Reid Changing Filibuster Rules

What Threat?.. It's really not my style.

Obama is filling the courts with plenty of leftists. There has to be some reasonable judges...:lol:.. they can't all be leftists and in many cases they're not even required..

The reason Reid needs to act now on this is because Republicans have denied 3 confirmation hearings in 3 weeks. Don't you think that is just a little irresponsible?

Obama has already stacked the courts in the leftist direction, be reasonable , a balanced Judiciary is best for America. Obama could consider less activist judges.
That would go against his communist agenda.
The majority should rule in a democracy.

Get rid of the filibuster forever.

Democrats don't agree with you. Look at Supreme Court nominees by Republicans. Whereas Republicans accept the notion that elections have consequences and will accept nominee by a Democrat President, Democrat Senators cling to filibuster to fight Republican nominee to the court.
can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

“I’m considering looking at the rules,” the Nevada Democrat told reporters on Tuesday. “The American people are sick of this. In the name of simple fairness, any president, not just President Obama, Democrat or Republican, needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place,” Reid added.

Reid’s threat comes as Senate Republicans blocked – for the third time in three weeks—Obama’s pick, Robert Wilkins, to be a judge on the powerful D.C. Court of Appeals. Reid had a solid majority, but due to GOP’s exploitation of the Senate’s arcane rules, Democrats still fell six votes short of ending debate on Wilkins’ nomination.

Thank you for creating this thread. I see two options, both of which have ramifications:

1.) Go nuclear, and expect the Republicans to do the same when they - at some point in time - take the Senate. Our Republic, especially the politics of our Union, is like a pendulum. The stats say that this is bound to happen, likely sooner than later. So, if Reid goes nuclear (and I am not necessarily against this), Democrats should realize that the next GOP Senate Majoriity Leader, whomever he or she may be, will likely do the same.

2.) Kill the filibuster forever, which is the better route. It is time for this archaic mechanism to go - but that only works if we completely change our system of electioneering to being with, because the entire cycle, since the nuts and bolts of it are not mandated in the US Constitution, have turned into a fundraising rat-race for the next election and the staggered nature of the senatorial election reduce a newly elected president's chances of having a congress of the same party. Facit: deadlock. I will be putting out a thread on the weekend about the nuts and bolts of electioneering, a long thread that should be of interest to Conservatives, Moderates and Liberals all the same.

The majority should rule in a democracy.

Get rid of the filibuster forever.

I concur with you.

The majority should rule in a democracy.

Get rid of the filibuster forever.

We're a Republic, not a Democracy:

United States Constitution, Article IV, Section 4:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.

Furthermore, it's the Senate, which represents the States equally, regardless of their actual population; your statement would have some ground for argument if you were commenting on the House of Representatives.

Wait, you're a Liberal, which means you won't even read what I wrote


Well, first, the part of the Constitution that you quoted has absolutely nothing in world to do with a senatorial procedural rule. Actually, if you truly are a strict constitutionalist, then you should be among the first to be AGAINST the filibuster, since it is not expressly mandated in the US Constitution.

And to the bolded, which I also highlighted in RED: I am more of a Liberal than a Conservative, and yet, I read what you wrote, and am even responding to your input. I think it cheapens your argument when you decide to attack the poster instead of challenging the idea. If you treat me with respect, I will do likewise. I ask you to consider this.

The majority should rule in a democracy.

Get rid of the filibuster forever.

So, I guess the minority should just be trampled underfoot when it suits you? So what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot? Wouldn't be too happy about it now would you?


Do you realize how dumb you liberals sound? Quit throwing a tantrum and grow up. Geesh.

Not exactly elevating for debate. Makes your argument look cheap. Have anything factual to add? The minority is NOT being trampled upon if the Filibuster-rule is finally chucked into the trash can of history. After all, that is the whole meaning of being the "minority" - the side with lesser, not greater, influence. If your party is the minority party in the Senate and you want to change things, then my advice to your party is:

start winning elections.

can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

“I’m considering looking at the rules,” the Nevada Democrat told reporters on Tuesday. “The American people are sick of this. In the name of simple fairness, any president, not just President Obama, Democrat or Republican, needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place,” Reid added.

Reid’s threat comes as Senate Republicans blocked – for the third time in three weeks—Obama’s pick, Robert Wilkins, to be a judge on the powerful D.C. Court of Appeals. Reid had a solid majority, but due to GOP’s exploitation of the Senate’s arcane rules, Democrats still fell six votes short of ending debate on Wilkins’ nomination.

Didn't he already threaten that, and not follow through?

I think it's all showmanship. "Grrr!! Arghh."

Yes, bdboop, he did, and it worked. This is an age-old technique in US politics: to throw out a info-balloon and see whether it pops or not. By throwing this bone to the press, Reid is saying to McConnell that he must keep his word from just 5 months ago.

