Red Army


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
106 years ago, on February 23, 1918, the legendary and invincible Red Army was born, which in difficult times successfully defended the USSR, the Soviet peoples and the sovereignty of the young state of the Soviet Union. On this day in 1918, the first victory of the young army of the first country of workers and peasants over the German conqueror was won.
After the old Imperial Army lost the Crimean War, the Russo-Japanese War, and the First World War, Vladimir I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky started from scratch and formed an army that grew to 5,000,000 and defeated the Entente and its White Guard collaborators. The Red Army did not lose a single battle and won the most significant one in the bloodiest war in human history, the Great Patriotic War.
The Red Army produced famous commanders: Zhukov, Rokosovsky, Voroshilov, Frunze and many others.
Together with the great Red Army, the USSR itself grew, which provided the most success in education and science until then. The Soviet Union produced 20% of the world's industrial products, and every third passenger in the world flew on Soviet Ilah and Tuskakh airplanes. The USSR conquered space and gave mankind the greatest scientific discoveries.

106 years ago, on February 23, 1918, the legendary and invincible Red Army was born, which in difficult times successfully defended the USSR, the Soviet peoples and the sovereignty of the young state of the Soviet Union. On this day in 1918, the first victory of the young army of the first country of workers and peasants over the German conqueror was won.
After the old Imperial Army lost the Crimean War, the Russo-Japanese War, and the First World War, Vladimir I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky started from scratch and formed an army that grew to 5,000,000 and defeated the Entente and its White Guard collaborators. The Red Army did not lose a single battle and won the most significant one in the bloodiest war in human history, the Great Patriotic War.
The Red Army produced famous commanders: Zhukov, Rokosovsky, Voroshilov, Frunze and many others.
Together with the great Red Army, the USSR itself grew, which provided the most success in education and science until then. The Soviet Union produced 20% of the world's industrial products, and every third passenger in the world flew on Soviet Ilah and Tuskakh airplanes. The USSR conquered space and gave mankind the greatest scientific discoveries.

That was a glorious victory that the invincible red army achieved in afghanistan
Never thought that ukro nazi stupidity could be so useful!

A certain Roman Sheremeta (PROFESSOR of an American university, by the way) published a piece of Trump's speech in which the former (and possibly future) US president says that Russia is a war machine that defeated Napoleon and Hitler.

This PROFESSOR accompanied the vidos with a short comment:

- According to Trump, Russia defeated Hitler! There is no limit to the ignorance and stupidity of this man."

I have already gotten used to the fact that the West is constantly trying to rewrite history, so without much enthusiasm I looked into the comments - and there... There English-speaking readers simply destroyed it! Over 36,000 comments - and all the ones I scrolled through were hitting him hard! I just wanted to hug these people with the words: my dears.....

As a result, we have a publication that has been seen by more than 16 million people so far - and almost all of these people now know that anyone who believes that it was not Russia, who won World War II is an idiot - even if he is a university professor!

Thank you, you Banderite scum - for your stupidity in contributing to the restoration of historical justice
106 years ago, on February 23, 1918, the legendary and invincible Red Army was born, which in difficult times successfully defended the USSR, the Soviet peoples and the sovereignty of the young state of the Soviet Union. On this day in 1918, the first victory of the young army of the first country of workers and peasants over the German conqueror was won.
After the old Imperial Army lost the Crimean War, the Russo-Japanese War, and the First World War, Vladimir I. Lenin and Leon Trotsky started from scratch and formed an army that grew to 5,000,000 and defeated the Entente and its White Guard collaborators. The Red Army did not lose a single battle and won the most significant one in the bloodiest war in human history, the Great Patriotic War.
The Red Army produced famous commanders: Zhukov, Rokosovsky, Voroshilov, Frunze and many others.
Together with the great Red Army, the USSR itself grew, which provided the most success in education and science until then. The Soviet Union produced 20% of the world's industrial products, and every third passenger in the world flew on Soviet Ilah and Tuskakh airplanes. The USSR conquered space and gave mankind the greatest scientific discoveries.

Shame the Red Army didnt defend its own citizens who were brutally killed by the Red Army. Sounds like you like it when people are murdered by Communists.

Shame the Red Army didnt defend its own citizens who were brutally killed by the Red Army. Sounds like you like it when people are murdered by Communists.

