Religious Liberty and the Nation

Today's editorial from the NYSun focuses on a topic largely hidden by the main stream media, and corrupted by the judicial system.

1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....
....after all, ...
The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Our revolution included the American Civil War. Are you saying that wasn't violent?

How many slaveowners were 'orthodox Trinitarian Christians'?

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

She's afraid to commit to specific political stands/beliefs. That's even funnier. She rants that Medicaid is unconstitutional,

and then calls me a liar for later saying she's opposed to Medicaid.
1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....

You lie. Hugo Black was not in the KKK when he became a Supreme Court judge.

Oh, and btw, the KKK asserts this, in the very beginning of its platform:

“The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

You agree.

You must be counting on folks not being able to read, not to recognize that you are a serial liar.

Tell me how we're better off with religion and why we need more of it? The world in my mind would be a far better place with far less and far more logical thought process.

Did you begin the process of changing our avi to "MoronMatthew"???

So....when, already???
Today's editorial from the NYSun focuses on a topic largely hidden by the main stream media, and corrupted by the judicial system.

1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....
....after all, ...
The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Our revolution included the American Civil War. Are you saying that wasn't violent?

How many slaveowners were 'orthodox Trinitarian Christians'?

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around.
Today's editorial from the NYSun focuses on a topic largely hidden by the main stream media, and corrupted by the judicial system.

1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....
....after all, ...
The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Our revolution included the American Civil War. Are you saying that wasn't violent?

How many slaveowners were 'orthodox Trinitarian Christians'?

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around.

Quoting David Limbaugh saying something isn't 'backing your claims'. As David Limbaugh isn't proof of anything.

Show us the evidence. Or more accurately, cut and paste something for us. As we all know you couldn't back it. Perhaps you can find a website that can.
Our revolution included the American Civil War. Are you saying that wasn't violent?

How many slaveowners were 'orthodox Trinitarian Christians'?

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around.

Quoting David Limbaugh saying something isn't 'backing your claims'. As David Limbaugh isn't proof of anything.

Show us the evidence. Or more accurately, cut and paste something for us. As we all know you couldn't back it. Perhaps you can find a website that can.

Ohhh nooozzzzz!!

An "is not, isssss noootttttt! " post from a Leftist!!!!

How creative.

Howd'ya like the way I shoved your own words down your throat, here:
"Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around."

It was masterful, wasn't it?
1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....

You lie. Hugo Black was not in the KKK when he became a Supreme Court judge.

Oh, and btw, the KKK asserts this, in the very beginning of its platform:

“The recognition that America was founded as a Christian nation.”

You agree.

You must be counting on folks not being able to read, not to recognize that you are a serial liar.


Namecalling loses the argument.

You are calling me a liar for saying you believe America was founded as a Christian Nation,

therefore you are conceding that America was not founded as a Christian Nation, correct?
1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around.

Quoting David Limbaugh saying something isn't 'backing your claims'. As David Limbaugh isn't proof of anything.

Show us the evidence. Or more accurately, cut and paste something for us. As we all know you couldn't back it. Perhaps you can find a website that can.

Ohhh nooozzzzz!!

An "is not, isssss noootttttt! " post from a Leftist!!!!

How creative.

Howd'ya like the way I shoved your own words down your throat, here:
"Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around."

It was masterful, wasn't it?

Linking to opinions does not make the opinion factual. Linking to people who are wrong simply gives us a longer list of people who are wrong,

that you wrongly agree with.
Our revolution included the American Civil War. Are you saying that wasn't violent?

How many slaveowners were 'orthodox Trinitarian Christians'?

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around.

Quoting David Limbaugh saying something isn't 'backing your claims'. As David Limbaugh isn't proof of anything.

Show us the evidence. Or more accurately, cut and paste something for us. As we all know you couldn't back it. Perhaps you can find a website that can.

It's a perfect measure of one's intellectual inadequacy that one would see David Limbaugh as the brains of any operation.
1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around.

Quoting David Limbaugh saying something isn't 'backing your claims'. As David Limbaugh isn't proof of anything.

Show us the evidence. Or more accurately, cut and paste something for us. As we all know you couldn't back it. Perhaps you can find a website that can.

It's a perfect measure of one's intellectual inadequacy that one would see David Limbaugh as the brains of any operation.

