Religion of peace via their man made "submission" strikes again


If you could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? If so, then you would be more loving than god/Jesus/Allah are.

Fantasy is irrelevant, I deal with reality.

The reality is that homosexuality is a genetic kill switch that evolution has developed to weed out genetic defects that threaten the survival of the species. The purpose of homosexuality is to ensure that the genetic code stops.

Religion is far kinder to homosexuality than actual science is.

You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights and would let gays into heaven and avoid hell if that were up to you. What say you, PChic?


"Reality" is the biggest enemy of the left.
Reality is the biggest enemy of religion.


Now...about the origin of the universe.....and the fact that modern science now accepts the very same order of events as Genesis.....

1. God’s first command in Genesis is “Let there be light.” Nor is this the only introduction of light in the Genesis creation account, but it is the first, it represents the beginning of the formation of our solar system. And that was ‘The Big Bang’…some 13,700 million years ago. Quite an event…it lasted just 10 to the minus 35th seconds, beginning the universe, generating time and space, as well as all the matter and energy that the universe would ever, ever, contain! Big Bang…explosion….energy….light. But no atoms to form the sun for some time. Light…but no sun? So says science. And so says Genesis. Parker, “The Genesis Enigma,” chapter two.

a. For reference, Genesis 1, verses 1-4: In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

The earth is not 6000 years old (Adam/Eve to Jesus was 4000 years) science now shows us, and Jesus believed in Adam/Eve, so if we are going to the have the most scientifically-correct belief system (our children deserve that!) then we can't bring the divine Jesus forward - but we can bring secular, non-divine things Jesus said as a PHILOSOPHER, such as the Golden Rule.

The Golden Rule is good stuff. But Buddha said equally as good of things, so we can't only be Christian, we have to bring the great Buddhist stuff forward. Buddha said the Golden Rule in a bit different way.

You missed this?
The sequence of events from the creation of the universe, to the present, begin with great explosion that produces the universe, including the earth. The earth cools enough for oceans to form. The first life is plant life, able to photosynthesize, and add oxygen to the atmosphere. All sorts of simple non-plants fill the seas, most wormlike, with soft bodies. Along come the trilobites, hugely advanced, with hard bodies…and most amazingly, with true eyes! This makes them the primary predators….but, imposes enormous evolutionary pressure on the other organisms. The result is the Cambrian explosion, lots of small organisms with defensive armor and hard exoskeletons, some 521 million years ago. So says modern science.

So says the Book of Genesis
The geneologies add up to 6000 years (to today, that is), so we couldn't bring that part forward, because we believe that our children deserve the most scientifically-correct overall belief system. Your family deserves that too, I believe. Do I believe in your family more than you do?

If you could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? If so, then you would be more loving than god/Jesus/Allah are.

Fantasy is irrelevant, I deal with reality.

So can we agree that Scientific Humanism should NOT bring forward the unscientific parts of the Bible/Quran, such as a talking donkey, because those parts are not reality?

If you could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? If so, then you would be more loving than god/Jesus/Allah are.

Religion is far kinder to homosexuality than actual science is.
But not as kind as Scientific Humanism is, right ("love gays", "gay is ok", "love gays equally")? Can we agree that SH is the most LGBT-friendly overall belief system in the world today?

You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights and would let gays into heaven and avoid hell if that were up to you. What say you, PChic?

You are "bigoted" against biology unless you will say you've moved beyond that idea that those who cannot procreate are equal to those who can in familial structure.

"Reality" is the biggest enemy of the left.
Biology does indeed say that gays, on their own, by themselves, can not have kids - but because of surrogate programs, etc., they can be just as loving of parents as straight parents. If I could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? I'd say "yes" - sounds like the loving thing to do....god/Jesus have not done that obviously (more bigotry on their part), so I'm proud to say that yet again Scientific Humanists have moved to a higher level of morality than god/Jesus have. We don't claim to be perfect, just have moved to a higher ethical level.
I disagree. Children are best served by having male and female role models. People who place their self interest over the self interest of children are not ethical, they are selfish.
Jesus never spoke up for gays, and sends them to hell (based on the Bible) - or else he's not god (and some OTHER god sends them to hell, uh, er, in which case the Bible is wrong about him being god!)

