Zone1 Reigning in Porn... it is well past time. Documentary "Beyond Fantasy" highlights the changes in pornography over the past 10 years

To me it shows the corruption of everything.
Ask yourself, of all the me-too'isms and "toxic masculinity" splashed everywhere - why have all of these outraged white liberals never addressed modern pornography?
They used to be obsessed about workplace "sexual harrassment," which meant any boss dating any subordinate woman. Then came Clinton, and they had to back off of that, and all other pretense of protecting women from predators.
Perhaps they do not think it is their business if you wish to watch porn.

Why have all those outraged white religious conservatives never addressed modern pornography?
I am not religious.
It doesn't have anything to do with religion. And conservatives do talk about it.
It is as they say, the oldest profession.

And it is really any worse than the mistress of some rich dude that gets showered with gifts and an apartment for fucking the rich dude?

If you're a street walker? I would think the mistress has it a quite a bit better than them. The mistress is also only fucking one guy, the hooker I wouldnt even want to guess.
If you're a street walker? I would think the mistress has it a quite a bit better than them. The mistress is also only fucking one guy, the hooker I wouldnt even want to guess.

So it is not the act of being paid for sex that is bad, it is just the conditions that make it bad?
So it is not the act of being paid for sex that is bad, it is just the conditions that make it bad?
Neither are good for either party I dont think but there’s levels to everything. The mistress has it considerably better than the streetwalker dont you think?
Why would anyone waste their time viewing it?

I have the same view on strip clubs. I don't understand why people go to those. You sit there, suckin' on watered down drinks, and give your hard-earned money away to someone who, for whatever reason, you think might go home with you at the end of the night.

If I want a lap dance, my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend will happily oblige. It won't cost me a dime and I know the drinks here aren't watered down...
So it is not the act of being paid for sex that is bad, it is just the conditions that make it bad?
As shown so clearly in the documentary "Hot Girls" - the top porn companies use all kinds of methods to lure in girls as early out of high school as possible. The have dozens and dozens of instragram/twitter/facebook accounts looking for cute high school age girls. Then they use these accounts to start up fake friendships and then start inviting them to come to "Florida/California" etc. and party with them. Pretend they have money and pay for their flights... and then when they get there the use the other girls to entice them to stay and "it's so much fun" the "guys are all so nice and you make $1000s a week".
Not telling them, that out of that $1000s a week they have to pay for the camera people, the recruiters, the staff to edit and post video. So by the time they pay all of the expenses they make practically nothing.
I have a problem with that. I encourage anyone to watch this documentary and see past girls and the absolute hell they live through during and after the shooting when, as always. their families find out. Ruined lives.
you sound like my grand mother back in the day when she could see a girls ankles beneath her skirt/dress.
Maybe that's what I sound like to you. To normal people I sound like somebody who knows those who dress and conduct themselves appropriately know respect as the kid with his pants half off his butt or the gal who looks like she's working the streets will never know.
Maybe that's what I sound like to you. To normal people I sound like somebody who knows those who dress and conduct themselves appropriately know respect as the kid with his pants half off his butt or the gal who looks like she's working the streets will never know.

Just what is "normal", as I can guarantee you that what your grandparents viewed as normal is not what you view as normal.
Just what is "normal", as I can guarantee you that what your grandparents viewed as normal is not what you view as normal.
What my grandparents viewed as normal is in no way material to the context of my post which you seem determined to divert to another subject.
What my grandparents viewed as normal is in no way material to the context of my post which you seem determined to divert to another subject.

Of course it is, you talk about 'normal" while ignoring that there really is no such thing and if there were it would not always be changing.

You look at women dressed as they are and go "they look like hookers", your grandparents did the same thing for what you would call normal.
Of course it is, you talk about 'normal" while ignoring that there really is no such thing and if there were it would not always be changing.

You look at women dressed as they are and go "they look like hookers", your grandparents did the same thing for what you would call normal.
Have a pleasant afternoon.

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