Religion of peace via their man made "submission" strikes again

Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?

We don't.
So you advocate, like we do, that Christians change the hateful parts of the Bible, or start fresh like Scientific Humanists do?

Of course not, that would be stupid.

I am responsible for my own actions. I have no desire and no right to tell Christians what to have in their holy book; especially given that on this subject that they are far more scientifically justified than you are.
You seem to be running interference for bigotry, mi amigo.

You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights and would let gays into heaven and avoid hell if that were up to you. What say you, PChic?

You are "bigoted" against biology unless you will say you've moved beyond that idea that those who cannot procreate are equal to those who can in familial structure.

"Reality" is the biggest enemy of the left.
Biology does indeed say that gays, on their own, by themselves, can not have kids - but because of surrogate programs, etc., they can be just as loving of parents as straight parents. If I could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? I'd say "yes" - sounds like the loving thing to do....god/Jesus have not done that obviously (more bigotry on their part), so I'm proud to say that yet again Scientific Humanists have moved to a higher level of morality than god/Jesus have. We don't claim to be perfect, just have moved to a higher ethical level.
I disagree. Children are best served by having male and female role models. People who place their self interest over the self interest of children are not ethical, they are selfish.

Studies do indicate that.
So should they be disallowed to adopt kids?
The Bible teaches a lot of hatred, but it also attempts to teach love, as well.
Can you show me an example?
Here are hundreds and hundreds of verses that are cruel and/or violent, many of them endorsed, or perpetrated, by heroes of the Bible: Cruelty and Violence
Obviously we can't bring these particular verses forward in Scientific Humanism.
Pick the one you think is the worst and l lets talk about it like scientific humanists would, ok?
1321 cruel and/or violent verses are so overwhelming that we have to agree that the tone of the Bible is quite cruel and violent. If it was only, say 4 or 5 verses, I could see doing it your way...but 1321. That's even more than in the Qur'an. So we are looking at the Qur'an for good verses (I like Zakat - charity, in the 5 Pillars) as well, and of course coming up with our own as well.

Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
SH 0
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?
Like I said before, pick the worst one and we can discuss it. I have no doubt that once I explain it you will change your mind.
God torturing Job. We of course believe in, basically, "no torture", because we love people too much to torture Job, like god did.
He did say that, you just didn't understand it. Like I told you before, we have laws that say don't murder and people still murder. Are you expecting utopia or something?
Can you say this prayer with me, ding "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

Can you, ding?
I love everyone. ....
Then you'll have no problem saying this prayer, then will you: "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

Can you, ding?
I did say my prayer. I love everyone. Even people who prefer to have sex with the same gender and act selfishly to deprive children of a male and female role model.
No, you didn't ask Jesus to consider letting them in, I'm afraid - when you do, you'll be moving up to the level of Scientific Humanists.

Have a great night.
Actually you don't know what I have done or have not done.
You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?

We don't.
So you advocate, like we do, that Christians change the hateful parts of the Bible, or start fresh like Scientific Humanists do?

Of course not, that would be stupid.

I am responsible for my own actions. I have no desire and no right to tell Christians what to have in their holy book; especially given that on this subject that they are far more scientifically justified than you are.
You seem to be running interference for bigotry, mi amigo.

Why would I run interference for you?

I assume this cult of yours is satire, though I am unsure of your purpose. To mock humanism perhaps?
You are "bigoted" against biology unless you will say you've moved beyond that idea that those who cannot procreate are equal to those who can in familial structure.

"Reality" is the biggest enemy of the left.
Biology does indeed say that gays, on their own, by themselves, can not have kids - but because of surrogate programs, etc., they can be just as loving of parents as straight parents. If I could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? I'd say "yes" - sounds like the loving thing to do....god/Jesus have not done that obviously (more bigotry on their part), so I'm proud to say that yet again Scientific Humanists have moved to a higher level of morality than god/Jesus have. We don't claim to be perfect, just have moved to a higher ethical level.
I disagree. Children are best served by having male and female role models. People who place their self interest over the self interest of children are not ethical, they are selfish.