We gotta remember, Reid and McConnell work more together than people realize. McConnell did not put up a fight when Reid set the calender to make sure that the Senate stayed pretty much empty for about 3 days, where Reid alone stood in the Senate Chamber and "voted" through a number of Obama nominees. This is also a standard procedure in the Senate, has been for more than 100 years. But it is not sexy news, so people miss it. Rachel Maddow did a reportage on it, I believe, way back in January of this year.
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The reason Reid needs to act now on this is because Republicans have denied 3 confirmation hearings in 3 weeks. Don't you think that is just a little irresponsible?

Obama has already stacked the courts in the leftist direction, be reasonable , a balanced Judiciary is best for America. Obama could consider less activist judges.
That would go against his communist agenda.

The country is split more or less..32/36/32 Dem/Mod/Rep the courts should reflect that in my under-educated and obviously naive opinion.:dunno:
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Why it's time for Filibuster reform:

Listening to his speech in the senate right now. He noted that half of the judicial districts in this great nation are categorized as being "in a judicial emergency" due to not having enough judges to carry out their duties. They are swamped w/ case work and the dockets are piled up. Know why that is? :up: Republican obstruction of judicial nominees. :(
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The public needs to have something to think about other than the failure of obamacare.
Listening to his speech in the senate right now. He noted that half of the judicial districts in this great nation are categorized as being "in a judicial emergency" due to not having enough judges to carry out their duties. They are swamped w/ case work and the dockets are piled up. Know why that is? :up: Republican obstruction of judicial nominees. :(

Reid has no balls

Republicans will offer him one judge and promise to play nice in the future. Reid will cave....he always does
can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

Reid threatens to go nuclear on filibuster reform | MSNBC
“I’m considering looking at the rules,” the Nevada Democrat told reporters on Tuesday. “The American people are sick of this. In the name of simple fairness, any president, not just President Obama, Democrat or Republican, needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place,” Reid added.

Reid’s threat comes as Senate Republicans blocked – for the third time in three weeks—Obama’s pick, Robert Wilkins, to be a judge on the powerful D.C. Court of Appeals. Reid had a solid majority, but due to GOP’s exploitation of the Senate’s arcane rules, Democrats still fell six votes short of ending debate on Wilkins’ nomination.

Didn't he already threaten that, and not follow through?

I think it's all showmanship. "Grrr!! Arghh."

he didn't need to follow through because McConnell caved. :eusa_eh: You don't remember? :eusa_whistle: It wasn't that long ago. Thats one reason he just had a t-party challenger not to mention his Democratic challenger.
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can anyone really blame him for the "party of no" (hint- the party that couldn't win the Presidency or the senate :redface: ) simply blocking anything that moves for the past 4+ yrs? Sen. Reid is a statesman & a scholar

Reid threatens to go nuclear on filibuster reform | MSNBC
“I’m considering looking at the rules,” the Nevada Democrat told reporters on Tuesday. “The American people are sick of this. In the name of simple fairness, any president, not just President Obama, Democrat or Republican, needs to be able to have the team that he wants in place,” Reid added.

Reid’s threat comes as Senate Republicans blocked – for the third time in three weeks—Obama’s pick, Robert Wilkins, to be a judge on the powerful D.C. Court of Appeals. Reid had a solid majority, but due to GOP’s exploitation of the Senate’s arcane rules, Democrats still fell six votes short of ending debate on Wilkins’ nomination.

as soon as "Dottie" said Reid is a statesman & a scholar.....the thread should have had to of known this was a satire piece....
Several times. He's such a pushover. It's only for confirmation of judges anyway and Democrats never hold up the process like that. It's ridiculous, he should have taken steps years ago with this bunch.

Now I'm understanding why the Republicans were kept in the house. Gee, could it have anything to do with Democrats in the Senate wanting to abuse the Democratic process?

Politics for dummies, Lesson One:

Never, ever make laws or rules your opponents can use against you.

I understand what you are trying to say but in this case I don't see it being a problem if by some miracle Republicans take the Senate back. Democrats don't operate that way. When was the last time you saw them not confirming judges in the kinds of numbers Republicans are doing it now?

3 in three weeks is simply blatant.

Reid is a moron if he believes that Republicans will not change filibuster rules the minute they win a majority
Convenient how they want to change them now when they opposed Republicans doing this during the Bush administration.
Bad precedent for Reid and the Democrats.

I always worry when one party or the other wants to mess with rules, payback can be a ...well you know.
Now I'm understanding why the Republicans were kept in the house. Gee, could it have anything to do with Democrats in the Senate wanting to abuse the Democratic process?

Politics for dummies, Lesson One:

Never, ever make laws or rules your opponents can use against you.

I understand what you are trying to say but in this case I don't see it being a problem if by some miracle Republicans take the Senate back. Democrats don't operate that way. When was the last time you saw them not confirming judges in the kinds of numbers Republicans are doing it now?

3 in three weeks is simply blatant.

Reid is a moron if he believes that Republicans will not change filibuster rules the minute they win a majority

McConnell has given his word so many times just to go right back and do the same thing all over again. Reid had better follow through with this rules change.
He won't do it with the possibility hanging over his head of Dems losing the Senate a year from now.
My bad. I apologize for posting this when there was another thread on the topic.

I didn't see it.

But then again, I also didn't start the other thread either :)

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