Released FBI File 302a: Hillary Stole State Department Furniture And Transported It To DC Residence

To quote a line from a Grateful Dead song: She'll "steal your face right off your head...".
Damn, didn't she steal furniture and items from the White House when she and Bill left it?

See page 44, last paragraph, continuing to page 45.
Hillary R. Clinton Part 04 of 04
Steve can I suggest a good movie or book for you to find so that you can give up these attempts to malign Hillary? How about knitting, or fishing...anything to give your pathetic life meaning.

Why would you be surprised? It's not like she hasn't done this before.
Damn, didn't she steal furniture and items from the White House when she and Bill left it?

See page 44, last paragraph, continuing to page 45.
Hillary R. Clinton Part 04 of 04

Well it proves she's still the same bitch she was in the WH, treating everyone there to protect her like shit. And people wonder why I call her the hildabitch. I think it's very appropriate.
Why does she think she is entitled to tax payer furniture?
maybe some of it was thrown at Bill's face every time she caught Bill in bed with a 25-35 slightly overweight female wearing a hat?

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