Relationship Discussions Thread

Merlin1047 said:
I suppose that our priorities change somewhat as we age. ......
I know a counselor that started reading books on this very subject. Sex had taken a different role in his life & he was concerned about what was happening to him & his libido. He was glad to find out he was 'normal'.
I somehow feel his wife, wasn't. :D
Joz said:
I know a counselor that started reading books on this very subject. Sex had taken a different role in his life & he was concerned about what was happening to him & his libido. He was glad to find out he was 'normal'.
I somehow feel his wife, wasn't. :D

Awwwww Joz. As much as you may want to fight it, the unfortunate fact of nature is that we can't hump like bunnies until the day we die at age 85.
Merlin1047 said:
Dang, Mom. That's all well and good as far as it goes, but where's the advice about the hot oil, various battery operated implements and the trapeze????


I must have missed that chapter!

Mine were Physical Touch, Words of Praise, Acts of Service, Quality Time, and Gifts. (In the Order I like to recieve)

I easily express Words, physical touch. Acts of service... I AM a stay-at-home mom; my life IS an act of service! I have more trouble with gifts and quality time, expressing them, that is.

I haven't figured out what my husband's language is. :huh:
I guess I'm just so good at lovin' him that he doesn't feel the lack any particular one! ;)
Merlin1047 said:
Awwwww Joz. As much as you may want to fight it, the unfortunate fact of nature is that we can't hump like bunnies until the day we die at age 85.
And that is precisely why I say there are other ways to be intimate. A marriage needs intimacy, in whatever way both can feel fulfilled. If it is sitting on the porch swing, hand in hand, watching the sunset, so be it.
manu1959 said:
any of you notice joz got all the men over her to talk sex.....
C'mon Manu---she did't "get" us to do anything----we CHOSE to (here's where your word works ) :teeth:
mom4 said:
I guess I'm just so good at lovin' him that he doesn't feel the lack any particular one! ;)
I'm soooo glad you can admit that. (and maybe that's just tongue-in-cheek) That you are capable of satifying your mate dispite the fact that you are exhausted from running a house & rearing 4 children. I sure hope he values you. You indeed are rare.
Joz said:
And that is precisely why I say there are other ways to be intimate. A marriage needs intimacy, in whatever way both can feel fulfilled. If it is sitting on the porch swing, hand in hand, watching the sunset, so be it.

Okey dokey. You have an excellent point.

Matter of fact, I'm so impressed that I'm going to run out and have her vacuum cleaner monogrammed.

hee hee. Sorry. I'm in one of those moods today.
Joz said:
And that is precisely why I say there are other ways to be intimate. A marriage needs intimacy, in whatever way both can feel fulfilled. If it is sitting on the porch swing, hand in hand, watching the sunset, so be it.

Some couples feel that intimacy without the other even present. My mother still feels intimate with my father who died 4 years ago.
Merlin1047 said:
Okey dokey. You have an excellent point.
You know exactly what I'm talking about. As long as you've been married, if you haven't caught on by now.........

Matter of fact, I'm so impressed that I'm going to run out and have her vacuum cleaner monogrammed.
You're such a romantic.
Merlin1047 said:
Okey dokey. You have an excellent point.

Matter of fact, I'm so impressed that I'm going to run out and have her vacuum cleaner monogrammed.

hee hee. Sorry. I'm in one of those moods today.

If you were *really* impressed, you'd have purchased a robotic vacuum, and had *that* monogrammed. In diamonds.
Joz said:
You know exactly what I'm talking about. As long as you've been married, if you haven't caught on by now.........

You're such a romantic.

Okay, okay - I'll try to be serious long enough to finish this one post. You're absolutely on target with the intimacy thing. The wife and I can be happy just sitting together in the same room. We've been together for 36 years, been married for 33 and we still walk down the street holding hands.

I go off by myself for a week-long motorcycle jaunt each year and she goes off with her female friends for a week at the beach. I think the separation does us good because it brings home the fact that when she's not around, I really miss the old broad.

Okay - lost it there at the end. But that's the best I can do today.
Shattered said:
If you were *really* impressed, you'd have purchased a robotic vacuum, and had *that* monogrammed. In diamonds.

Buying a woman off?? does that work?
dilloduck said:
Buying a woman off?? does that work?

I dunno - you may want to ask Kobe Bryant's wife about that. Assuming that her finger hasn't fallen off from the weight of that diamond ring.
Merlin1047 said:
Okay, okay - I'll try to be serious long enough to finish this one post. You're absolutely on target with the intimacy thing. The wife and I can be happy just sitting together in the same room. We've been together for 36 years, been married for 33 and we still walk down the street holding hands.

I go off by myself for a week-long motorcycle jaunt each year and she goes off with her female friends for a week at the beach. I think the separation does us good because it brings home the fact that when she's not around, I really miss the old broad.

Okay - lost it there at the end. But that's the best I can do today.
I think you did VERY well.
Merlin1047 said:
I dunno - you may want to ask Kobe Bryant's wife about that. Assuming that her finger hasn't fallen off from the weight of that diamond ring.
Yeah, I'm sure that diamond makes up for the fact that the world knows he screws around on her.
Joz said:
Yeah, I'm sure that diamond makes up for the fact that the world knows he screws around on her.

ya know---somehow I just KNEW that didn't work.
dilloduck said:
ya know---somehow I just KNEW that didn't work.
It just might for some. I just don't happen to be in that category.
Joz said:
It just might for some. I just don't happen to be in that category.

Don't think it's working for her either---Kobe is probably being tortured everyday. Guess he can either put up with it or leave.
re: Kobe...perhaps his wife started sleeping around years ago? It could very well be Kobe is just the one who got caught? ;) Kobe isn't a victim - except of extortion - but that's not to say she's any better than he. She IS a lot hotter - that's for sure :D
-=d=- said:
re: Kobe...perhaps his wife started sleeping around years ago? It could very well be Kobe is just the one who got caught? ;)
Perhaps this is so. Maybe she's more discreet. Maybe she chooses a better type of person to cheat with. But we don't know......
She IS a lot hotter - that's for sure :D
And when it comes right down to it, THAT didn't matter when he decided to cheat.

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