Studies do indicate that.
So should they be disallowed to adopt kids?
I'm convinced that if Scientific Humanism had sprang up 2000 years ago (and the Bible never existed, say) that the attitude of people like you would be far more loving, more caring, and more compassionate than it currently is. Jesus said some good things, for sure, but the tone of Scientific Humanism is more loving, more caring, that over 2000 years the general attitudes of people would now be better. Less racism, say.
Less hatred of women.
Less hatred of gays.
Less violence.

Have a nice night.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?

We don't.
So you advocate, like we do, that Christians change the hateful parts of the Bible, or start fresh like Scientific Humanists do?

Of course not, that would be stupid.

I am responsible for my own actions. I have no desire and no right to tell Christians what to have in their holy book; especially given that on this subject that they are far more scientifically justified than you are.
You seem to be running interference for bigotry, mi amigo.

Why would I run interference for you?

I assume this cult of yours is satire, though I am unsure of your purpose. To mock humanism perhaps?
Cute. No, you are running interference for bigotry by running interference for the BIBLE, like you are. You are trying your hardest to defend the hateful parts of the Bible - especially regarding gays, steadfastly refusing to recommend that they improve those hateful parts of the Bible. I think you're better than that.
Can you show me an example?
Here are hundreds and hundreds of verses that are cruel and/or violent, many of them endorsed, or perpetrated, by heroes of the Bible: Cruelty and Violence
Obviously we can't bring these particular verses forward in Scientific Humanism.
Pick the one you think is the worst and l lets talk about it like scientific humanists would, ok?
1321 cruel and/or violent verses are so overwhelming that we have to agree that the tone of the Bible is quite cruel and violent. If it was only, say 4 or 5 verses, I could see doing it your way...but 1321. That's even more than in the Qur'an. So we are looking at the Qur'an for good verses (I like Zakat - charity, in the 5 Pillars) as well, and of course coming up with our own as well.

Number of Cruel or Violent Passages
Bible 1321
Quran 532
SH 0
Dwindling In Unbelief: Which is more violent, the Bible or the Quran?
Like I said before, pick the worst one and we can discuss it. I have no doubt that once I explain it you will change your mind.
God torturing Job. We of course believe in, basically, "no torture", because we love people too much to torture Job, like god did.
The main purpose of the Book of Job is to expound upon the apparent lack of justice throughout history. Often times the righteous suffer and the wicked prosper. This question has bothered great thinkers in every generation including Moses, Confucius and Buddha and Mohammed. This paradox that led many people to reject the path of belief and faith in God. Job was a devout and righteous man, yet his suffering was terrible and came for no apparent reason. As a man of unwavering faith, Job could not reconcile his belief in a merciful God (like you) with the tragedy of his own lot. Therefore, he felt it was reasonable to surmise that in fact, God does not concern Himself with the welfare of human beings. He neither rewards nor punishes according to our deeds. God is too exalted and man is too lowly for Him to be bothered with our behavior and needs. He concluded that the fate of mankind is out of our hands, that we are subject to mechanical forces beyond our control set irrevocably in motion at the time of creation. The results of our decisions and actions deceptively appear to be the outcome of our own free will. In reality they are a product of celestial prescripts. If our deeds are the consequence of predetermined design we cannot be rewarded or held accountable for them. Job’s answer to his own suffering is that he is the victim of fate, until his friend Elihu finally convinces him otherwise.
Can you say this prayer with me, ding "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

Can you, ding?
I love everyone. ....
Then you'll have no problem saying this prayer, then will you: "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

Can you, ding?
I did say my prayer. I love everyone. Even people who prefer to have sex with the same gender and act selfishly to deprive children of a male and female role model.
No, you didn't ask Jesus to consider letting them in, I'm afraid - when you do, you'll be moving up to the level of Scientific Humanists.

Have a great night.
Actually you don't know what I have done or have not done.
Obviously that answer is tacit admission that you can't ask Jesus to consider letting them (gays) in.