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At Stalingrad the Soviets lost a million people - more than the British and Americans during the whole war. Such sacrifices, as Churchill said, tore the guts out of the German war machine. More than 90% of German losses were suffered on the eastern front, including 10 million military casualties.
Now go and have a lie down and try not to cry you arsehole.
you do like army (horde ) the looters and rapists ... but what can we expect from a gypsy - serv

Poland is demanding that Moscow return seven paintings that it says were seized from its museums and palaces during the Second World War by Soviet forces and can now be traced to the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow.
The rape of more than 100,000 Polish women and girls by the Soviets in 1944 and 1945

In 1944, the "liberation" of Poland by the Red Army began in the worst possible way: more than 100,000 Polish women and girls were raped by Soviet soldiers, and many of them were also killed. The victims ranged in age from 4 to 80 years old. In the city of Olsztyn all Polish women and girls from 9 to 80 years old were raped. The wave of rapes at the hands of the Red Army caused a pandemic of sexual diseases, which affected 10% of the Polish population.

At Stalingrad the Soviets lost a million people - more than the British and Americans during the whole war. Such sacrifices, as Churchill said, tore the guts out of the German war machine. More than 90% of German losses were suffered on the eastern front, including 10 million military casualties.
Now go and have a lie down and try not to cry you arsehole.

in the 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 rapeistan :


in Europe :

in the 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 rapeistan :

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in Europe :
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Stop barking like a rabid pit Bull.
Shame the Red Army didnt defend its own citizens who were brutally killed by the Red Army. Sounds like you like it when people are murdered by Communists.

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Stop barking like a rabid pit Bull.
Kurapaty (Belarusian: Курапаты, IPA: [kuraˈpatɨ]) is a wooded area on the outskirts of Minsk, Belarus, in which a vast number of people were executed between 1937 and 1941 during the Great Purge by the Soviet secret police, the NKVD.

The exact count of victims is uncertain, NKVD archives are classified in Belarus.[1] According to various sources the number of people who perished in Kurapaty is estimated to be the following: up to 7,000 people (according to attorney general of Belarus Bozhelko),[2] at least 30,000 people (according to attorney general of BSSR Tarnaŭski), up to 100,000 people (according to “Belarus” reference book),[1][3] from 102,000 to 250,000 people (according to the article by Zianon Pazniak in “Litaratura i mastactva” newspaper),[4][5] 250,000 people (according to Polish historian and professor of University of Wrocław Zdzisław Julian Winnicki),[6] and more (according to the British historian Norman Davies).[7]

In 2004 Kurapaty were included in the register of the Cultural Properties of Belarus as a first-category cultural heritage.[8]"

Kurapaty - Wikipedia

The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомо́р)[a];[2] derived from морити голодом, "to kill by starvation"),[3][4][5] also known as the Terror-Famine and Famine-Genocide in Ukraine,[6][7][8] and—before the widespread use of the term "Holodomor," and sometimes currently—also referred to as the Great Famine,[9] and The Ukrainian Genocide of 1932–33[10] was a man-made famine in Soviet Ukraine in 1932 and 1933 that killed an officially estimated 7 million to 10 million people.[11] It was part of the wider Soviet famine of 1932–33, which affected the major grain-producing areas of the country.

During the Holodomor millions of inhabitants of Ukraine, the majority of whom were ethnic Ukrainians, died of starvation in a peacetime catastrophe unprecedented in the history of Ukraine.[12] Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine[13] and 15 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.[14]

Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials varied greatly;[clarification needed] anywhere from 1.8[15] to 12 million[16] ethnic Ukrainians were said to have perished as a result of the famine. Recent research has since narrowed the estimates to between 2.4[17] and 7.5[18] million. The exact number of deaths is hard to determine, due to a lack of records,[19][20] but the number increases significantly when the deaths in heavily Ukrainian-populated Kuban are included.[21] Older estimates are still often cited in political commentary.[22] According to the findings of the Court of Appeal of Kiev in 2010, the demographic losses due to the famine amounted to 10 million, with 3.9 million direct famine deaths, and a further 6.1 million birth deficit.[19]

Some scholars believe that the famine was planned by Joseph Stalin to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement.[12][23][24] Using Holodomor in reference to the famine emphasises its man-made aspects, arguing that actions such as rejection of outside aid, confiscation of all household foodstuffs, and restriction of population movement confer intent, defining the famine as genocide; the loss of life has been compared to that of the Holocaust.[25][26][27][28] The causes are still a subject of academic debate, and some historians dispute its characterization as a genocide.[29]"
Holodomor - Wikipedia
SCUM IS in your dirty mouth after chechen muslims used properly , you slave ivan. we white men dont care you write or think your place in the Hague

Valaam's last secular mayor and ex-firefighter Sergei Grigoriev says that the fire was an "arson organised by the monastery". One of the hotel's former residents, Dmitry Sinitsa, is awaiting trial on arson charges, but maintains his innocence and suspects monastery workers set the building alight.