I would say I've beaten you senseless....

...but you started out that way.
Today's editorial from the NYSun focuses on a topic largely hidden by the main stream media, and corrupted by the judicial system.

1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....
....after all, ...
The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Our revolution included the American Civil War. Are you saying that wasn't violent?

How many slaveowners were 'orthodox Trinitarian Christians'?

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

lol, you're counting the Napoleonic Wars as French revolution casualties? And in the process trying to prove WHAT????????
You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

Put your foot in your mouth yet again!!!

"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste."

Every claim I make is backed up, supported, documented and linked.
That's what you just admitted, here:
"The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste." morons are sooooo easy to run rings around.

Quoting David Limbaugh saying something isn't 'backing your claims'. As David Limbaugh isn't proof of anything.

Show us the evidence. Or more accurately, cut and paste something for us. As we all know you couldn't back it. Perhaps you can find a website that can.

It's a perfect measure of one's intellectual inadequacy that one would see David Limbaugh as the brains of any operation.

I would say I've beaten you senseless....

...but you started out that way.

Resorting to looking up insults on the internet is the second best indicator of your intellectual inadequacy.
Stop beating around the bush, Political Chicken, and try to communicate a discernible idea. Are you for or against "Religious Liberty"? How do you define "Religious Liberty"? Which First Amendment clause are you focusing on: the establishment clause or the free exercise clause? Are you suggesting that religious beliefs serve to grant immunity to the holders of those beliefs from generally applicable laws? Under your formulation of Religious Liberty, can a person excuse his conduct and/or practices, which are contrary to the law, because of his religious beliefs? For example, would a religious advocate of human sacrifice be excused from obeying laws that prohibit the intentional killing of another person? If not, where do you draw the line?
"Religious Liberty and the Nation"

Something most on the right know little about, or what they do know they have unwarranted contempt for.

The Establishment Clause prohibits government from seeking to conjoin church and state, in accordance with the Framer's mandate that church and state remain separate. It renders citizens free from religion where government may not compel religious observance through force of law.

The Free Exercise Clause prohibits government from seeking to disadvantaging religious expression, including the right of citizens to have no religion at all and be free from faith.

When theists seek to conjoin church and state, by codifying religious dogma in secular law, and those resulting measures are invalidated by the courts pursuant to Establishment Clause jurisprudence, measures so invalidated do not manifest as a 'violation' of religious freedom or liberty, nor is religious freedom or liberty being 'restricted,' 'limited,' or otherwise 'infringed' upon.

Moreover, neither Establishment Clause nor Free Exercise Clause jurisprudence has any impact on private persons or organizations – as the case law applies solely to government.

Religious persons are at complete liberty to practice their faith in any manner they want, in any venue the so desire, consistent with just, proper and Constitutional laws, where religious belief is not 'justification' to ignore or violate just, proper, and Constitutional laws.
5. "When the question was put to Senator Cruz, the Texan — among the brightest students that ever attended Harvard Law School — could have, say, spoken on what the Founders meant when they started the Bill of Rights with the sentence “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion . . .”?

Did they mean Congress shall make no national religion? Certainly they did, but if that’s all they wanted to say, they’d have worded it differently.

The Founders would have said, “Congress shall establish no national religion.”

So why did they say “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Mr. Cruz could have suggested, as Justice Scalia did when he spoke at Yeshiva University here at New York, that it was because several of the states in the new Republic had legally established churches, the Congregational in Connecticut and Massachusetts, say, the Church of England in South Carolina.

.... Cruz could have then said ....that if he is elected president, he will make certain that, as the Founders intended, the powers of the presidency are not used to drive religion from public the public square.

He would have marked that the reason the Founders protected religion is that they valued it."
Getting Religious Liberty Right - The New York Sun

"....the powers of the presidency are not used to drive religion from public the public square.

.... the reason the Founders protected religion is that they valued it."

If only.
Today's editorial from the NYSun focuses on a topic largely hidden by the main stream media, and corrupted by the judicial system.

1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....
....after all, ...
The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Our revolution included the American Civil War. Are you saying that wasn't violent?

How many slaveowners were 'orthodox Trinitarian Christians'?

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

You're citing 'facts' that can't be verified.

Answer my question:

How many slaveowners in the South were 'orthodox trinitarian Christians'?

