Religious Bombers and Terrorists in America

Oh golly....a whacked kid on the internet just said very nasty things to me, whatever will I do.....

(smile) I already have mine kid.

sane people wonder if you can pass a background check to own a weapon

that is just it. people seeing this and you end up supporting regulations that I believe would go to far.

It is people like you who feed ignorance, fear, anxiety and more. You do a disservice to rational gun owners and honest people who agree with supporting 2nd amendment rights
Simple question over the last 30 years who has carried out more terrorist attacks white radical Christians or radical Muslim Islamist ?

The real question is, why do liberals feel it necessary to defend Muslims no matter what they do? I think Dante is scared of them.
too bad for the haters on the right that family members of the young men, and those in their community have already condemned them and their actions.

the bullshit of the right wing falls apart

You are a lying POS. Not more then a week ago the killing of the DA was immediately blamed on white skin heads and that turned out to be untrue. I'll just be you jumped on that bandwagon. Now you are trying to defend those two idiots with false claims. You are really, REALLY pathetic.
too bad for the haters on the right that family members of the young men, and those in their community have already condemned them and their actions.

the bullshit of the right wing falls apart

You are a lying POS. Not more then a week ago the killing of the DA was immediately blamed on white skin heads and that turned out to be untrue. I'll just be you jumped on that bandwagon. Now you are trying to defend those two idiots with false claims. You are really, REALLY pathetic.

Defend idiots? If I was into that I'd defend you, and I don't.

now screw you, tool
right wingers are using the Boston Marathon Bombing for political points?

how pathetic

These two boys seem to have more in common with the Columbine kids, just angry disenfranchised from dysfunctional families.

Given everything we've heard about the younger brother, there was obviously a major triggering event in recent years that just spun the kid around.

The crime has little to do with radical Islam or radical Muslims.

And nothing to do with Islam in America.

But the fringe-right is going to be milking this one to death. The hate fire will burn for weeks.

Circle them wagons around the Muslims. You libs are so predictable.

RUSH was right about you ----> Limbaugh: If Boston Bomber Is Muslim "The Media Will Circle The Wagons" | RealClearPolitics
Hate to break it to the liberals, but another muslim just got popped in Chicago trying to do the same thing.

Feds: Chicago-area man charged over attempted terrorist attack -

According to the FBI, Daoud began sending e-mails in October of last year that regarded violent jihad and the killing of Americans. In May, undercover agents contacted Daoud, who "confirmed his belief in the propriety of killing Americans in a terrorist attack," either in the United States or overseas, and started seeking online resources for an attack, the FBI said.
Another undercover agent who said he was an operational terrorist started dealing with Daoud, who drafted a list of approximately 29 potential targets, including military recruiting centers, bars, malls, and other tourist attractions in the Chicago area, according to the affidavit filed Saturday in federal court.
Christians, Jews and Muslims have been the majority of offenders. :evil:

And of course white, Christian, right wingers Eric Rudolph - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and their supporters and accomplices.

Terrorism in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

From your sources:

In a letter to his parents from prison, Rudolph has written, "Many good people continue to send me money and books. Most of them have, of course, an agenda; mostly born-again Christians looking to save my soul. I suppose the assumption is made that because I'm in here I must be a 'sinner' in need of salvation, and they would be glad to sell me a ticket to heaven, hawking this salvation like peanuts at a ballgame. I do appreciate their charity, but I could really do without the condescension. They have been so nice I would hate to break it to them that I really prefer Nietzsche to the Bible."[29]

In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying as agnostic
The Op has become a.

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