Reid maneuver could send ‘wrecking ball’ through talks on key legislation

The filibuster never made much sense. Yes, I know the filibuster saved the day for Mr Smith but it really does slow down the legislative process.

In theory it was a good idea for an "pull in case of emergency" option to be used only in exceptional cases, but today's GOP and teabaggers are the biggest crybaby bitches in the history of this nation that are abusing every option they can to tank the nation and blame the black guy.

In this day and age because of the far right wing extremists, it needs to be abolished.

Interesting. So, how come it didn't need to be abolished when Democrats were filibustering Bush appointees? Hmm?

Just look at the map, from what I've read 80% of the filibusters that have happened in the history of the nation have come under Obama from the right wing trash.

The far right are choosing to shit all over the constitution and abuse it in any way they can because of their temper tantrums. Today's GOP are nothing but animals.
In theory it was a good idea for an "pull in case of emergency" option to be used only in exceptional cases, but today's GOP and teabaggers are the biggest crybaby bitches in the history of this nation that are abusing every option they can to tank the nation and blame the black guy.

In this day and age because of the far right wing extremists, it needs to be abolished.

Interesting. So, how come it didn't need to be abolished when Democrats were filibustering Bush appointees? Hmm?

Just look at the map, from what I've read 80% of the filibusters that have happened in the history of the nation have come under Obama from the right wing trash.

The far right are choosing to shit all over the constitution and abuse it in any way they can because of their temper tantrums. Today's GOP are nothing but animals.

You didn't answer my question. What makes it okay for you, and not okay for them? Hmm? Does it matter how many times one party does it as compared to the other?

Does it justify you being a hypocrite?

the extremist tea party would send a wrecking ball through the economy of the world. These bastards need to be removed.
So the GOP is going to sulk like five year olds and block legislation even more than they already do?

Chart shows that Democrats started it with Nixon

Spoken just like a five year old!

"He started it!" :lol:

Ever notice for being a supposed moderate you are ALWAYS making excuses for Democrats? Defending Democrats. Lying for democrats. Making up excuses to deflect from democrats? Just curious?
Reid maneuver could send ‘wrecking ball’ through talks on key legislation

With or without the rule change, Senate republicans would not engage in good faith talks with regard to key legislation.

"There's no question that the move by Harry Reid will make it much tougher to get anything done between now and 2014," GOP strategist and former long-time Senate aide John Ullyot told


Again, with or without the rule change, nothing was going to get done anyway as a consequence of continued republican obstructionism.
The filibuster never made much sense. Yes, I know the filibuster saved the day for Mr Smith but it really does slow down the legislative process.

You say that like it's a bad thing.
The filibuster was initially conceived as a way to ensure that minority opinions were heard and understood before the Senate voted on an issue. Since 1975, senators have not needed to stand up on the floor and make their case to their colleagues and their constituents in order to halt legislation. These “virtual filibusters” aren't just being used to extend debates or stall votes. Senators filibuster motions to prevent bills from being debated at all. A device intended to promote comprehensive discussion has turned into a tool to keep ideas from even being heard.

Congress's job is to legislate. The 112th Congress went down in history as the most unproductive ever and the 113th will probably break another record. People expect their elected representatives to do their job. It seems today that many of our representatives feel their job is not to legislate but to stop legislation and convince constituents that doing nothing is really their job.
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Does it matter how many times one party does it as compared to the other?

Of course it does, and it's staggeringly dishonest of you to pretend otherwise. There's obviously a hugeass difference in filibustering a few things, and filibustering everything.

Does it justify you being a hypocrite?

As is so often the case, you being dishonest doesn't make us hypocrites.
The filibuster is probably an anachronism that has past it's sell by date. By relegating it to the waste bin Reid is looking to the future. The demographics are changing and the odds of a GOP controlled Senate in the future with the current extreme right mindset are remote. So even if a future GOP controlled Senate were to occur in 2020 or beyond it would probably be far more moderate and diverse than today. If it isn't then that majority will not occur until there is an entirely new generation of Republicans who are elected to office.

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