Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That Hous


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
A senior aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told that it is “likely” that Reid will use H.R. 1586—a bill passed by the House in March to impose a 90-percent tax on bonuses paid to employees of certain bailed-out financial institutions—as a “shell” for enacting the final version of the Senate’s health care bill, which Reid is responsible for crafting.

Under the procedure, the substance of House Resolution 1586 would be removed and replaced with the entire Senate health care package. The maneuver would initially require the support of 60 senators to vote for cloture on the motion to proceed to H.R. 1586 (i.e., end debate on the congressional procedure and move forward).

Rest of article here: - Reid ‘Likely’ to Make Entire Health Bill an Amendment to Unrelated Tax Bill That House Passed in March
No aide is talking to the Conservative Neo-con Syncophants

Looks to me like that aide was just chatting up a worst-case scenario. Can't do that these days, or it gets immediately put online as gospel truth and the right-wing herd buys right into it without further consideration.
This is the only way to get this bill that the american people do not want passed, giving a way for the dems to get out of voting for this bill, saying I was only voting for passing a tax on bonuses. what a bunch of bull shit!!!! These morons will pay with their jobs next election if they pull this chicken shit!!!
I have heard the same thing, that he is proposing attaching health care reform to a budget bill.
I have heard the same thing, that he is proposing attaching health care reform to a budget bill.

I can guarantee that won't happen. Why? Because Harry Reid is running for reelection, and is already way down in the polls. Nine other Democrats are up for reelection, and they won't approve of this back door action either. Therefore, the Senate couldn't even get 50 votes, let alone the required 60.
I'm pretty sure that NINETEEN dem senate seats are on the block for 2010. Yeah Harry, Go ahead and try to ram that unwanted health bill though.
You guys should stop and think for a second. What would be the reason for doing this? O wait, there isn't one.
This is the only way to get this bill that the american people do not want passed, giving a way for the dems to get out of voting for this bill, saying I was only voting for passing a tax on bonuses. what a bunch of bull shit!!!! These morons will pay with their jobs next election if they pull this chicken shit!!!

Where are you even getting the information that "the American People" do not want this?

Off of what freaking poll? Musta been that World Net Daily three person poll, or something similar, the four person poll on free-republic, LMAO.
Last poll I heard over 54% of the people AND RISING are not in favor of the government controling their health care.If the people were in favor of this they THE DEMS CONGRESSMEN would not have to try this little stinking trick, Thats why all the dems were in hiding during the last break refusing to hold town hall meeting and listen to their constituents.
Having to resort to bringing in union thugs to intimidate citizens from using their 1 constitutional right of protest. What a bunch of Un American losers these dems are!!!
This is the only way to get this bill that the american people do not want passed, giving a way for the dems to get out of voting for this bill, saying I was only voting for passing a tax on bonuses. what a bunch of bull shit!!!! These morons will pay with their jobs next election if they pull this chicken shit!!!

Where are you even getting the information that "the American People" do not want this?

Off of what freaking poll? Musta been that World Net Daily three person poll, or something similar, the four person poll on free-republic, LMAO.

Probably Rasmussen, which is not considered mainstream because of their methodology. All the polls to date and all the questions asked can be found here, and you can click on prior polls on the subject at the very bottom of the page. Right now health care reform in general is about even, but the answers to questions posed reflect a different story.

Health Policy
Let's see some reputable polls here because disreputable posters are making claims they can't back, I think.
Let's see some reputable polls here because disreputable posters are making claims they can't back, I think.

I just posted them. That link will take you to, which lists ALL THE POLLS, and ALL the questions within those polls as soon as they're available for distribution. Some, like a brand new poll from NYT won't appear at that link for several days. They obviously want you to read their articles on it first.

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