Red Blue Divide On Uninsured Rates


Apr 4, 2006
States that embrace Obamacare are doing much better at insuring people than non-embracing states are. "Gallup reports that states which fully embraced the law by setting up their own exchanges and expanding their Medicaid programs saw their uninsured rate drop this year three times faster than the states that didn't....Meanwhile, the Urban Institute...finds that states that expanded their Medicaid programs saw their uninsured rate drop 4 percent, while states that didn't expand saw a much slower drop at 1.5 percent." Jason Millman in The Washington Post.

States embracing Obamacare are doing a better job of covering the uninsured, surveys show

But the rightwing "base" should continue to vote against their own interest and continue to prevent the US from doing what every other civilized nation does... assure that people have access to health care.

Who didn't have access to healthcare?

Oh, that's right, nobody. Another strawman down in flames...

All the ACA did was ensure that those who had health insurance pay a lot more for a lot less coverage.
Of course we're seeing more insured in the states that expanded Medicaid. Who doesn't want free insurance?!?!
Of course we're seeing more insured in the states that expanded Medicaid. Who doesn't want free insurance?!?!

that's only where part of the numbers are coming from... hence the EXCHANGES being effective. no matter how much rightwingnutworld wants to pretend otherwise.

um... everyone has to buy insurance. the medicaid expansion is just for people who couldn't.

you do realize that most people still get employer based coverage, right, rocko?

the only difference is now when you lose your job, you'll still have coverage without being killed on COBRA rates.

oh noooooooo... how horrible.

and how horrible that people with pre-existing illnesses can't be canceled.

oh noooooooooooooooo

the horror.
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What's ironic is that millions more had access to cheaper healthcare insurance before obamacare came along.
What's ironic is that millions more had access to cheaper healthcare insurance before obamacare came along.

Our out-of-pocket went from $2,500 to $12,700 this year... and of course there's the 6,000,000+ that lost insurance totally and the undetermined number that actually bought insurance from the exchanges. But Jilly the faux attorney screams YEAH!!!!!
The momentum is slowly turning against the Republicans on the issue of health care in America.

It won't be long now they will STFU about repealing "ObamaCare" and will switch their rhetoric toward fixing "the ACA". That's when you will know they finally, finally, finally read the handwriting on the wall.

The greatest strategic blunder in the entire history of the GOP was deliberately placing themselves behind the 8 ball on health care.
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Obamacare is so successful that Republicans will win the Senate in 2014. It's so successful that Democrats across the country are running on the fact they "voted" for it......

The momentum is slowly turning against the Republicans on the issue of health care in America.

It won't be long now they will STFU about repealing "ObamaCare" and will switch their rhetoric toward fixing "the ACA". That's when you will know they finally, finally, finally read the handwriting on the wall.

The greatest strategic blunder in the entire history of the GOP was deliberately placing themselves behind the 8 ball on health care.

And there you have it.. no need to do anything more... G-Spot the schizophrenic has spoken.

What's ironic is that millions more had access to cheaper healthcare insurance before obamacare came along.

Our out-of-pocket went from $2,500 to $12,700 this year... and of course there's the 6,000,000+ that lost insurance totally and the undetermined number that actually bought insurance from the exchanges. But Jilly the faux attorney screams YEAH!!!!!

Mine increased also. But now we get free rubbers.
The momentum is slowly turning against the Republicans on the issue of health care in America.

It won't be long now they will STFU about repealing "ObamaCare" and will switch their rhetoric toward fixing "the ACA". That's when you will know they finally, finally, finally read the handwriting on the wall.

The greatest strategic blunder in the entire history of the GOP was deliberately placing themselves behind the 8 ball on health care.

A profound paradox and yet its the garlic albatross that hangs around the dems throat at this very moment.
States that embrace Obamacare are doing much better at insuring people than non-embracing states are. "Gallup reports that states which fully embraced the law by setting up their own exchanges and expanding their Medicaid programs saw their uninsured rate drop this year three times faster than the states that didn't....Meanwhile, the Urban Institute...finds that states that expanded their Medicaid programs saw their uninsured rate drop 4 percent, while states that didn't expand saw a much slower drop at 1.5 percent." Jason Millman in The Washington Post.

But the rightwing "base" should continue to vote against their own interest and continue to prevent the US from doing what every other civilized nation does... assure that people have access to health care.


People had access to healthcare before the ACA. Now people have "insurance" mostly paid for by tax payers and the plans include extremely high deductibles and OOP expenses in most cases. How is this a win again?
Folks - Politics is Zone 2, that means that while flaming is allowed posts must also include content relevant to the subject under discussion, ok?

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States that embrace Obamacare are doing much better at insuring people than non-embracing states are. "Gallup reports that states which fully embraced the law by setting up their own exchanges and expanding their Medicaid programs saw their uninsured rate drop this year three times faster than the states that didn't....Meanwhile, the Urban Institute...finds that states that expanded their Medicaid programs saw their uninsured rate drop 4 percent, while states that didn't expand saw a much slower drop at 1.5 percent." Jason Millman in The Washington Post.

But the rightwing "base" should continue to vote against their own interest and continue to prevent the US from doing what every other civilized nation does... assure that people have access to health care.


People had access to healthcare before the ACA. Now people have "insurance" mostly paid for by tax payers and the plans include extremely high deductibles and OOP expenses in most cases. How is this a win again?

Cheap doctor visits, many free tests, no cutting people off, 6k limit on annual OOP costs=no more bankruptcies and ruin, those with pre-existing can finally get insurance, many cost cutting effects for everyone. It's like CIVILIZATION...
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