Red alert: Chinese boast of operatives 'inside America's core circle of power'

In other words, throw out our Constitution, give up on the concept of "individual rights", and become collectivists like the Chinese?

No. Maybe we could start by creating more incentive for young people to take useful career paths through expansive grant and scholarship programs so less of them take out loans to get bullshit degrees that won't get them anywhere. The biggest problem is a lot of conservatives don't seem to give a shit about science, technology or making U.S citizens more educated in general. The Chinese outnumber us almost 5 to 1. We'll need a lot of high quality professionals to compete.
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A suspected Chinese spy slept with at least 2 mayors and got close to Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell in a yearslong intelligence campaign, report says (

Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat communists have put China first for fifty years, this explains why AMERICA FIRST gives them shivers. American communists/ China collaborators have to be restrained before they can damage the country any further.
The entire Democrat Party is a security threat to the country and needs to be abolished. Diane Feinstein using a Chinese spy as her personal driver for 20 years should have sent her to GITMO in chains,. Not to mention her husband's involvement.
Then theres Congressman Swallwell and China Joe Biden as prime examples....
We can be sure that Mayor Pete was not the midwestern Mayor unless Fang Fang aka Christine Fang has a partner named Chris Fang.
Business Insider has publihed the following:
A suspected Chinese spy slept with at least 2 mayors and got close to Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell in a yearslong intelligence campaign, report says (
  • She also fundraised for Reps. Eric Swalwell and Tulsi Gabbard, both of whom ran in the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, Axios said.
  • According to the outlet, Fang returned to China in mid-2015 amid an FBI investigation into her activities. She has not returned to the US since.
  • Fang's story shows the lengths that Beijing goes to influence American politics - getting cosy with politicians early on in their careers so it can influence them later on.
  • Axios' story was published a day after President Donald Trump retweeted a video that purported to show a Chinese professor saying: "We have people at the top of America's core inner circle of power and influence."

Xi has a new petView attachment 426496
Americans future, leashes for Everyone!!

I’m surprised they the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Left allowed this to be aired on Fox. Could it be Tucker’s last days there. He put the whole PM/DSA Democrat Communist puzzle together with the China Joe Biden clan who is totally compromised by Communist China.
DNI Radcliffe is about to expose this when his report is due to Commander Trump by December 18.
CCP foreign election interference is the game changer.
In other words, throw out our Constitution, give up on the concept of "individual rights", and become collectivists like the Chinese?

No. Maybe we could start by creating more incentive for young people to take useful career paths through expansive grant and scholarship programs so less of them take out loans to get bullshit degrees that won't get them anywhere. The biggest problem is a lot of conservatives don't seem to give a shit about science, technology or making U.S citizens more educated in general. The Chinese outnumber us almost 5 to 1. We'll need a lot of high quality professionals to compete.

The problem with this 'logic' is most jobs being created in the U.S. since the 1980's need no 'advanced tech education', that's just a gimmick lie used by Silly Con Valley corps to get millions of green cards used to import cheap labor at the expense of hiring Americans, making a lot of the money spent on education here in the U.S. a giant waste of tax dollars. You can google scholar up a fellow named Norman Matloff who has been exposing the scam since the 1980's. There has never been any such thing as a 'labor shortage' in the U.S., not even for farm workers.

You might consider this article as reference point, re 'right wingers' and their ideological flaws re 'free trade' but you will also have to recognize the fact that Wall Street buys politicians on both sides of the aisle, and that 'Most Favored Nation', MFN status, was started by Carter, continued to be supported by Saint Ronald Of Reagan, and hit full steam ahead under Bush II and Bill Clinton; you aren't going to find many innocents among our elites and political classes, since both Parties openly despise working people and patriots. Democrats and their fans are just bigger suckers working hard for Wall Street, oblivious to anything but their own narcissistic obsessions with fantasy rhetoric and faux moralizing. You're just another fashion victim parroting silly made up 'talking points'.

If you need right wing examples of sellouts, just look at the U.S. Chamber Of Commerce and people like Sen. Cornyn of Texas and his love of criminal illegal aliens, for starters; of course you probably think flooding the country and the social safety net of the U.S. with 300 million more immigrants is a great thing or something, right?

As for Red China's population, they can't feed it without looting Africa and extorting other Asian countries, and their vaunted 'intellectual elites' are dependent on stealing tech from the U.S. and Europe, who educate most of their 'best and brightest'. They're busy building hundreds of coal powered power plants, so is India, meanwhile China Joe is busy advocating pouring a few hundred billion into Al Gore's 'Carbon Credits' scam.
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Gitmo is waiting for this POS

Meet Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia. Brian cares more about Communist China & its money than he cares about Georgia, freedom & an honest election. Brian Kemp is not a Patriot. He is Communist corrupted. Brian Kemp is a traitor.

Red alert:
Chinese boast of operatives 'inside America's core circle of power'

Academic says Trump trade war cut off spies

China agents in U.S. government helped influence policy, academic says - Washington Times
6 Dec 2020 ~~ By Bill Gertz

China influenced American policies for decades through a covert network of “old friends” — sympathizers and agents — who had penetrated the highest levels of the U.S. government and financial institutions before the Trump administration, according to an academic linked to the Chinese government.
Di Dongsheng, a professor and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing, also suggested in a Nov. 28 speech that China‘s Communist Party helped Hunter Biden, a son of presumptive President-elect Joseph R. Biden, obtain Chinese business deals.
On influencing the United States, Mr. Di said, he could not provide further details about the work of Chinese agents without compromising their identities. However, he said President Trump‘s trade war with China upset decades of close ties between Washington and Beijing that the agent network facilitated.
Disputes such as the Navy’s EP-3 midair collision with a Chinese jet in the western Pacific in 2001 and the mistaken U.S. bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Serbia in 1999 were resolved within months because of the influence operations.
“Now, I’m going to drop a bomb: Because we had people up there inside America’s core circle of power, we had our old friends,” said Mr. Di, adding that he needed to speak carefully because “I can’t sell out these people.”
A video of the remarks was posted on Mr. Di‘s Weibo social media account but was quickly removed. Copies of the video, however, survived and went viral.
Mr. Di could not be reached for comment. The university’s Contemporary China Studies Program, where Mr. Di works, had no immediate comment.

