Reid apologizes for 'no Negro dialect' comment- Why should he?

Reed said something really dumb and we have Republicans getting all niggardly over it and asking him to resign. That's kinda a shame really.

I believe you have used the word "niggardly" incorrectly in this sentence.

Main Entry: nig·gard·ly
Pronunciation: \-lē\
Function: adjective
Date: 1571
1 : grudgingly mean about spending or granting : begrudging
2 : provided in meanly limited supply

synonyms see stingy

— nig·gard·li·ness noun

— niggardly adverb

Alright i mis-used it, you and Liability can go ahead and douse me in a negro-colored tar and feather me or something.
Reed said something really dumb and we have Republicans getting all niggardly over it and asking him to resign. That's kinda a shame really.

I believe you have used the word "niggardly" incorrectly in this sentence.

Main Entry: nig·gard·ly
Pronunciation: \-lē\
Function: adjective
Date: 1571
1 : grudgingly mean about spending or granting : begrudging
2 : provided in meanly limited supply

synonyms see stingy

— nig·gard·li·ness noun

— niggardly adverb

Alright i mis-used it, you and Liability can go ahead and douse me in a negro-colored tar and feather me or something.

That's mighty white of you.
Well it's very clear that liberals are massive hypocrites.

No shocker there. :rolleyes:
In a moment of confusion (such moments are called "days" nowadays), Senator Reid fumbled another attempted apology when he remarked to a group of African
American activists, who had congregated at Sen. Reid's Office, that he had not meant to use the word "negroes" in the first place; he had, he revealed, instead meant to use the politically correct term, "*******."

Even the Vice President cringed.
Reid apologizes for 'no Negro dialect' comment- Why should he?

Reid should apologize for a lot of things- this is not one of them
First, Negro, it may be antiquated, but is not a racial "hate word" or racial epithet
Second, does anyone believe Reid said it with bad intentions?

WASHINGTON – The top Democrat in the U.S. Senate apologized on Saturday for comments he made about Barack Obama's race during the 2008 presidential bid.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada described then-Sen. Barack Obama as "light skinned" and "with no Negro dialect." Obama is the nation's first African-American president.
"I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words. I sincerely apologize for offending any and all Americans, especially African-Americans for my improper comments," Reid said in a statement released after the excerpts were reported on the Web site of The Atlantic.

He stated nothing but the truth, yet the liberals are in a tail spin over it. Republicans are all over it because of Trent Lott which was ridiculous too, it's revenge.
Please, Republicans need to just leave Senator Reid alone, for now. Let us wait with this until just a bit closer to his soon to be failed attempt at re-election. At that time we can remind his constituents about this and all the other little tricks he has pulled.

Besides this morning the number two guy from the NAACP gave him a complete pass.
Reid's timing is right. If it was a nonelection year and the vote not so close on health care reform, he'd be gone already. No hope or change on this one. It is really about three slams against Obama in one statement.

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