RED ALERT: Removal of Trump will trigger a massive civil war and the globalist will lose

The Daily Beast has some fun with Jones' latest declaration of civil war:

Reeling From Flynn Deal, Alex Jones Issues Civil War ‘Red Alert’—for 15th Time in Two Months

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In light of Robert Mueller’s recent move against General Flynn, Alex Jones issues a warning to President Trump that he’s the next target for the deep state, and his removal would end with civil war.
Jesus. Just when one thinks it is not possible for Mindwars to provide more convincing evidence of bat shit craziness.
I voted for President Trump.

I think that he is doing a good job.

But I realize that if he is removed, there will be NO civil war.

Actually, some thoughtful Democrats are more worried about what a President Pence would do.


To be very objective and fair-minded, whether or not President Trump finishes his term (or even another term), time is definitely on the side of the Democrats.

Everyone has already heard that by the middle of this century, Caucasian people will no longer be the majority of the American population.

The majority of people will be people of color, most of whom are young and Democrats.

Already many Democrats are enthusiastic about some of the names being proposed to run against President Trump (or Pence) in 2020. And Democrats are optimistic about their chances in next year's Congressional elections, too.

That the Democrats have an anti-Trump media on their side is another great plus for them.

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