
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality
Elections have consequences....I only hope you suffer them.....

LOL, poor little snowflakes, they lost and don't know what to do.

Here's an idea for the flakes, Grow the fuck up.
We democrats all plan to be just as obnoxious as republicans were... maybe we'll shutdown the government for laughs like you guys did

the only shutdown was done by Obama when he shut down our national monuments. Stop drinking the koolaid, its destroying your brain.
republicans shutdown the national parks you stupid fucking moron
actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality
Elections have consequences....I only hope you suffer them.....

LOL, poor little snowflakes, they lost and don't know what to do.

Here's an idea for the flakes, Grow the fuck up.
We democrats all plan to be just as obnoxious as republicans were... maybe we'll shutdown the government for laughs like you guys did

the only shutdown was done by Obama when he shut down our national monuments. Stop drinking the koolaid, its destroying your brain.
republicans shutdown the national parks you stupid fucking moron
When was that, my liberal tool friend?
actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality
Elections have consequences....I only hope you suffer them.....

LOL, poor little snowflakes, they lost and don't know what to do.

Here's an idea for the flakes, Grow the fuck up.
We democrats all plan to be just as obnoxious as republicans were... maybe we'll shutdown the government for laughs like you guys did

the only shutdown was done by Obama when he shut down our national monuments. Stop drinking the koolaid, its destroying your brain.
republicans shutdown the national parks you stupid fucking moron

no member, or members, of congress have the authority to shut down anything, only the president can do that. you stupid fucking moron.
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Elections have consequences....I only hope you suffer them.....

LOL, poor little snowflakes, they lost and don't know what to do.

Here's an idea for the flakes, Grow the fuck up.
We democrats all plan to be just as obnoxious as republicans were... maybe we'll shutdown the government for laughs like you guys did

the only shutdown was done by Obama when he shut down our national monuments. Stop drinking the koolaid, its destroying your brain.
republicans shutdown the national parks you stupid fucking moron
When was that, my liberal tool friend?

he/she/it is clearly a victim of left wing propaganda and brainwashing. stupidity on display from the left is nothing new.
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

On election day, a million and a half more of the American people chose Hillary Clinton.
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

On election day, a million and a half more of the American people chose Hillary Clinton.

that is not true. the latest counts show trump winning both the EC and the PV. Try to keep up NY girl. you just make yourself look stupid when you post BS.
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

On election day, a million and a half more of the American people chose Hillary Clinton.

that is not true. the latest counts show trump winning both the EC and the PV. Try to keep up NY girl. you just make yourself look stupid when you post BS.

I'll bet you 1000 dollars you're wrong.
actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality
Elections have consequences....I only hope you suffer them.....

LOL, poor little snowflakes, they lost and don't know what to do.

Here's an idea for the flakes, Grow the fuck up.
We democrats all plan to be just as obnoxious as republicans were... maybe we'll shutdown the government for laughs like you guys did

the only shutdown was done by Obama when he shut down our national monuments. Stop drinking the koolaid, its destroying your brain.
republicans shutdown the national parks you stupid fucking moron
You are a true imbecile.

"With the National Park Service under fire from Republicans for how it's gone about shuttering parks and monuments it operates during the 16-day-old government shutdown, Democratic lawmakers and the director of the NPS on Wednesday fiercely defended the agency's actions."

"Republican lawmakers have pilloried the Obama administration for barricading the World War II Memorial, where in the first days of the shutdown some veterans of the war were turned away from the monument.

"The Park Service and Interior Department have also faced criticism for taking 10 days to agree to allow states and local communities to pay to reopen the more than 400 parks and monuments that were closed by the shutdown.

"Hastings, the chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, charged the Obama administration has unnecessarily closed parks and barricaded monuments to make the shutdown as painful and visible as possible.

"The actions of the Obama administration have sullied our great national park system," Hastings said."

I of course disagree with Hastings. The national park system isn't great, and it couldn't be any more sullied than it already is.

I'm all for kicking every federal employee that works on public lands, off those lands and back to DC, where they can sing for their supper. They're nothing but parasites.

National Park Service defends shutdown closures
A perfect example of how our public lands are mismanaged...

This coming weekend is free fishing weekend. A couple of times a year, Oregon State Parks makes a big deal of announcing how anybody can fish for FREE for a couple of days...which means no licenses. It's a huge deal, they really pat themselves on the back about it.

so they've been advertising it for weeks..FREE FISHING WEEKEND....including crabbing, clams, whatever...

Then a couple of days ago, they decided no crabbing. They cited a POSSIBLE elevation of toxins in crab somewhere..which wasn't actually enough to cause illness, and was only in one particular spot...but JUST IN CASE they closed it for everybody.

So it's free fishing weekend...except now you can't crab because someone might get a bad crab and make themselves sick. Not that there is any evidence that there is a single crab anywhere in Oregon that would cause that. Just based on a random sample taken that had SLIGHTLY elevated toxins levels. It was undoubtedly taken intentionally from a spot where they knew the toxins would be slightly right next to a sewage plant or something.

Get rid of the pigs who are paid to keep us off our own fucking public lands.
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality

first, the EC is not a technicality, it is the way we elect presidents
second, the latest counts show Trump winning both the EC and the PV
third, go cry somewhere else, your corrupt lying candidate lost.

Trump won the EC. He did not win the popular vote. The latest count shows no such thing
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality
Butt Hurt Alert
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality

first, the EC is not a technicality, it is the way we elect presidents
second, the latest counts show Trump winning both the EC and the PV
third, go cry somewhere else, your corrupt lying candidate lost.

Trump won the EC. He did not win the popular vote. The latest count shows no such thing
There are still a few municipal positions still held by Democrats.........
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

You left out Mainstream GOP.

Wealthy, educated Conservatives.
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

On election day, a million and a half more of the American people chose Hillary Clinton.

that is not true. the latest counts show trump winning both the EC and the PV. Try to keep up NY girl. you just make yourself look stupid when you post BS.

I'll bet you 1000 dollars you're wrong.

I'll interpret your stunned silence and major ass pucker as a 'no thanks'.
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality

first, the EC is not a technicality, it is the way we elect presidents
second, the latest counts show Trump winning both the EC and the PV
third, go cry somewhere else, your corrupt lying candidate lost.

Trump won the EC. He did not win the popular vote. The latest count shows no such thing
There are still a few municipal positions still held by Democrats.........

I hear they held onto the dogcatcher position.
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality

first, the EC is not a technicality, it is the way we elect presidents
second, the latest counts show Trump winning both the EC and the PV
third, go cry somewhere else, your corrupt lying candidate lost.

At present Trump is 1.6 million votes or 1.2% down...

Elections are meant to be about the will of the people...
On election day the American voters REJECTED:

Hillary Clinton
the democrat party
the media
the corrupt DC establishment of both parties

The American people are fed up with the lies, corruption, and incompetence of all on the list above.

The people won, the country won. Three cheers for the USA!

actually the american people overwhelmingly voted for hillary clinton.... trump won on a technicality
Elections have consequences....I only hope you suffer them.....

LOL, poor little snowflakes, they lost and don't know what to do.

Here's an idea for the flakes, Grow the fuck up.
We democrats all plan to be just as obnoxious as republicans were... maybe we'll shutdown the government for laughs like you guys did

History has shown that the democrats have already proven to exceed the task of being obnoxious. Not long ago was not the democrat party crowing about how Republicans couldn't win elections/

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