As an agnostic I should perhaps not comment on this, BUT my understanding is that the key to being saved is that acceptance of Jesus as lord and savior. HENCE your claim that "Jesus sends homosexuals to hell" is patently false. Your claim appears to be based only upon your bigotry with zero fact to back it up.
I love Christians, so I'm obviously not bigoted.

"my understanding is that the key to being saved is that acceptance of Jesus as lord and savior." - I believe you are 100% correct on that - good. But if a gay person does "accept Jesus", it's doesn't matter because in Romans (see long post elsewhere of Biblical verses) it says that gays get sent to hell. So Jesus hates f**gs.
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.

You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights and would let gays into heaven and avoid hell if that were up to you. What say you, PChic?

You are "bigoted" against biology unless you will say you've moved beyond that idea that those who cannot procreate are equal to those who can in familial structure.

"Reality" is the biggest enemy of the left.
Biology does indeed say that gays, on their own, by themselves, can not have kids - but because of surrogate programs, etc., they can be just as loving of parents as straight parents. If I could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? I'd say "yes" - sounds like the loving thing to do....god/Jesus have not done that obviously (more bigotry on their part), so I'm proud to say that yet again Scientific Humanists have moved to a higher level of morality than god/Jesus have. We don't claim to be perfect, just have moved to a higher ethical level.
I disagree. Children are best served by having male and female role models. People who place their self interest over the self interest of children are not ethical, they are selfish.
I stand by this statement: "they can be just as loving of parents as straight parents."
I'm not sensing a Scientific Humanist level of love on this forum at all, and that saddens me.
"It is more of the Shia that believe this and promote a belief in Jesus."

Islam, in any iteration, does not believe in the Jesus to whom you refer.

" According to the Quran, Jesus, although appearing to have been crucified, was not killed by crucifixion or by any other means. This view disagrees with the foundation of the Gospel. Instead, the Quran says "God raised him unto Himself," which happens to agree with the Gospel message of Isa ascending into heaven. In the 19th Sura of the Quran (verse 33), Jesus is believed to have said "And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive", a similar statement that John the Baptistdeclared a few verses earlier in the same Sura. Muslim tradition believes this to mean Jesus will experience a natural death with all mankind after returning to earth, being raised to life again on the day of judgment.

Like all prophets in Islam, Jesus is considered a Muslim (i.e., one who submits to the will of God), as he preached that his followers should adopt the "straight path" as commanded by God. Traditionally, Islam teaches the rejection of the Trinitarian Christian view that Jesus was God incarnate or the son of God. The Quran says that Jesus himself never claimed to be the Son of God, and it furthermore indicates that Jesus will deny having ever claimed divinity at the Last Judgment, and God will vindicate him.[5] "
Jesus in Islam - Wikipedia

As in many ways, Islam is derivative of Judeo-Christian concepts.

shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.
Like I told you before the problem is not in His delivery, the problem is our ability to understand it. Just what do you think His message was all about?
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?

You are "bigoted" against gays unless you will say that you've moved beyond the gay-hatred in the Bible and now support gay rights and would let gays into heaven and avoid hell if that were up to you. What say you, PChic?

You are "bigoted" against biology unless you will say you've moved beyond that idea that those who cannot procreate are equal to those who can in familial structure.

"Reality" is the biggest enemy of the left.
Biology does indeed say that gays, on their own, by themselves, can not have kids - but because of surrogate programs, etc., they can be just as loving of parents as straight parents. If I could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? I'd say "yes" - sounds like the loving thing to do....god/Jesus have not done that obviously (more bigotry on their part), so I'm proud to say that yet again Scientific Humanists have moved to a higher level of morality than god/Jesus have. We don't claim to be perfect, just have moved to a higher ethical level.
I disagree. Children are best served by having male and female role models. People who place their self interest over the self interest of children are not ethical, they are selfish.
I stand by this statement: "they can be just as loving of parents as straight parents."
I'm not sensing a Scientific Humanist level of love on this forum at all, and that saddens me.
And I stand by mine, children are best served by having a male and female role model. People who place their self interest over the self interest of children are not ethical, they are selfish. I am saddened by your sadness, but the truth usually hurts before it helps.

If you could change biology so that gays could directly have kids with each other would I do that? If so, then you would be more loving than god/Jesus/Allah are.

Fantasy is irrelevant, I deal with reality.

So can we agree that Scientific Humanism should NOT bring forward the unscientific parts of the Bible/Quran, such as a talking donkey, because those parts are not reality?

