buy health insurance, how does the government then -not- have the power to ban marijuana (etc)?
If the commerce clause gives the Federal covernment the power to force everyone to buy health insurance, how does the government then -not- have the power to ban marijuana (etc)?

It doesn't and they don't.

They just did it anyway as a favor for DuPont and Hearst...
Correct me if im wrong, but hasnt California already done this. If California doing this didnt challenge the Federal regulations on it, why the heck would Colorado allowing Marijuana use do so?

California did not legalize recreational use of marijuana. It was on the ballot and it failed.

Whether drug tourism in Colorado would end up differently than drug tourism in the Netherlands is debatable.

One cannot legalize a product/substance that was previously legal.

The federal government banning weed was unlawful in the first place.

Hell, weed isn't even really "illegal" - you just need a "tax stamp" to possess weed but in order to get the stamp you have to show the weed - hence you're breaking the law by showing the weed without the stamp - it is de facto criminalization..

It's a catch 22..

If gays can have civil unions then people can do drugs...

Of course it's up to the state per the Tenth Amendment...

The federal government doesn't have the right to intervene - their duty is to uphold the Bill of Rights...

Where did you get the flag?

There is a similar measure on the Washington state ballot in November to legalize marijuana for "recreational use" - predict it will lose.

And it if it passes -it will still be at odds with the feds.
Here's the problem.

Any measure legalizing weed by a state will still be at odds with the feds.

Wasn't like that with Prohibition.
It will come down to those who want to smoke dope on one side and those who don't want to be around those who smoke dope on the other.
Here's the problem.

Any measure legalizing weed by a state will still be at odds with the feds.

Wasn't like that with Prohibition.

Not until prohibition was ended.

After prohibition the issue went back to the state. The state was free to keep prohibiton if it wanted to. In fact, counties could be dry if they chose and plenty did choose.

Some have kept prohibition to this day.

Here's a list.

List of dry communities by U.S. state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In California medical marijuana has been legalized but left to cities to approve or not. Some did not. Some did, then changed their minds and revoked the business licenses.
Here's the problem.

Any measure legalizing weed by a state will still be at odds with the feds.

Wasn't like that with Prohibition.

Not until prohibition was ended.

After prohibition the issue went back to the state. The state was free to keep prohibiton if it wanted to. In fact, counties could be dry if they chose and plenty did choose.

Some have kept prohibition to this day.

Here's a list.

List of dry communities by U.S. state - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In California medical marijuana has been legalized but left to cities to approve or not. Some did not. Some did, then changed their minds and revoked the business licenses.

I went through a dry county in Texas when I was driving through and was running low.
Uh oh, will Big Brother actually allow the People to decide?

Colorado voters will be asked to decide whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in a November ballot measure, setting up a potential showdown with the federal government over America's most commonly used illicit drug.

The measure, which would legalize possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults, is one of two that will go to voters in November after a Washington state initiative to legalize pot earned enough signatures last month to qualify for the ballot there.

"This could be a watershed year in the decades-long struggle to end marijuana prohibition in this country," Art Way, Colorado manager of the Drug Policy Alliance, said in a statement. The Alliance supports the initiative.

"Marijuana prohibition is counterproductive to the health and public safety of our communities. It fuels a massive, increasingly brutal underground economy, wastes billions of dollars in scarce law enforcement resources, and makes criminals out of millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens."

Colorado is one of 16 states and the nation's capital that already allow marijuana use for medical purposes even as cannabis remains classified as an illegal narcotic under federal law - and public opinion is sharply divided on the merits of full legalization.

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Recreational marijuana measure to be put to voters | Reuters
- Big Government

I can understand your skepticism. The voters in Oregon passed a law legalizing Euthanasia only to have the Bush Administration sue the citizens of that state to invalidate the law.

Now if we can just get "big brother" to stay the fuck out of people's lives and allow them to make their own decisions on abortion, gay marriage, prostitution and allowing the FAMILY to decide on whether or not to "pull the plug" on a comatose loved one. Because if you disagree with any of the above then your all for "big gubmint" telling you how to live your life.
Even weed- let along all the other drugs -will never become universally legal like alcohol.

Get off of your fantasy-trips.
Uh oh, will Big Brother actually allow the People to decide?

Colorado voters will be asked to decide whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in a November ballot measure, setting up a potential showdown with the federal government over America's most commonly used illicit drug.

The measure, which would legalize possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults, is one of two that will go to voters in November after a Washington state initiative to legalize pot earned enough signatures last month to qualify for the ballot there.

