
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality

first, the EC is not a technicality, it is the way we elect presidents
second, the latest counts show Trump winning both the EC and the PV
third, go cry somewhere else, your corrupt lying candidate lost.

At present Trump is 1.6 million votes or 1.2% down...

Elections are meant to be about the will of the people...

Except of course when the will of the people is against gay marriage or abortion or a whole host of other subjects. Maybe you could give the COTUS definition of election.
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality
you should go start a thread on that, you can call it, Butthurts Unite
actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality
Elections have consequences....I only hope you suffer them.....

LOL, poor little snowflakes, they lost and don't know what to do.

Here's an idea for the flakes, Grow the fuck up.
We democrats all plan to be just as obnoxious as republicans were... maybe we'll shutdown the government for laughs like you guys did

the only shutdown was done by Obama when he shut down our national monuments. Stop drinking the koolaid, its destroying your brain.
republicans shutdown the national parks you stupid fucking moron
no, democrats shut them down. Republicans came up with a budget, the democrats rejected it because the ACA wasn't funded in it. Republicans did their job, democrats failed. The dems should have passed that budget and then continued to fight to fund what is failing just as the republicans predicted it would.
you know, those blue spots would be good test sites for nuclear bomb tests.

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