Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away


Just remember that you were for this rule change when we take back ALL of Washington.

And we will.

OBTW, most of the appointments the Stuttering Clusterfuck is trying to make have been open since the dimocraps filibustered George Bush's nominations

True dat


To a dimocrap, that's a compliment

Go for it

I have no doubt that Republicans would change Filibuster Rules the minute they take the Senate

End it once and for all and live with a majority vote in the Senate

Hmmm, then I guess you support a majority vote in the states on things like gay marriage and gun control?
McConnell and Reid on Filibuster reform


Perfect. Reid is too slow to move, it's like he can't think on his feet. Smart guy but for an ex boxer, he just doesn't see it coming.

he's an ex-cop too but he realizes that if he were to go through w/ the rules change, the Repubs, if they were ever to regain control of the senate (a slim possibility I know :D ) could use it to do an end run around Dems.

They're abusing the filibuster right now. They're not allowing Obama his choices simply because they hate him. I don't think this is all McConell's problem either. I like the guy, he is between a rock and a hard place here. He needs the support of the Teaparty and all Republicans or he risks looking like he doesn't have control of the minority.

Let's just get this done now.

Just remember that you were for this rule change when we take back ALL of Washington.

And we will.

OBTW, most of the appointments the Stuttering Clusterfuck is trying to make have been open since the dimocraps filibustered George Bush's nominations

True dat


To a dimocrap, that's a compliment

Go for it

I have no doubt that Republicans would change Filibuster Rules the minute they take the Senate

End it once and for all and live with a majority vote in the Senate

Hmmm, then I guess you support a majority vote in the states on things like gay marriage and gun control?

They have it right now.......I do not support anyones right to vote on what rights others are allowed to have
Perfect. Reid is too slow to move, it's like he can't think on his feet. Smart guy but for an ex boxer, he just doesn't see it coming.

he's an ex-cop too but he realizes that if he were to go through w/ the rules change, the Repubs, if they were ever to regain control of the senate (a slim possibility I know :D ) could use it to do an end run around Dems.

They're abusing the filibuster right now. They're not allowing Obama his choices simply because they hate him. I don't think this is all McConell's problem either. I like the guy, he is between a rock and a hard place here. He needs the support of the Teaparty and all Republicans or he risks looking like he doesn't have control of the minority.

Let's just get this done now.

You mean abusing the fillibuster like democrats did in the 108th congress? Like that? Yup. Just like that.
fair enough. I think Reid will just push to the point of exercising it then McConnell can say he tried.
Go for it

I have no doubt that Republicans would change Filibuster Rules the minute they take the Senate

End it once and for all and live with a majority vote in the Senate

Hmmm, then I guess you support a majority vote in the states on things like gay marriage and gun control?

They have it right now.......I do not support anyones right to vote on what rights others are allowed to have

Well, the shit is starting to get deep. Break out your rubber boots, folks.
Go for it

I have no doubt that Republicans would change Filibuster Rules the minute they take the Senate

End it once and for all and live with a majority vote in the Senate

Hmmm, then I guess you support a majority vote in the states on things like gay marriage and gun control?

They have it right now.......I do not support anyones right to vote on what rights others are allowed to have

Really? Did the founders vote on the constitution?
Perfect. Reid is too slow to move, it's like he can't think on his feet. Smart guy but for an ex boxer, he just doesn't see it coming.

he's an ex-cop too but he realizes that if he were to go through w/ the rules change, the Repubs, if they were ever to regain control of the senate (a slim possibility I know :D ) could use it to do an end run around Dems.

They're abusing the filibuster right now. They're not allowing Obama his choices simply because they hate him. I don't think this is all McConell's problem either. I like the guy, he is between a rock and a hard place here. He needs the support of the Teaparty and all Republicans or he risks looking like he doesn't have control of the minority.

Let's just get this done now.

Republicans are abusing the Filibuster rules right now.....why would anyone assume they would allow the existing rules to remain in place if they won a majority?
he's an ex-cop too but he realizes that if he were to go through w/ the rules change, the Repubs, if they were ever to regain control of the senate (a slim possibility I know :D ) could use it to do an end run around Dems.

They're abusing the filibuster right now. They're not allowing Obama his choices simply because they hate him. I don't think this is all McConell's problem either. I like the guy, he is between a rock and a hard place here. He needs the support of the Teaparty and all Republicans or he risks looking like he doesn't have control of the minority.

Let's just get this done now.

You mean abusing the fillibuster like democrats did in the 108th congress? Like that? Yup. Just like that.

Have the data to compare to the 110th and 112th Congress?
They're abusing the filibuster right now. They're not allowing Obama his choices simply because they hate him. I don't think this is all McConell's problem either. I like the guy, he is between a rock and a hard place here. He needs the support of the Teaparty and all Republicans or he risks looking like he doesn't have control of the minority.

Let's just get this done now.

You mean abusing the fillibuster like democrats did in the 108th congress? Like that? Yup. Just like that.

Have the data to compare to the 110th and 112th Congress?