You're barking up the wrong tree. The extend of Poli's understanding of any given issue is what she can copy and paste. She can neither back the claims she copied, nor is likely aware of what argument she posted.

She's afraid to commit to specific political stands/beliefs. That's even funnier. She rants that Medicaid is unconstitutional,

and then calls me a liar for later saying she's opposed to Medicaid.

She fancies herself as the omnipotent law professor engaged in the Socratic method of teaching ... e.g., "here are some things I copied and pasted from the internet, now discuss" ... all the while she places distance between herself from the tripe she posts. She disclaims ownership.
Today's editorial from the NYSun focuses on a topic largely hidden by the main stream media, and corrupted by the judicial system.

1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....
....after all, ...
The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

2. " During the course of American judicial history, particularly with the landmark decision of Everson v. Board of Education, Jefferson was subtly and erroneously attributed with the remark ‘high and impregnable’ wall. The force behind the misguided interpretation comes from the anti-Catholic former Ku Klux Klan member, Justice Hugo Black: The ‘high and impregnable’ wall central to the past 50 years of church-state jurisprudence is not Jefferson’s wall; rather, it is the wall that Justice Hugo Black built in 1947 inEverson v. Board of Education."The Mythical "Wall of Separation": How a Misused Metaphor Changed Church–State Law, Policy, and Discourse

a. "...[Hugo] Black was head of new members for the largest Klan cell in the South. New members of the KKK had to pledge their allegiance to the “eternal separation of Church and State.”... Separation was a crucial part of the KKK’s jurisprudential agenda. It was included in the Klansman’s Creed..."]

Prior to Roosevelt and Hugo Black, religion was clearly a pillar upon which America was balanced.

3. The NYSUN posits....."The failure of the Republican candidates to come up with satisfying answers to Hugh Hewitt’s questions about religious liberty....." is amplified due to the fact that it is " the first right in the Bill of Rights..."

Amendment #1:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;..."

Today's editorial from the NYSun focuses on a topic largely hidden by the main stream media, and corrupted by the judicial system.

1. Prior to our 32nd President evincing his disrespect and disregard for minorities, by making his very first selection for the Supreme Court an official of the KKK, it was accepted that this nation was founded on a religious basis....
....after all, ...
The reason our revolution was so different from the violent, homicidal chaos of the French version was the dominant American culture was Anglo-Saxon and Christian. “52 of the 56 signers of the declaration and 50 to 52 of the 55 signers of the Constitution were orthodox Trinitarian Christians.” David Limbaugh

Our revolution included the American Civil War. Are you saying that wasn't violent?

How many slaveowners were 'orthodox Trinitarian Christians'?

1. In the course of France's short revolution, 600,000 French citizens were killed, and another 145,000 fled the country. Schom, "Napoleon Bonaparte," p. 253.

a. "That's in a country with between 24 and 26 million people, about the current population of Texas. In terms of population loss, that would be the equalivalent of the United States having a 9/11 attack every day for seven years."
Coulter, "Demonic," p. 266.

2. One can hardly count only the massacre at the Bastille...or only the 'Terror'...or omit the fact of the wars that resulted from the other European monarchies attempting to put the cork back in the bottle.
Napoleon's wars alone would add some 3.5- 6.5 million deaths.
"The total death toll for the French Revolution is over 1,000,000."
Read more: What is the death toll of the French revolution

What is the death toll of the French revolution - ixzz1ejRVb3k8

BTW.....that's an example of an erudite post.

Learn from it.

lol, you're counting the Napoleonic Wars as French revolution casualties? And in the process trying to prove WHAT????????

Her thesis, which she does not acknowledge owning and will not personally support or defend, appears to be that America is a CHRISTIAN nation because the American revolution was different than the French revolution (thus far, casualties might have some amorphous relevance ... with mystery dots remaining unconnected). Because apples and oranges are different from each other, then her thesis must somehow be correct ... but, we must remember, she doesn't own or defend her thesis ... it's just a jumble of incoherent statements that appear to have little connection to each other starting with copied and pasted excerpts from an anonymously authored editorial out of a conservative rag. And then she brags about beating you senseless with her tripe, which she does not acknowledge as her tripe. What is she trying to prove? that her posts make no sense. She has proven that many times.

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