Releasing Tens of Thousands of Violent Felons Early and Making Police Bad Guys Has an Expected Outcome


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Here’s how bad things are: In New York, murders are up nearly 50 percent compared to this point in (pre-pandemic) 2019. In Atlanta, the murder rate is up 60 percent from last year. Chicago has recorded more than 1,900 shootings, a 53 percent increase over 2019. In Portland, murders are up 800 percent. Seattle is seeing its highest homicide rate in 26 years.

And over the holiday weekend, at least 150 people were shot and killed during more than 400 shootings across this country.

Those are just a few examples. But all have a common thread: These cities are all run by Democratic mayors.

This recent New York Times headline sums up the overall situation: “With Homicides Rising, Cities Brace for a Violent Summer; Homicide rates in large cities were up more than 30 percent on average last year, and up another 24 percent for the beginning of this year, according to criminologists.”

As for keeping cops on the beat, someone should ask Psaki why police retirements are up 45 percent, while resignations are up 18 percent this year nationwide.

Democrats hate America and are doing everything they can to destroy it.
Well, this is the first I've heard of this!

Something has to be done!

I think you have a real game changer asking Pelosi what she thinks about police retirement rates. She'll get the message alright.

You are really keen - you should go into politics!
They are doing this on purpose to drive out the remaining white liberals from the inner cities. They want them all to flee to the suburbs where they can vote Democrat and turn suburbs blue for good. Then they can proceed to destroy the suburbs. They are like a cancer.
Well, this is the first I've heard of this!

Something has to be done!

I think you have a real game changer asking Pelosi what she thinks about police retirement rates. She'll get the message alright.

You are really keen - you should go into politics!
Does any of what he posted not alarm you? even just a little bit? or are you more comfortable just making sarcastic comments?

Is your comfort zone snide comments rather than facing up to the problem because you can't handle the truth or something?

Why does no leftist/Democrat sit up and attempt to take some responsibility for their party/sides behaviour?
Idiot Dem politicians look the other way while animals riot, loot and burn. Dem politicians decide to not prosecute those responsible. Dem politicians defund police. Then violent crime spirals out of control, shocker.
Here’s how bad things are: In New York, murders are up nearly 50 percent compared to this point in (pre-pandemic) 2019. In Atlanta, the murder rate is up 60 percent from last year. Chicago has recorded more than 1,900 shootings, a 53 percent increase over 2019. In Portland, murders are up 800 percent. Seattle is seeing its highest homicide rate in 26 years.

And over the holiday weekend, at least 150 people were shot and killed during more than 400 shootings across this country.

Those are just a few examples. But all have a common thread: These cities are all run by Democratic mayors.

This recent New York Times headline sums up the overall situation: “With Homicides Rising, Cities Brace for a Violent Summer; Homicide rates in large cities were up more than 30 percent on average last year, and up another 24 percent for the beginning of this year, according to criminologists.”

As for keeping cops on the beat, someone should ask Psaki why police retirements are up 45 percent, while resignations are up 18 percent this year nationwide.

Democrats hate America and are doing everything they can to destroy it.
So you dont think Trumps early release policy was a good idea? Well thank goodness he is no longer in charge of anything but his own bowel movements, eh?
Trump signed a republican passed bill to early release prisoners and you guys cheered him on the move.

The First Step Act (FSA), formally known as the Formerly Incarcerated Reenter Society Transformed Safely Transitioning Every Person Act, is a bipartisan criminal justice bill passed by the 115th Congress and signed by President Donald Trump in December 2018.

But now it's just the Democrats.... :auiqs.jpg:
Cops need to be defunded because they are a failed program. They have failed at every challenge given them.
You notice how police never say they are going to eliminate crime because then they have to arrest the politicians and the police.
Well, this is the first I've heard of this!

Something has to be done!

I think you have a real game changer asking Pelosi what she thinks about police retirement rates. She'll get the message alright.

You are really keen - you should go into politics!
Running on a platform of accusing the government of murdering innocents while at the same time demanding more and bigger government is something only Democrats could envision.
Most of that was for people convicted for drug use crimes. Like crack cocaine getting much more severe sentences than regular cocaine. You know, President Trump fixing an actual example of racist policy.
Cops need to be defunded because they are a failed program. They have failed at every challenge given them.
No they haven't. They have hit the ball outta the park on many levels. School zone traffic enforcement and cops speaking on safety in getting to and from school has saved many lives of young choldren who didn't know about looking both ways or wearing white or light colors and refractive light strips on shoes and jackets alerted drivers who may not have noticed children were in the vicinity in dusky light. Giving young children access to using common sense is a good defense and traffic cop speakers go a long way to saving lives because kids now know what to do and when to report dangerous situations they see.