George W. Bush judicial appointment controversies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans gridlocking the Senate with 45 votes is a travesty

Filibuster is an archaic tradition meant for exceptional circumstances. Requiring 60 votes for Congress to do its job does not work. Republicans have abused their filibuster privledges....time to take them away

It's a slippery slope we trod when we decide to give majority rule on anything. If this power is removed from the minority party, who knows what similar circumstances will occur resulting in variable happenstance. Filibusters are the best tool for the party that didn't win the elections, and should remain in place.

It was a cute little custom that was rarely invoked. Now, when it is envoked on every law that does not involve renaming a Post Office it is time to abandon it.

If a party can win the Senate, House and Presidency....I have no problem with majority rule

I prefer majority rule to minority rule any day
"The administration needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place"...Harry Reid (D). I think you could find similar quotes from the Nazi party in the 30's.
From my wiki link above....

Failed district court nominees

Bush nominated 23 people for 23 current or future federal district judgeships who never were confirmed by the U.S. Senate.[23] Like the appellate court nominations mentioned above, many of these nominees were blocked by Democrats in the Senate Judiciary Committee, which was controlled by the Democrats four out the eight years that Bush was in office. Twenty-one of these twenty-three nominees were blocked in the Democratic 110th Congress. Republicans claimed at the time that the Democrats were trying to keep these district court positions open for a future Democratic president to fill. Eventually, Bush declined to make nominations for 23 other current or future federal district judgeships in the 110th Congress.

Of the 23 federal district judgeship vacancies with actual nominees in place, 2 eventually were filled with a different Bush nominee, 14 so far have been filled with Barack Obama nominees, 4 remain open, 1 became moot when the district judge decided not to retire and 2 never ended up becoming vacant because the district judge who had it never received confirmation to be elevated to an appellate court. In addition, two of Bush's 23 failed district court nominees, Oregon's Marco Hernandez and Illinois' John J. Tharp,[24] were subsequently renominated by Obama to federal district judgeships. They both were confirmed in the 112th Congress.

The failed Bush district court nominees:

United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island
Lincoln D. Almond (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee John J. McConnell, Jr.)
United States District Court for the Northern District of New York
Mary Donohue, followed by Thomas Marcelle (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Mae D'Agostino)
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania
Carolyn P. Short (judgeship was to become vacant when Judge Gene E. K. Pratter was elevated to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit but Pratter was forced to withdraw due to Democratic opposition and was replaced by Judge Paul S. Diamond.)
Carolyn P. Short (judgeship was to become vacant when Judge Paul S. Diamond was elevated to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit but Diamond never was confirmed to that post before Bush's presidency ended.)
United States District Court for the District of Delaware
Colm F. Connolly (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Leonard Stark)
United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina
Thomas Alvin Farr (judgeship still open)
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia
David J. Novak (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee John A. Gibney, Jr.)
United States District Court for the Northern District of West Virginia
William J. Powell (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Gina Marie Groh)
United States District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana
David R. Dugas (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Brian Anthony Jackson)
United States District Court for the Southern District of Mississippi
J. Richard Barry (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Carlton W. Reeves)
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan
Daniel P. Ryan (judgeship later filled by Bush nominee Stephen Joseph Murphy III)
United States District Court for the Middle District of Tennessee
Gustavus Adolphus Puryear (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Kevin Hunter Sharp)
United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois
John J. Tharp (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Sharon J. Coleman) (Nominated by Barack Obama on November 10, 2011 to a different seat on the Northern District and confirmed on May 14, 2012)
United States District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin
Timothy G. Dugan (judgeship vacancy became moot when Judge Rudolph T. Randa decided not to retire in January 2009)
United States District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin
J. Mac Davis (judgeship still open)
United States District Court for the Central District of California
James Edward Rogan (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Jacqueline H. Nguyen)
United States District Court for the District of Hawaii
Frederick W. Rohlfing III (judgeship later filled by Bush nominee J. Michael Seabright)
United States District Court for the District of Oregon
Marco A. Hernandez (Nominated by Barack Obama on July 14, 2010 to the same position and confirmed on February 7, 2011)[25]
United States District Court for the District of Colorado
Gregory E. Goldberg (judgeship still open)
United States District Court for the District of Wyoming
Richard H. Honaker (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Nancy D. Freudenthal)
United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida
William F. Jung (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Charlene Edwards Honeywell)
United States District Court for the District of Columbia
Jeffrey Adam Rosen (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee James E. Boasberg)
Michael E. O'Neill (judgeship later filled by Obama nominee Amy Berman Jackson)

Payback's gonna be a bitch
"The administration needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place"...Harry Reid (D). I think you could find similar quotes from the Nazi party in the 30's.

Why are rw'ers always the first ones to break Godwin's Law :bang3:
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The majority should rule in a democracy.

Get rid of the filibuster forever.

Majority rule is properly referred to as mob rule. Or, as some put it, two wolves and a sheep voting on what to eat for dinner.

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