This evening Tuckr Carlson aired a copy of the video with translation.
This is eye opening and proves that there are traitors amongst us and Trump was never one of them.
Yes there is collusion but it's the Political Elite and Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left....
According to professor Di Dongsheng, China Joe Biden and many others in Washington DC have been bought traitors,
This cannot be denied....

Read also:

Who could have seen that coming?

Is one of these operatives code named "happy ending"?
Joe Biden: "come on, man!"
In other words, throw out our Constitution, give up on the concept of "individual rights", and become collectivists like the Chinese?

No. Maybe we could start by creating more incentive for young people to take useful career paths through expansive grant and scholarship programs so less of them take out loans to get bullshit degrees that won't get them anywhere. The biggest problem is a lot of conservatives don't seem to give a shit about science, technology or making U.S citizens more educated in general. The Chinese outnumber us almost 5 to 1. We'll need a lot of high quality professionals to compete.
It was the Progs who changed the school system and even pushing Liberal Arts degrees claiming it opens up minds for creativity.
Gitmo is waiting for this POS

Meet Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia. Brian cares more about Communist China & its money than he cares about Georgia, freedom & an honest election. Brian Kemp is not a Patriot. He is Communist corrupted. Brian Kemp is a traitor.

Wanna bet he's getting a cut of the disposable chopstick racket? Big $$$ for GA.

Why Did Chinese Spy Focus On Democrats?
After four years of hearing “Russian collusion” because the former Soviet Union bought a bunch of ads on Facebook, it seems Democrats have some explaining of their own to do.
Axios, which is anything but a right-leaning publication, released a story on Monday finding ties between an alleged Chinese spy and a significant number of Democratic lawmakers.
A suspected Chinese intelligence operative developed extensive ties with local and national politicians, including a U.S. congressman, in what U.S. officials believe was a political intelligence operation run by China’s main civilian spy agency between 2011 and 2015, Axios found in a year long investigation.
Among the most significant targets of Fang’s efforts was Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.).
  • Fang took part in fundraising activity for Swalwell’s 2014 re-election campaign, according to a Bay Area political operative and a current U.S. intelligence official. Swalwell’s office was directly aware of these activities on its behalf, the political operative said. That same political operative, who witnessed Fang fundraising on Swalwell’s behalf, found no evidence of illegal contributions.
    • Federal Election Commission records don’t indicate Fang herself made donations, which are prohibited from foreign nationals.
    • Fang helped place at least one intern in Swalwell’s office, according to those same two people, and interacted with Swalwell at multiple events over the course of several years.
A statement from Swalwell’s office provided to Axios said: “Rep. Swalwell, long ago, provided information about this person — whom he met more than eight years ago, and whom he hasn’t seen in nearly six years — to the FBI. To protect information that might be classified, he will not participate in your story.”
  • Fang helped with a fundraiser for Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) in 2013, according to a flyer from the event Fang shared on Facebook. She appeared in photos over multiple years with a host of California politicians, including Khanna, Swalwell, Rep. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) and then-Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.).
    • Gabbard “has no recollection of ever meeting or talking with her, nor any recollection of her playing a major role at the fundraiser,” a spokesperson said in an email to Axios.
    • Fremont City Councilmember Raj Salwan, whose name appears on the flyer, told Axios he was unaware of Fang’s role in the event and her name was added to the flyer by other Asian American leaders.
    • Chu’s office said they have no records of Christine Fang. Honda said he had no memory of meeting Fang.
Now, understand, none of these lawmakers appear to be implicated in any wrongdoing. The exceptions seem to be a couple of mayors from the Midwest who also engaged in sexual relations with the alleged spy, named Fang Fang or Christine Fang. No, most were merely candidates that Fang apparently sought to help rise up the ranks. This doesn’t look like an espionage operation, after all.
However, the unifying theme appears to be that they’re all Democrats. Wonder why that is?
Watch this video to see a Chinese economics professor explain the importance of Biden in getting their claws back into America

Fang’s bedroom olympics obviously could not be anything akin to Chinese sexual yoga, let alone a more superior form of sexual yoga: American. For the Chinese connection we’ve uncovered in Michigan linked to the Clinton crime family, one must by default consider Nixon’s secretary, Vernon Walters. It’s probably not a mistake that tracking Walters genealogy in the UK is problematic and obscure. Otherwise, it would be much easier connecting the dots back to the Clintons.
No wonder Cali has always been called "The People's Republic of California" for years now!
The writing has been on the wall, but no one here reads Chinese! Fuck an A!
Gitmo is waiting for this POS

Meet Brian Kemp, Governor of Georgia. Brian cares more about Communist China & its money than he cares about Georgia, freedom & an honest election. Brian Kemp is not a Patriot. He is Communist corrupted. Brian Kemp is a traitor.

View attachment 426815

Some of us noted how enthusiastically the GOP in Georgia jumped on board the racist lynch mob train over that thug who got caught looking for stuff to steal and ended up attacking a citizen and trying to steal his rifle and kill him. I wrote them off right then as being in bed with the traitors and commies.

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