Harris breaks 50-50 deadlock to advance landmark climate, tax, health bill

The Federal Reserve tells the mint or treasury department to print the money. The Federal Reserve is a privately owned bank with many globalists involved. The dots need to be connected
Phew...you really are as dumb as you sound
Vox? LMAO! What a garbage article that was. Fucking toddlers in their mom’s basement.

Can you explain one part of this? How does the deficit go down while spending more?
You didn't bother to read it .

The CBO has scored the bill. It reduces the deficit by 100 billion dollars.

Do you think spending offset by taxes can't reduce deficits moron?
You didn't bother to read it .

The CBO has scored the bill. It reduces the deficit by 100 billion dollars.

Do you think spending offset by taxes can't reduce deficits moron?
I see Camel Toe worthless wh*re Commie Harris finally did something to help wreck our country financially when her hairy as*s should have been at the Border 7 months ago when Pedo Biden assigned her the Border, that she never visited.
The dogs continue to bark..but this caravan is moving on~

The Senate voted along party lines Saturday afternoon to advance a sweeping bill to reform the tax code, tackle climate change and lower the cost of prescription drugs, taking a big step closer to giving President Biden a major victory before the November midterm elections.
The Senate voted 51 to 50 to proceed to the 755-page bill, after Vice President Kamala Harris arrived at the Capitol to cast the tie-breaking vote.
The vote puts the bill on a trajectory to pass the Senate sometime Sunday, barring an unexpected setback, such as the sudden absence of a Democratic senator.
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) hailed the bill’s impending passage as a major achievement.
“The time has come for the Senate to begin debate on this historic piece of legislation. The Inflation Reduction Act is a groundbreaking bill for the American people, for families struggling to pay the bills, for seniors struggling to pay for medication, for kids struggling with asthma,” Schumer said on the floor moments before the vote.
“This is one of the most comprehensive and impactful bills Congress has seen in decades,” he declared promising it would reduce inflation, lower drug costs, fight climate change and close tax loopholes.

The procedural vote sets up 20 hours of debate to be divided evenly between Democrats and Republicans followed by an open-ended series of amendment votes, known as a vote-a-rama.
I doubt it will do any of that.
Conservatives on this thread are just pissy that democrats actually accomplish legislation. What the legislation is less important than wanting to make sure it never happens to begin with.

That's like a three year old taking a Sharpie permanent marker to a newly painted wall and saying "hey look our son made us a beautiful picture".

That's the level of crap you all are bragging about. Yeah, goodie, your idols made a picture. They did something, all right. Yay them.
Lol, you're an idiot. Trump's economy was great. I guess the people getting paid by soros don't see it.
Trump added $7.8 Trillion to the Debt & then Printed another $6 Trillion debasing the US dollar on top of that.

Trump economy was worse than Carter! Democrat President Carter added 10.4 million jobs in 4 years. Republican President Trump only recovered 6.6 million jobs destroyed by Bush & republicans prior to Covid, then Trump destroyed 22 million jobs & left office with a -5 million jobs deficit.
The dogs continue to bark..but this caravan is moving on~

The Senate voted along party lines Saturday afternoon to advance a sweeping bill to reform the tax code, tackle climate change and lower the cost of prescription drugs, taking a big step closer to giving President Biden a major victory before the November midterm elections.
The Senate voted 51 to 50 to proceed to the 755-page bill, after Vice President Kamala Harris arrived at the Capitol to cast the tie-breaking vote.
The vote puts the bill on a trajectory to pass the Senate sometime Sunday, barring an unexpected setback, such as the sudden absence of a Democratic senator.
Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) hailed the bill’s impending passage as a major achievement.
“The time has come for the Senate to begin debate on this historic piece of legislation. The Inflation Reduction Act is a groundbreaking bill for the American people, for families struggling to pay the bills, for seniors struggling to pay for medication, for kids struggling with asthma,” Schumer said on the floor moments before the vote.
“This is one of the most comprehensive and impactful bills Congress has seen in decades,” he declared promising it would reduce inflation, lower drug costs, fight climate change and close tax loopholes.

The procedural vote sets up 20 hours of debate to be divided evenly between Democrats and Republicans followed by an open-ended series of amendment votes, known as a vote-a-rama.
Another win for the good guys.
Trump added $7.8 Trillion to the Debt & then Printed another $6 Trillion debasing the US dollar on top of that.

Trump economy was worse than Carter! Democrat President Carter added 10.4 million jobs in 4 years. Republican President Trump only recovered 6.6 million jobs destroyed by Bush & republicans prior to Covid, then Trump destroyed 22 million jobs & left office with a -5 million jobs deficit.

Wah....Trump printed too much money....silence, while Biden prints more.

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