Regarding Threats To Protest Inauguration.Fine, Let's See Who Will Protest In 20 Degree Weather.

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:laugh2: :laugh2: When you think of all the time and effort to plan a protest or a few protests of this nature, and then those involved in the actual protest are thinking about how cold it gets around the third week of January {pretty much the coldest weeks}, why would anyone want to travel in that weather, the snow, the 0 like temps/wind chill, knowing they are risking a nasty flu/or near death from freezing many of their body parts{and some may even fall off} think these lefties and marching bands are still going to protest? :poke:
Depends on how much the DNC pays them.
Fact: when the outdoor temp reaches 25.7 degrees. your small penis will freeze, and later that night u will have to explain what happened to your doctor
Soros and the Democratic Party are gonna have to fork over a whole lotta cash paying their wingnuts to get out there. But they do have the cash. I mean, they flushed $1.5 Billion losing the Election. So they don't mind flushing big bucks. I think there will be fairly large protests. They're being very well organized and funded. But does it matter?... Nope.
Yet another one of these things americans used to be proud of, one of the things that made us different from those awful totalitarian societies; the right to assemble and protest. Torture is another example. Ah well, that’s what militarized police departments and privatized prisons are for; anyone who questions the power structure.
There are no permits being issued by the City of Washington for protests for the Inauguration and for two weeks before and after. This is an unprecedented attack on free speech.
:laugh2: :laugh2: When you think of all the time and effort to plan a protest or a few protests of this nature, and then those involved in the actual protest are thinking about how cold it gets around the third week of January {pretty much the coldest weeks}, why would anyone want to travel in that weather, the snow, the 0 like temps/wind chill, knowing they are risking a nasty flu/or near death from freezing many of their body parts{and some may even fall off} think these lefties and marching bands are still going to protest? :poke:

I want the people in that video with the stars wanting the Electors to not vote for Trump to stand out in the cold in their mink coats, and $3000 suits holding protest signs while Trump takes the Oath.
There are no permits being issued by the City of Washington for protests for the Inauguration and for two weeks before and after. This is an unprecedented attack on free speech.

Don't you have to pay a fee and show up to City Hall and actually request a permit? Anyone request one?
There are no permits being issued by the City of Washington for protests for the Inauguration and for two weeks before and after. This is an unprecedented attack on free speech.

Don't you have to pay a fee and show up to City Halk and actually request a permit? Anyone request one?
After all, these are people who can't scrape up ID to register to vote.
:laugh2: :laugh2: When you think of all the time and effort to plan a protest or a few protests of this nature, and then those involved in the actual protest are thinking about how cold it gets around the third week of January {pretty much the coldest weeks}, why would anyone want to travel in that weather, the snow, the 0 like temps/wind chill, knowing they are risking a nasty flu/or near death from freezing many of their body parts{and some may even fall off} think these lefties and marching bands are still going to protest? :poke:

Not the hood rats. That day is just after food stamp day and they got to stock up on ding dongs and ho ho's.
:laugh2: :laugh2: When you think of all the time and effort to plan a protest or a few protests of this nature, and then those involved in the actual protest are thinking about how cold it gets around the third week of January {pretty much the coldest weeks}, why would anyone want to travel in that weather, the snow, the 0 like temps/wind chill, knowing they are risking a nasty flu/or near death from freezing many of their body parts{and some may even fall off} think these lefties and marching bands are still going to protest? :poke:

I want the people in that video with the stars wanting the Electors to not vote for Trump to stand out in the cold in their mink coats, and $3000 suits holding protest signs while Trump takes the Oath.
its gonna be so cold that day that we wont even see any yellow snow
:laugh2: :laugh2: When you think of all the time and effort to plan a protest or a few protests of this nature, and then those involved in the actual protest are thinking about how cold it gets around the third week of January {pretty much the coldest weeks}, why would anyone want to travel in that weather, the snow, the 0 like temps/wind chill, knowing they are risking a nasty flu/or near death from freezing many of their body parts{and some may even fall off} think these lefties and marching bands are still going to protest? :poke:

I want the people in that video with the stars wanting the Electors to not vote for Trump to stand out in the cold in their mink coats, and $3000 suits holding protest signs while Trump takes the Oath.
its gonna be so cold that day that we wont even see any yellow snow
but if it was closer to 50 that day, with a foot or so of snow,,,we would have brown and yellow snow all over the place
There are no permits being issued by the City of Washington for protests for the Inauguration and for two weeks before and after. This is an unprecedented attack on free speech.

Don't you have to pay a fee and show up to City Halk and actually request a permit? Anyone request one?
After all, these are people who can't scrape up ID to register to vote.

The Million Women March for one.

Other groups have also applied and been refused. Something about the parks department having to build and tear down the seating for the Inauguration. Except that in all of the years that Presidents have been inaugurated, it's never taken this long to set up and tear down the seating. Any half competent road crew could do it in an afternoon.

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