Reid spikes the football: 'Successful year for Democrats'


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Isn't that odd, even though I don't agree with the BS that the government is pulling it just seems odd to me that Reid would be spiking the ball because Congress works better without him and Pelosi in charge.

Reid spikes the football: 'Successful year for Democrats'

Senate Democrats on Friday boasted that they successfully managed to get just about everything they wanted in a massive spending and tax cut bill, despite being the minority party in both the House and Senate.

"Months ago, Democrats called on Republicans to work with us to craft a budget agreement. We wanted to get rid of sequestration, we were able to do that," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. "We wanted to make sure there is parity between defense and the middle class, we wanted to make sure that we kept these poison pills off the legislation."
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...

Yes...seen it all before
To a conservative, of course they would be failures

What have conservatives accomplished this year?

Anyone? Anyone?
Because they are smarter than the Teabaggers.

Now that Reid's and Pelosi's reign of terror is over we are seeing the division they created. Hell they get what they want and they still try and create division. What is wrong with the liberal left? As I said, i don't agree with a lot of what they are doing but at least now, without democrat leadership trying to force their way or no way, something is getting done.
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...

Yes...seen it all before
To a conservative, of course they would be failures

What have conservatives accomplished this year?

Anyone? Anyone?
Praising and rewarding a communist dictator for killing
Forcing everyone Into legalized extortion
Forcing the federal government into Americans bedrooms
Iran is not going to follow their so called "deal" only a dumbass would believe them
Letting the green lobbyist win... So called "Green energy" is absolute corruption
Paying baby butchers to butcher babies

Quite a list of accomplishments, huh??
Last edited:
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...

Yes...seen it all before
To a conservative, of course they would be failures

What have conservatives accomplished this year?

Anyone? Anyone?
Praising and rewarding a communist dictator for killing
Forcing everyone Into legalized extortion
Forcing the federal government into Americans bedrooms
Iran is not going to follow their so called "deal" only a dumbass believe them
Letting the green lobbyist win... So called "Green energy" is absolute corruption
Paying baby butchers to butcher babies

Quite a list of accomplishments, huh??

Oh, RIGHTWINGER and his crew can crow all they want, but the prize is November of next year. With all these posts to pass around, and Reid making his remarks, lets see who is more motivated to vote. The only way they can crow, is if they win. If it causes them to lose, then it is worth it, because if Cruz or Trump get in there, the whole Washington apparatus the left has built will be dismantled-)
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...

Yes...seen it all before
To a conservative, of course they would be failures

What have conservatives accomplished this year?

Anyone? Anyone?
Praising and rewarding a communist dictator for killing
Forcing everyone Into legalized extortion
Forcing the federal government into Americans bedrooms
Iran is not going to follow their so called "deal" only a dumbass believe them
Letting the green lobbyist win... So called "Green energy" is absolute corruption
Paying baby butchers to butcher babies

Quite a list of accomplishments, huh??

Oh, RIGHTWINGER and his crew can crow all they want, but the prize is November of next year. With all these posts to pass around, and Reid making his remarks, lets see who is more motivated to vote. The only way they can crow, is if they win. If it causes them to lose, then it is worth it, because if Cruz or Trump get in there, the whole Washington apparatus the left has built will be dismantled-)

Forget about November......the next Republican president hasn't been born yet
Because they are smarter than the Teabaggers.

Now that Reid's and Pelosi's reign of terror is over we are seeing the division they created. Hell they get what they want and they still try and create division. What is wrong with the liberal left? As I said, i don't agree with a lot of what they are doing but at least now, without democrat leadership trying to force their way or no way, something is getting done.
The Teatards demand for 100% victory results in 0% accomplishments

Rubio licked up more open border billionaire donor feces than any other politician in history.
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...
Given the accuracy of the predictions of the 'Conservatives' in the last Presidential election, I think that we will see the same this election.
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...

Yes...seen it all before
To a conservative, of course they would be failures

What have conservatives accomplished this year?

Anyone? Anyone?
Praising and rewarding a communist dictator for killing
Forcing everyone Into legalized extortion
Forcing the federal government into Americans bedrooms
Iran is not going to follow their so called "deal" only a dumbass believe them
Letting the green lobbyist win... So called "Green energy" is absolute corruption
Paying baby butchers to butcher babies

Quite a list of accomplishments, huh??

Oh, RIGHTWINGER and his crew can crow all they want, but the prize is November of next year. With all these posts to pass around, and Reid making his remarks, lets see who is more motivated to vote. The only way they can crow, is if they win. If it causes them to lose, then it is worth it, because if Cruz or Trump get in there, the whole Washington apparatus the left has built will be dismantled-)

Forget about November......the next Republican president hasn't been born yet

Truth is, Hillary is unelectable, and that leaves only the Republican, so your point has no basis-)
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
Because they are smarter than the Teabaggers.

Now that Reid's and Pelosi's reign of terror is over we are seeing the division they created. Hell they get what they want and they still try and create division. What is wrong with the liberal left? As I said, i don't agree with a lot of what they are doing but at least now, without democrat leadership trying to force their way or no way, something is getting done.
The Teatards demand for 100% victory results in 0% accomplishments
Not really, but the dang Rinos just voted into law a 1 trillion spending bill that accomplishes nothing.
Borrowing more money to pay off debt that is our governments agenda anymore, what a bunch of dumbasses.
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...
Given the accuracy of the predictions of the 'Conservatives' in the last Presidential election, I think that we will see the same this election.

You folks better go back and find another clean articulate well spoken black man to run cause Mrs. Clinton ain't no Obama.
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments


Recognition of Cuba
Defended Obamacare
Same sex marriage
Iran nuclear agreement
Environmental protection
Protected Planned Parenthood
All failed policies for the average American...
Given the accuracy of the predictions of the 'Conservatives' in the last Presidential election, I think that we will see the same this election.

You folks better go back and find another clean articulate well spoken black man to run cause Mrs. Clinton ain't no Obama.
...and she's a loopy kunt
And with the passage of the budget bill, we will see another year of improving economy under President Obama. In spite of you 'Conservatives'. Your brand is becoming 'untouchable' because of the ignorance and ideological idiocy you represent.
And with the passage of the budget bill, we will see another year of improving economy under President Obama. In spite of you 'Conservatives'. Your brand is becoming 'untouchable' because of the ignorance and ideological idiocy you represent.
The Rinos just put another nail in our coffin, with this foolish spending bill. Spending money we don't have never makes sense.

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