Cops are good folks who save lives on and off their beats. And that's just one area of their teaching public safety. Kids forming good safety practices tend to be more careful on a lifelong basis. I bless the cops. Some cops spend their own money and give each child a refractive strip to stick on their jackets. What wonderful people they are.
Cops need to be defunded because they are a failed program. They have failed at every challenge given them.

And you believe that fewer cops is a better choice to maintain public safety and security? Really? Were you expected perfection from our police depts? Ask yourself why bad cops are still on the street with a badge and a gun. In most cases it's because the oversight on the police is supposed to weed out the bad apples, no? And who is primarily responsible for that? Ultimately does it not fall on the politicians who were elected to do that, or see to it that was done as it should be? And who do you think those politicians are in our big cities, where most of the violence and destruction is occurring? DEMOCRATS. That's who.

It isn't the police that should be defunded. It's the mother-fucking democrats that should be defunded.
Cops need to be defunded because they are a failed program. They have failed at every challenge given them.

And you believe that fewer cops is a better choice to maintain public safety and security? Really? Were you expected perfection from our police depts? Ask yourself why bad cops are still on the street with a badge and a gun. In most cases it's because the oversight on the police is supposed to weed out the bad apples, no? And who is primarily responsible for that? Ultimately does it not fall on the politicians who were elected to do that, or see to it that was done as it should be? And who do you think those politicians are in our big cities, where most of the violence and destruction is occurring? DEMOCRATS. That's who.

It isn't the police that should be defunded. It's the mother-fucking democrats that should be defunded.
No, their priorities need to be reorganized. The structure of a police force which is not required to protect citizens or their property and only are tools of politicians and the wealthy is an outdated mode of SOP.
Cops should have never been given the status of sovereign citizens.
All the shit that is happening was totally predictable for anyone with half a brain. Democrats are piss poor at cause and effect. Either that or they're intentionally trying to tank this country.
I don't know how any conscious person with an IQ above room temperature could miss the fact that they are intentionally trying to bring the country down. Their actions leave that crystal clear. Since that doesn't benefit ANY American, you have to wonder who they are working for.
Here’s how bad things are: In New York, murders are up nearly 50 percent compared to this point in (pre-pandemic) 2019. In Atlanta, the murder rate is up 60 percent from last year. Chicago has recorded more than 1,900 shootings, a 53 percent increase over 2019. In Portland, murders are up 800 percent. Seattle is seeing its highest homicide rate in 26 years.

And over the holiday weekend, at least 150 people were shot and killed during more than 400 shootings across this country.

Those are just a few examples. But all have a common thread: These cities are all run by Democratic mayors.

This recent New York Times headline sums up the overall situation: “With Homicides Rising, Cities Brace for a Violent Summer; Homicide rates in large cities were up more than 30 percent on average last year, and up another 24 percent for the beginning of this year, according to criminologists.”

As for keeping cops on the beat, someone should ask Psaki why police retirements are up 45 percent, while resignations are up 18 percent this year nationwide.

Democrats hate America and are doing everything they can to destroy it.
Sorta like Democrats / the VP paying the bail of domestic terrorists looting, destroying, attempting to burn police alive to get them back on the street to continue...
The municipal police should be eliminated and replaced by vigilantes and paid mercenaries.
Here’s how bad things are: In New York, murders are up nearly 50 percent compared to this point in (pre-pandemic) 2019. In Atlanta, the murder rate is up 60 percent from last year. Chicago has recorded more than 1,900 shootings, a 53 percent increase over 2019. In Portland, murders are up 800 percent. Seattle is seeing its highest homicide rate in 26 years.

And over the holiday weekend, at least 150 people were shot and killed during more than 400 shootings across this country.

Those are just a few examples. But all have a common thread: These cities are all run by Democratic mayors.

This recent New York Times headline sums up the overall situation: “With Homicides Rising, Cities Brace for a Violent Summer; Homicide rates in large cities were up more than 30 percent on average last year, and up another 24 percent for the beginning of this year, according to criminologists.”

As for keeping cops on the beat, someone should ask Psaki why police retirements are up 45 percent, while resignations are up 18 percent this year nationwide.

Democrats hate America and are doing everything they can to destroy it.
There is no truth in democrat's. They cannot counsel anyone. We are made in God's image. God does not want god's image to be killing god's image. The problem with pre flood people was violence. Democrats cannot come close to being Like Jonah who preached to the Ninevites.

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