Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

I understand what you are trying to say but in this case I don't see it being a problem if by some miracle Republicans take the Senate back. Democrats don't operate that way. When was the last time you saw them not confirming judges in the kinds of numbers Republicans are doing it now?

3 in three weeks is simply blatant.

Reid is a moron if he believes that Republicans will not change filibuster rules the minute they win a majority

McConnell has given his word so many times just to go right back and do the same thing all over again. Reid had better follow through with this rules change.

he doesn't need to if McConnell caves like he did last time.
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away
Convenient how they want to change them now when they opposed Republicans doing this during the Bush administration.

Who ever said LOLberals are known for their integrity? Of course when it suits them they will change rules, lie, cheat or do whatever is necessary to get their way. Like small children often do.

They will be screaming about this rule change when it comes back to bite them in the ass.
So dimocraps can stack Federal Courts with left wing Judges....

Sen. Harry Reid Gets Ready to Go Nuclear -

I was going to say unbelievable, but you know who we're talking about here.

Turnabout's fair play, boys

Democrats usually make rules up as they go along, when is the last time you saw a democrat/far left do a real filibuster like stand and talk on the floor for hours?

Then again Obamacare was passed with less than 60 votes.
Most of the seats the Stuttering Clusterfuck is trying to fill have been open since the Bush Administration.

Know why?

Because dimocrap scum filibustered them
I understand what you are trying to say but in this case I don't see it being a problem if by some miracle Republicans take the Senate back. Democrats don't operate that way. When was the last time you saw them not confirming judges in the kinds of numbers Republicans are doing it now?

3 in three weeks is simply blatant.

Reid is a moron if he believes that Republicans will not change filibuster rules the minute they win a majority

McConnell has given his word so many times just to go right back and do the same thing all over again. Reid had better follow through with this rules change.

McConnell and Reid on Filibuster reform

Reid is a moron if he believes that Republicans will not change filibuster rules the minute they win a majority

McConnell has given his word so many times just to go right back and do the same thing all over again. Reid had better follow through with this rules change.

he doesn't need to if McConnell caves like he did last time.

So what happens next time we need a confirmation and we definately do need a lot of confirmations. Let's do this now and they'll only need a simple majority vote instead of 2/3rds majority.

In my opinion it's more fair than having to clear a 60-vote hurdle every dang time.
Most of the seats the Stuttering Clusterfuck is trying to fill have been open since the Bush Administration.

Know why?

Because dimocrap scum filibustered them

And were against changing the rules back then. Now they say it needs to be done. Again, LOLberals are like children. They will do anything to get their way. Lie, cheat, steal, etc....

They were against it before they were for it.
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away


Just remember that you were for this rule change when we take back ALL of Washington.

And we will.

OBTW, most of the appointments the Stuttering Clusterfuck is trying to make have been open since the dimocraps filibustered George Bush's nominations

True dat


To a dimocrap, that's a compliment
Reid is a moron if he believes that Republicans will not change filibuster rules the minute they win a majority

McConnell has given his word so many times just to go right back and do the same thing all over again. Reid had better follow through with this rules change.

McConnell and Reid on Filibuster reform


Perfect. Reid is too slow to move, it's like he can't think on his feet. Smart guy but for an ex boxer, he just doesn't see it coming.
How can it backfire? Democrats don't misuse and abuse the filibuster when in the minority. They have nothing to lose if the GOP ever gains the majority again. They will provide LOYAL OPPOSITION AND DISSENT as they are supposed to do.

You assholes are applauding the misuse of the rules now......and you pretend as though you'd be against this rule change if the GOP was having to deal with this kind of bullshit.

Reid should have done this years ago.
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away


Just remember that you were for this rule change when we take back ALL of Washington.

And we will.

OBTW, most of the appointments the Stuttering Clusterfuck is trying to make have been open since the dimocraps filibustered George Bush's nominations

True dat


To a dimocrap, that's a compliment

Go for it

I have no doubt that Republicans would change Filibuster Rules the minute they take the Senate

End it once and for all and live with a majority vote in the Senate
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away

It's a slippery slope we trod when we decide to give majority rule on anything. If this power is removed from the minority party, who knows what similar circumstances will occur resulting in variable happenstance. Filibusters are the best tool for the party that didn't win the elections, and should remain in place.
from June 2001 to January 2003, when the Senate in the 107th Congress was controlled by the Democrats, many conservative appellate nominees were stalled in the Senate Judiciary Committee and never given hearings or committee votes.[9]

108th Congress[edit]During the 108th Congress in which the Republicans regained control of the Senate by a 51-49 margin, the nominees that the Senate Democrats had blocked in the 107th Congress began to be moved through the now Republican Senate Judiciary Committee.[10] Subsequently Senate Democrats started to filibuster judicial nominees. On February 12, 2003, Miguel Estrada, a nominee for the D.C. Circuit, became the first court of appeals nominee ever to be successfully filibustered.[citation needed] Later, nine other conservative court of appeals nominees were also filibustered. These nine were Priscilla Owen, Charles W. Pickering, Carolyn Kuhl, David W. McKeague, Henry Saad, Richard Allen Griffin, William H. Pryor, William Gerry Myers III and Janice Rogers Brown.[11] Three of the nominees (Estrada, Pickering and Kuhl) withdrew their nominations before the end of the 108th Congress.
McConnell has given his word so many times just to go right back and do the same thing all over again. Reid had better follow through with this rules change.

McConnell and Reid on Filibuster reform


Perfect. Reid is too slow to move, it's like he can't think on his feet. Smart guy but for an ex boxer, he just doesn't see it coming.

he's an ex-cop too but he realizes that if he were to go through w/ the rules change, the Repubs, if they were ever to regain control of the senate (a slim possibility I know :D ) could use it to do an end run around Dems.
LOLberals have zero integrity, honnesty or credibility. Zero. Lying is their MO and when lying isn't enough, they move on to cheating or should we say "misusing the rules".

Do you agree, Lonlaugher. Did the democrats of the 108th "misuse the rules"???

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