Religious Bombers and Terrorists in America

Once you've caught the Jihad, you're incompatible with any and all life forms around you. Either you die, or they die.
The interesting part comes in with Comrade Obama's CIA head John Brennan. Mr Brennan thinks the Jihad is a beautiful thing. I think we should be afraid, very afraid.
LOL Dante is reaching, now he lumps all religions in together.......when it's one of his liberal democrat, muslim supporters.....

It's weird liberals love muslims when they do bad things........I mean they never got mad over our ambasador being killed and blamed it on a youtube video, not on the people who really killed the guy.......strange and stupid people those liberals. They never say a negative thing, even when muslism do thing liberals hate.
The difference is, liberals have to go back 18 years to drag the Ghost of Tim McVeigh from the grave, conservatives only have to go back a couple of days to find the latest leftist terrorists.

Notice how the media calls them "boys", as if this was just some youthful pranks.
Christians, Jews and Muslims have been the majority of offenders. :evil:

And of course white, Christian, right wingers Eric Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and their supporters and accomplices.

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The perps are Muslims you asswipe. And yet you still have to go after whites, Christians, and right-wingers.

You shitbag liberals are so pathetic, and predictable.
Actually Earth First and ALF have committed more terrorist bombings in the U.S. in the past two decades than all "reglious" bombings combined.
LOL Dante is reaching, now he lumps all religions in together.......when it's one of his liberal democrat, muslim supporters.....

It's weird liberals love muslims when they do bad things........I mean they never got mad over our ambasador being killed and blamed it on a youtube video, not on the people who really killed the guy.......strange and stupid people those liberals. They never say a negative thing, even when muslism do thing liberals hate.

Right wingers go back to the 1960s and 1970s when leftists were mostly bombing a few empty buildings

Right wingers hate recent history where right wingers obsessed with god, guns and gays see conspiracies involving the big bad government and decide to bomb buildings and public parks with lots of men women and children in them
right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

how pathetic

VERY pathetic (your post, that is). Name another terrorist act which has been done in the name of the perpetrator's religion (other than Islam). Please be specific as to the identity of the perpetrator and in which other religion's name the terrorist act was done.
right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

how pathetic

These two boys seem to have more in common with the Columbine kids, just angry disenfranchised from dysfunctional families.

Given everything we've heard about the younger brother, there was obviously a major triggering event in recent years that just spun the kid around.

The crime has little to do with radical Islam or radical Muslims.

And nothing to do with Islam in America.

But the fringe-right is going to be milking this one to death. The hate fire will burn for weeks.
Look at you all ill-informed and shit kid.

Piss on the investigation, lets just tell the FBI call you.

right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

how pathetic

These two boys seem to have more in common with the Columbine kids, just angry disenfranchised from dysfunctional families.

Given everything we've heard about the younger brother, there was obviously a major triggering event in recent years that just spun the kid around.

The crime has little to do with radical Islam or radical Muslims.

And nothing to do with Islam in America.

But the fringe-right is going to be milking this one to death. The hate fire will burn for weeks.
(smile) I already have mine kid.

One wonders if Dante has any Jihadi connections.

sane people wonder if you can pass a background check to own a weapon

that is just it. people seeing this and you end up supporting regulations that I believe would go to far.

It is people like you who feed ignorance, fear, anxiety and more. You do a disservice to rational gun owners and honest people who agree with supporting 2nd amendment rights
too bad for the haters on the right that family members of the young men, and those in their community have already condemned them and their actions.

the bullshit of the right wing falls apart

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