"They solved the monastery's problems [with the resettlement] at once," Sinitsa says.

Back in 2005, Grigoriev shook hands with Putin on Valaam - and complained to him about the evictions. He was soon forced to resign and was evicted from his apartment.

"That handshake cost me dearly," says the gaunt 60-year-old who now lives in the mainland town of Sortavala. "I am a deported bum now."

Religious stronghold
The monastery's press service declined to provide comment and referred Al Jazeera to Bishop Pancraty's interview with the RIA Novosti news agency in July where he said: "Someone is always unhappy with a resettlement."

The Patriarchate's press service was not available for comment despite numerous requests.

Fewer than 100 monks live on Valaam now; some in secluded houses with saunas and garages with SUVs. Since 1991, the island's secular population went down from 550 to about 50.

"The objective is to only have the monastery on the island," Patriarchate spokesman Alexander Volkov told the Novaya Gazeta daily in mid-July. "Understandably, certain complications emerge, and it is hard to assume that everything will go on painlessly."

Valaam's only public school and hospital were closed last year, and Patriarch Kirill - who called the secular islanders' problems "microscopic" - ordered the razing of food and souvenir shops catering to pilgrims and tourists. Now, all that is available to the more than 100,000 people who visit the island each year are the basic, monastery-run rooms and shops.

READ MORE: Is Soviet-era punitive psychiatry making a return?

More confiscated properties
Elsewhere in Russia, restitution continues.

The Patriarchate seeks to seize a former barrack that was privatised by the family of a 90-year-old WWII veteran in the southern city of Stavropol; the land it stands on once belonged to a monastery.

The entire fortified medieval centre of the central city of Ryazan will become church property in 2018. Ruins of a 17th-century church and a nearby necropolis there were razed in July to give way to a new church; graveyard bones and debris were hauled to a junkyard.

After being transferred to the Patriarchate, 16 churches of a splinter Orthodox group in the city of Suzdal stand vacant, their newly painted frescoes crumbling.

In 2010, authorities in Kaliningrad, Russia's westernmost province that was part of Germany until 1945, transferred five castles dating back to the Crusades and almost 30 Catholic and Protestant buildings.

Orthodox clerics "accidentally" destroyed the frescoes in the 1364 Arnau church that were restored by a German charity for 450,000 euros.

"They are doing it under the banners of the 'Orthodoxification' of Kaliningrad," Mitrokhin says.

One of the five-storey buildings of the Russian Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography in northern Moscow stands on the foundation of a destroyed convent. A court ordered the entire institute to relocate despite the imminent destruction of sophisticated aquariums housing endangered salmon species.

"The institute's building will be destroyed," Kseniya Chernega, the Patriarchate's chief lawyer, told an appeals court in January. "A church will be rebuilt in its place.""
Evictions, trials as Russian Church claims property


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It was the same coin but two faces of that coin. Socialism, far right(fascism) led to the murder of millions of innocent jews and russians. Far left (communism) led to the murder of millions of Ukrainians. Socialism kills people, because they can....
It was the same coin but two faces of that coin. Socialism, far right(fascism) led to the murder of millions of innocent jews and russians. Far left (communism) led to the murder of millions of Ukrainians. Socialism kills people, because they can....

where is all pro Moscow bots??

It was the same coin but two faces of that coin. Socialism, far right(fascism) led to the murder of millions of innocent jews and russians. Far left (communism) led to the murder of millions of Ukrainians. Socialism kills people, because they can....
Are you an idiot or a scumbag? Or both?
At Stalingrad the Soviets lost a million people - more than the British and Americans during the whole war. Such sacrifices, as Churchill said, tore the guts out of the German war machine. More than 90% of German losses were suffered on the eastern front, including 10 million military casualties.
Now go and have a lie down and try not to cry you arsehole.
Yes and the soviet government slaughtered twice as many innocent people than Hitler did.

I guess their fight against the nazis justified that genocide???

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