"This could be a watershed year in the decades-long struggle to end marijuana prohibition in this country," Art Way, Colorado manager of the Drug Policy Alliance, said in a statement. The Alliance supports the initiative.

"Marijuana prohibition is counterproductive to the health and public safety of our communities. It fuels a massive, increasingly brutal underground economy, wastes billions of dollars in scarce law enforcement resources, and makes criminals out of millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens."

Colorado is one of 16 states and the nation's capital that already allow marijuana use for medical purposes even as cannabis remains classified as an illegal narcotic under federal law - and public opinion is sharply divided on the merits of full legalization.

Read More:
Recreational marijuana measure to be put to voters | Reuters
- Big Government

I can understand your skepticism. The voters in Oregon passed a law legalizing Euthanasia only to have the Bush Administration sue the citizens of that state to invalidate the law.

Now if we can just get "big brother" to stay the fuck out of people's lives and allow them to make their own decisions on abortion, gay marriage, prostitution and allowing the FAMILY to decide on whether or not to "pull the plug" on a comatose loved one. Because if you disagree with any of the above then your all for "big gubmint" telling you how to live your life.

Like obama sued Arizona because Arizona was enforcing federal immigration law.

Families pull the plug on their aged relatives in direct proportion to what the anticipated inheritance is.
weed wil neve r gain full-fledged legal respectible staus.

will always have a crimminal stigma
If recreational MJ is legalized will employers still be able to test for pot use and fire those using it?

An interesting Libertarian quandry I think.
If recreational MJ is legalized will employers still be able to test for pot use and fire those using it?

An interesting Libertarian quandry I think.

What's really funny is that all you anti-MJ folks haven't got a CLUE about what it's effects are, you've bought into the 'Reefer Madness' propaganda to the point that you sound utterly ridiculous! I'd much rather have pot smokers on the payroll rather than a bunch of flaming alcoholics, they're more capable, more dependable and FAR saner...
Uh oh, will Big Brother actually allow the People to decide?

Colorado voters will be asked to decide whether to legalize the recreational use of marijuana in a November ballot measure, setting up a potential showdown with the federal government over America's most commonly used illicit drug.

The measure, which would legalize possession of small amounts of marijuana by adults, is one of two that will go to voters in November after a Washington state initiative to legalize pot earned enough signatures last month to qualify for the ballot there.

"This could be a watershed year in the decades-long struggle to end marijuana prohibition in this country," Art Way, Colorado manager of the Drug Policy Alliance, said in a statement. The Alliance supports the initiative.

"Marijuana prohibition is counterproductive to the health and public safety of our communities. It fuels a massive, increasingly brutal underground economy, wastes billions of dollars in scarce law enforcement resources, and makes criminals out of millions of otherwise law-abiding citizens."

Colorado is one of 16 states and the nation's capital that already allow marijuana use for medical purposes even as cannabis remains classified as an illegal narcotic under federal law - and public opinion is sharply divided on the merits of full legalization.

Read More:
Recreational marijuana measure to be put to voters | Reuters
- Big Government

Legal or not,when I retire I will grow a small amount for my personal use. :D
Government better get on board with this.
It will come down to those who want to smoke dope on one side and those who don't want to be around those who smoke dope on the other.

I don't like being around ppl who smoke cigarrettes, at least while they're smoking. No matter how much i hate that shit it doesn't mean i want to restrict their freedom to kill themselves just cuz i don't like the smell.
I'm all for people being allowed to do whatever they want - unless I have to pick up their tab. Like it or not, there is a vast amount of evidence of the very real damage that drugs - even MJ - do to individuals. I am NOT going to pay for some other fucking idiots' stupid life choices.

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Congratulations. The amount of "stupid bitch" that went into that post is truly mind boggling. Even more of an achievement, you said it with such eloquence, such believability. You make the "stupid bitch" roll off your fingertips so naturally.

"Two of the most well-known and politically savvy Democrats in the country —New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel— recently came out in favor of decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana. Gov. Cuomo stated his support for a bill that would end the widespread practice of arresting New Yorkers for possessing small amounts of marijuana in public view, and Mayor Emmanuel is supporting a local ordinance to make possession of small amounts of marijuana a ticketable rather than arrestable offense. In New York City, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Police Commissioner Ray Kelly quickly got in line with the governor."

:cool: . :cool: . :cool: . :cool: . :cool: . :cool: . :cool: . :cool:

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