It's not that hard, guys, just say this prayer with me, and you'll move to a higher ethical level: "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

We can do this, folks! Let your love flow.
Biology does indeed say that gays, on their own, by themselves, can not have kids - but because of surrogate programs, etc., they can be just as loving of parents as straight parents. If I could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? I'd say "yes" - sounds like the loving thing to do....god/Jesus have not done that obviously (more bigotry on their part), so I'm proud to say that yet again Scientific Humanists have moved to a higher level of morality than god/Jesus have. We don't claim to be perfect, just have moved to a higher ethical level.
I disagree. Children are best served by having male and female role models. People who place their self interest over the self interest of children are not ethical, they are selfish.

Studies do indicate that.
So should they be disallowed to adopt kids?
I'm convinced that if Scientific Humanism had sprang up 2000 years ago (and the Bible never existed, say) that the attitude of people like you would be far more loving, more caring, and more compassionate than it currently is. Jesus said some good things, for sure, but the tone of Scientific Humanism is more loving, more caring, that over 2000 years the general attitudes of people would now be better. Less racism, say.
Less hatred of women.
Less hatred of gays.
Less violence.

Have a nice night.
I believe that scientific humanism would lead to communism and totalitarianism.
I love everyone. ....
Then you'll have no problem saying this prayer, then will you: "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

Can you, ding?
I did say my prayer. I love everyone. Even people who prefer to have sex with the same gender and act selfishly to deprive children of a male and female role model.
No, you didn't ask Jesus to consider letting them in, I'm afraid - when you do, you'll be moving up to the level of Scientific Humanists.

Have a great night.
Actually you don't know what I have done or have not done.
Obviously that answer is tacit admission that you can't ask Jesus to consider letting them (gays) in.

It's not that hard, guys, just say this prayer with me, and you'll move to a higher ethical level: "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

We can do this, folks! Let your love flow.
That is your opinion but I do know what I have and have not done. And I am more than happy to tell you that I love people who prefer to have sex with the same gender. But please do believe whatever you want about me. It doesn't affect me one bit.
Cute. No, you are running interference for bigotry by running interference for the BIBLE, like you are. You are trying your hardest to defend the hateful parts of the Bible - especially regarding gays, steadfastly refusing to recommend that they improve those hateful parts of the Bible. I think you're better than that.


You are a joke. I don't love homosexuals. I am ambivalent toward most people. If I develop a friendship or relationship it is not based on group affiliation. I simply don't give a shit about the sex lives of others.

Your hatred of the Bible is your own problem. Your rejection of science is a matter of stark ignorance, not a demonstration of your love.

You have the right to be ignorant, a right which you exercise fully. You have the right to do anything you please as long as it doesn't interfere with the rights of others. The reason you don't get to dictate to Christians what they may believe is that you don't have the right to crush the rights of others, despite your desire to do so,
Cute. No, you are running interference for bigotry by running interference for the BIBLE, like you are. You are trying your hardest to defend the hateful parts of the Bible - especially regarding gays, steadfastly refusing to recommend that they improve those hateful parts of the Bible. I think you're better than that.

......I don't love homosexuals. ........,
As a Scientific Humanist you WOULD, and the world would be a better place if you did, I assert.

No, we never force our beliefs on other people - make me king and I STILL wouldn't force my beliefs on others. I love them too much to do that.
Then you'll have no problem saying this prayer, then will you: "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

Can you, ding?
I did say my prayer. I love everyone. Even people who prefer to have sex with the same gender and act selfishly to deprive children of a male and female role model.
No, you didn't ask Jesus to consider letting them in, I'm afraid - when you do, you'll be moving up to the level of Scientific Humanists.

Have a great night.
Actually you don't know what I have done or have not done.
Obviously that answer is tacit admission that you can't ask Jesus to consider letting them (gays) in.