Can we agree that there is nothing even remotely scientific about the cult you are pimping.

I don't recall a talking donkey in the New Testament.
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?
No one is discriminating against them. They have the exact same rights as people who don't prefer to have sex with the same gender. They have the right to marry someone from the opposite gender just like everyone else.
shia believe 4 holy great woman.number one is

+Jesus will follow Mahdi's lead in salat (prayer) after he descends. Mahdi is the twelfth Imam of the Shia muslims


jesus had two
Occultation. mahdi had two Occultation too.
christianity and shiasm had big tragedy
Crucifixion of Jesus and ashoora for shia

What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.
Like I told you before the problem is not in His delivery, the problem is our ability to understand it. Just what do you think His message was all about?
I'm pretty sure that many people could communicate the message better than the Bible does. I think that Scientific Humanism has a chance to communicate love and kindness better than the Bible does - and no talking donkeys, and no kill gays wording, and no useless geneologies, etc. Let's hope.

Have a great night.
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?

We don't.
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?
No one is discriminating against them. They have the exact same rights as people who don't prefer to have sex with the same gender. They have the right to marry someone from the opposite gender just like everyone else.
We can agree that if Jesus said to "love gays, as equals", that those rights would have come about 2000 years earlier, right? That would have been best for the world.
What the heck are you babbling about????

Is what I posted true or not?

Was Jesus crucified, killed, and resurrected or not...according to Islam.

Does Islam admit Jesus as God?

Simple question.
1.55 billion people believe that Jesus did NOT die on the cross, and that there was a better prophet AFTER Jesus, and that god does NOT have a "son", and that there is NOT "original sin" - so Scientific Humanism does not bring forward the conflicts in beliefs (such as these huge conflicts between Christian and Muslim beliefs) - but does bring forward the COMMONALITIES between the great religions, such as love each other, etc.
No hatred in Scientific Humanism, too.

Who said it's based on a poll, you dunce???
The point I was making is that Jesus' message is so poor (despite him and his dad being all-powerful, supposedly!) that most people (71% of all humanity!) don't believe that he's even divine. Scientific Humanism doesn't ask you to believe in unscientific things, nor to believe that a person who accepted slavery was all-knowing, of course. I hope that makes sense.

Have a great day.
Like I told you before the problem is not in His delivery, the problem is our ability to understand it. Just what do you think His message was all about?
I'm pretty sure that many people could communicate the message better than the Bible does. I think that Scientific Humanism has a chance to communicate love and kindness better than the Bible does - and no talking donkeys, and no kill gays wording, and no useless geneologies, etc. Let's hope.

Have a great night.
I have yet to hear you tell me what that message was. What was the message?
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?
No one is discriminating against them. They have the exact same rights as people who don't prefer to have sex with the same gender. They have the right to marry someone from the opposite gender just like everyone else.
We can agree that if Jesus said to "love gays, as equals", that those rights would have come about 2000 years earlier, right? That would have been best for the world.
He did say that, you just didn't understand it. Like I told you before, we have laws that say don't murder and people still murder. Are you expecting utopia or something?
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?

We don't.
Whenever a Christian or a Muslim gives their impressionable young children their texts they are indeed discriminating against gays, of course. We can do better, folks! Gays deserve that. Let's find our love.
Could I ask you to summon the moral courage of Scientific Humanists and remove that verse from your Bible? That would be the loving thing to do - to once and for all say that you support gays, and hold no hatred towards them, like Scientific Humanists do. I believe in you - you can do this!

You don't pay attention, I am a scientist and an agnostic. Your absurd cult has nothing to do with science.

I have no more hatred of homosexuality than I do of diabetes or a cleft pallet, it is a genetic defect that evolution seeks to correct through ending the DNA of the afflicted host.
But we should not discriminate against them, though, correct?
No one is discriminating against them. They have the exact same rights as people who don't prefer to have sex with the same gender. They have the right to marry someone from the opposite gender just like everyone else.
We can agree that if Jesus said to "love gays, as equals", that those rights would have come about 2000 years earlier, right? That would have been best for the world.
He did say that, you just didn't understand it. Like I told you before, we have laws that say don't murder and people still murder. Are you expecting utopia or something?
No, just that Christians/Muslims' texts move beyond the hatred for hundreds of millions of people in the world today (gays). If they love as much as we do, then they'd have done it years ago.

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