Reid spikes the football: 'Successful year for Democrats'

And with the passage of the budget bill, we will see another year of improving economy under President Obama. In spite of you 'Conservatives'. Your brand is becoming 'untouchable' because of the ignorance and ideological idiocy you represent.

Actually it is not really improving but if you think it is, it is under Republican leadership not Obama. Washington is working the way you folks said it should under democrats and all you can do is try and take credit for that which is not your's to take.
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that
I remember Republicans celebrating when they took both houses of Congress. We were going to see what Republican leadership was all about

What have they accomplished in their first year?

Kill Obamacare?
Balance the budget?
End gay marriage?

Have they done anything?
Because they are smarter than the Teabaggers.
Nope......because the truth isn't holding them back from accomplishing their goals.

A liar has several advantages over someone who must be honest to get things done. So Dingy Harry feels that he's still on track. I figure if a Repug wins the election....they have plenty of issues they can take advantage of using their friends in the media to sell to the public. If Hillary wins, then the same ole shit will continue.
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that

HA, you admit to the failure of the two parties. But that doesn't stop Reid from spiking the football as the US goes down the drain, just as Obama planned.
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that
There is no balancing the budget, we are too far into debt to balance a budget dumbass.
It must be progressive math, when the country owes more than we have. How can there be a balanced budget?? impossible...
We are just holding off the inevitable, with the printing the paper.
I remember Republicans celebrating when they took both houses of Congress. We were going to see what Republican leadership was all about

What have they accomplished in their first year?

Kill Obamacare?
Balance the budget?
End gay marriage?

Have they done anything?
Problem is both houses are controlled by progressive Rinos...
Funny thing is, that what the left wing is touting as victories were done by Republicans. But you would think that Republicans weren't even in the room.
The last time Congress passed the first balanced budget resolution was in 2001.

A Transportation bill was passed.

And we were sold down the river with an international trade deal. Those chickens will come home to roost and be blamed on some future generation.

Every Child Achieves Act, an education bill which would reduce federal involvement in education.

As i have said, I don't agree with everything being done but at least with Reid, Pelosi and the democrats out of the way the government is working better then it has since the Democrats took over in 2006 and commenced to destroy the economy.
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that

HA, you admit to the failure of the two parties. But that doesn't stop Reid from spiking the football as the US goes down the drain, just as Obama planned.
We haven't balanced a budget since Clinton

Looks like Hillary will be the next to do it
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that

HA, you admit to the failure of the two parties. But that doesn't stop Reid from spiking the football as the US goes down the drain, just as Obama planned.
We haven't balanced a budget since Clinton

Looks like Hillary will be the next to do it
Cannot balance budget when you have more debt then you can pay dumbass
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that

HA, you admit to the failure of the two parties. But that doesn't stop Reid from spiking the football as the US goes down the drain, just as Obama planned.
We haven't balanced a budget since Clinton

Looks like Hillary will be the next to do it

Why do you hate America so much that you would want an obviously morally bankrupt person in as POTUS?

Yes, I know you will say she was never charged, it is good to have friends in high places. But you have to admit that no other politician could survive the crud she was caught doing. Hell the left was so desperate to catch Bush's wife in something they invented the lie she murdered her boy friend.
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that

HA, you admit to the failure of the two parties. But that doesn't stop Reid from spiking the football as the US goes down the drain, just as Obama planned.
We haven't balanced a budget since Clinton

Looks like Hillary will be the next to do it
Cannot balance budget when you have more debt then you can pay dumbass

The problem is that the SS trust fund has actually grown so large that the interest payment alone will not allow for a balanced budget. What we do about that is anyone's guess. But I am thinking it is time to resurrect Bush's idea of investing SS trust fund in our economy not our government.
Another year for Republicans to have no accomplishments

are you stupid or worse.., brain dead?

Republicans accomplished giving the regime damn near everything (about 97%) the illegal alien, Kenyan born, muslime mulatto wanted and you say "no accomplishments???

:up_yours: ..... :asshole:
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that

HA, you admit to the failure of the two parties. But that doesn't stop Reid from spiking the football as the US goes down the drain, just as Obama planned.
We haven't balanced a budget since Clinton

Looks like Hillary will be the next to do it

Since there is no evidence she has the experience to do so your comment seems odd.

She couldn't even please her man how do you expect her to please the country? You don't expect that I am sure since winning is all that really matters to the left wing.
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that

HA, you admit to the failure of the two parties. But that doesn't stop Reid from spiking the football as the US goes down the drain, just as Obama planned.
We haven't balanced a budget since Clinton

Looks like Hillary will be the next to do it
Cannot balance budget when you have more debt then you can pay dumbass
You have no concept of debt vs deficit do you?
First 100 days of the Republican congress:

For the first time in six years under Obama, both the House and the Senate passed a budget that BALANCES.

The GOP-led Congress also accomplished a feat rarely seen in Washington: passing the first real reform to strengthen Medicare in nearly two decades.

More than that, GOP leaders successfully passed reforms that will begin addressing the problems at the VA, fight the tragedy of human trafficking and protect hardworking taxpayers from government abuse and overreach. Just yesterday, the committee investigating Benghazi uncovered thousands of new pages of documentsdespite Democrats’ claims that there were no more questions to answer and no more information to uncover.

Finally, Congress listened to the 2/3 of Americans who support building the Keystone XL pipeline to boost American energy and job creation. Unlike Harry Reid’s Senate, the new Congress did its job and sent legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline to the president's desk.

Unfortunately, Obama chose to ignore the American people, cave to environment extremists, and veto the bill. And now it looks like Hillary Clinton is cozying up to the same people, like billionaire fundraiser Tom Steyer.
The budget does not balance
More spending and more tax cuts assures that

HA, you admit to the failure of the two parties. But that doesn't stop Reid from spiking the football as the US goes down the drain, just as Obama planned.
We haven't balanced a budget since Clinton

Looks like Hillary will be the next to do it

Since there is no evidence she has the experience to do so your comment seems odd.

She couldn't even please her man how do you expect her to please the country? You don't expect that I am sure since winning is all that really matters to the left wing.
Blame the victim?

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