It's not that hard, guys, just say this prayer with me, and you'll move to a higher ethical level: "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

We can do this, folks! Let your love flow.
That is your opinion but I do know what I have and have not done. And I am more than happy to tell you that I love people who prefer to have sex with the same gender. But please do believe whatever you want about me. It doesn't affect me one bit.
You might love them, yes. Some day you'll love them ENOUGH to say the prayer, though (moving you to an even HIGHER level of love):
"god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

I believe in you - some day you'll move to that higher level.
I did say my prayer. I love everyone. Even people who prefer to have sex with the same gender and act selfishly to deprive children of a male and female role model.
No, you didn't ask Jesus to consider letting them in, I'm afraid - when you do, you'll be moving up to the level of Scientific Humanists.

Have a great night.
Actually you don't know what I have done or have not done.
Obviously that answer is tacit admission that you can't ask Jesus to consider letting them (gays) in.

It's not that hard, guys, just say this prayer with me, and you'll move to a higher ethical level: "god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

We can do this, folks! Let your love flow.
That is your opinion but I do know what I have and have not done. And I am more than happy to tell you that I love people who prefer to have sex with the same gender. But please do believe whatever you want about me. It doesn't affect me one bit.
You might love them, yes. Some day you'll love them ENOUGH to say the prayer, though (moving you to an even HIGHER level of love):
"god/Jesus, if you don't let gays into heaven then please consider letting them in - because I love them as equals. Thanks."

I believe in you - some day you'll move to that higher level.
Thanks. I don't worry myself what others believe. I hope that some day you will be able to see objective truth.
As a Scientific Humanist you WOULD, and the world would be a better place if you did, I assert.

No, we never force our beliefs on other people - make me king and I STILL wouldn't force my beliefs on others. I love them too much to do that.

I don't join cults, sparky.
What I said was that the Bible, the main book about Jesus, says to kill them (Lev 20:13,) and that barbaric verse is still in the bible today that Christians give their impressionable young children - teaching utter hatred for innocent people. Have they no shame?

THAT is a level of ignorance that renders all else you post moot.

You don't know why, do you?
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!
Ain't happening. The laws of Moses are written into the creation, part of the spiritual DNA. In the beginning God created the hosts of heaven and earth. The adam- human was created and planted, with breath it was made into a living soul, that breath of life has the hosts of heaven and earth in what is planted in the flesh. In time it is meant to grow up to be like the firstborn of God. It is a process. The generations of those spiritual hosts of heaven and earth are written into humankind with a living soul. That book is written to assist the human in the process of growing. You could call it a maintenance manual of sorts. Each human can individually or corporately search for the spirit in themselve, in order to care for the garden (that lump of human flesh) that the Lord planted and made into a living soul with his own eternal breath. If you do something to sin against yourself it is a sin against yourself, you subject yourself. When humans refuse to do what is right they get to live with the other dogs outside the gates. That is a beautiful part of the whole creation. It is up to each individual to examine themselves and work to overcome the things of this world. The Commandments on the other hand are commands, absolutes because those are things that sin against another and dishonor that piece of God in you.

BTW, Heaven is God's throne. Now I just explained to you how the kingdom of heaven can be found in you. Luke 17:21. If you desire to find it you have to search and examine yourself. The creepy crawly that inhabits carnal flesh of humans here that the humans hold onto stays here and it doesn't enter in to heaven. Beast down, spirit that makes alive up.

Ecc 3:21 Who knoweth the spirit of Man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
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I hope they put the monsters on trial and punish them to the fullest extent of their law.
A huge crowd from what I see in the video as it happened. Governors who call for blasphemy laws to be reformed and their families are not safe either.

Wonderful Word Today: Blasphemy, killing in the name of their god

They executed one of the killers according to the original link you posted.

Luckily for the KKK, there were no camera phones during those lynching days........

Can't blame KKK for this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Whose blaming the KKK? All I'm saying is they are cut from the same cloth and they belonged to the US. Our legacy from the past. People can change. The fucks (culture of hate) that did this current crime certaiinly needs a reformation.

But lets not forget where we once were.

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