Reflecting on Thanksgiving


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving!
It's at this time we should reflect and
give thanks for our sustenance.
In Isaiah 11:6-11:9 and Ezekiel 36:28-30 it talks about the making of abundance.
We now genetically control how corn and other grains, fruits, and vegetables are grown without pesticides thus with built in natural repellent within the structure of the seeds
and without the high risk of bad crops through use of healthy size conformity.

If you've seen the agriculture commercials you'll notice some of the great things they can do to increase the bounty.

Also we have been making it fruitful and bountiful with our Kibbutz ideas and our 'plant a tree' donations.
Look at our agricultural strategy which is turning barren land into fruitful and productive fields and groves.

We rebuilt over the desolate and ruined cities
and made the areas fruitful including the desert.
We are in the season now, with even more
ability to make fruitful and multiply our
supplies and resources. Fulfilling the verses
about taking the barren land and making it
abundant (Hilchot Melachim 12:5) and fruitful
(Isaiah 51:3, Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 36:29-30)
as well as multiplying the material things
(Ezekiel 36:28-30 & Isaiah 11:6-11:9).
Now in Ezekiel 36:38 it declares this an appointed season:
"As the flock for sacrifice, as the flock of Jerusalem in her
appointed seasons."

So what season is this abundance?

Psalm 16:7-11 has the answer:7: "I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel; yea, in the Night seasons, my reins instruct me."

We therefore shall thankfully say:
"Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam
shehecheyanu, v'kiymanu, v'higiyanu, lazman hazeh."
I'm trying to be thankful - but mostly I keep thinking about how I won't be able to enjoy thanksgiving because I'll be to busy making sure there is enough food and people are having a good time....

At least I won't have to do this at Christmas.

I'm the suckiest hostess ever - thankfully, I'm a good actress.....
Yes we should be thankful for the bounties God has given this great nation. However, pesticides and herbicides are essential to the production needed to feed the millions in this country, as well as the thousands that are migrating and expecting that same food.
I know farmers from my area have traveled to Israel to help them grow better potatoes.
They've even taught em how to use one of these:
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Sorry to hear that, I was gonna share my recipe time savers earlier this week, but my post got wiped while trying to cut and paste a link to the sweet potato crumb cake caserole.
I guess you can relax and enjoy the leftovers through the rest of the week, there's always that.
I've been eating it all week and still have half a de-boned turkey in the freezer for next month.
If you need any ideas for side dishes or unique recipes let me know.
How interesting Psalm 16 ....Yes interesting indeed..It just came out today about an alternate source of fuel which is plentiful as the grains of sand and will put our dependance on oil and coal and all fossil fuels in the scrap heap...Sowe are indeed entering a timeof great abundance the only question I have is whether the pessimists or the Malthius of the world try to keep us from attaining that abundance and where does that leave the countries with oil as their only form of sustence if we no longer will need their products nor go to war over them...
What was the technology algae, or waste to fuel, molecular manufacturing?
I always liked hydrogen technology, but they've been supressing it for years. Imagine everyone cheaply powering their own house with a generator the size of an AC unit outside and then using that electric to cheaply power our cars or eventual hydrogen cars who's emissions are droplets of water instead of smog.
I believe it had to do with sand and turning it into fuel...I was impressed with the ability of using sunlight and water to produce hydrogen fuel but this looks very promising as well...You know combining these technologies with 3 D printing and the things that will come out later that we are not privy to yet makes it more and more interesting especially if these things come on line in the next few years....

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