Religious nut shoots wife and kids

Suspect in west Phoenix shooting said "God told him to shoot his wife"

"He said that the reason he shot these individuals is because in God's eyes, it was all right for him to deal with someone in this manner who had been involved in adultery, extramarital affairs," said Phoenix Police Sergeant Tommy Thompson.

Smith also told police he killed his seven-year-old daughter because she was "weeping for the wicked".

Awesome. If only it were more difficult for him to get a gun.....................

If the guy really wanted to kill his family because God told him to, he should have just prayed REALLY HARD to his God to murder his family for him. He just went about this all wrong.
The stats do not support that.The murder rates in the US are far higher than in countries with common sense gun laws. Maybe this character would have found another way. Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.
Having the gun makes it easy for him.

Maybe this character would have found another way.

Maybe if the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he would have won the race.

Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.

Maybe if your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle

Having the gun makes it easy for him.

blaming the gun instead of the killer makes it easier to take the human element out of it.

The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Tommy that can go for automobiles, and knives, and many many other things.
Well if you want to bring up the cars argument...............if there were no cars there would be no car crime.
Maybe if the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he would have won the race.

Maybe if your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle

blaming the gun instead of the killer makes it easier to take the human element out of it.

The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Tommy that can go for automobiles, and knives, and many many other things.
Well if you want to bring up the cars argument...............if there were no cars there would be no car crime.

LOL This is true.
What is really sad is he shot the mom and the seven year old, stabbed the five year old to death and the three year old hid under the crib. What a sick SOB! I think he is using “God told me” so he can play the insanity card. I don’t buy it. He needs to go to trial and face his punishment and I hope it is harsh!

He has a history.

He was arrested last november after scaring neighbours with his behaviour.

Referred to a Psych and had his guns confiscated.

A week later, on Nov. 28, Smith returned to the Phoenix Police Property Management Bureau and requested his guns back.

"A records check was conducted and Smith was found to have no outstanding warrants and he was not a prohibited possessor,'' the statement said. "Therefore, in accordance with the law, his three guns were returned to him."

Phoenix man who cited God in killing of wife and children had guns returned after psychiatric referral

Tick tick tick.

Arizonas weak gun laws facilitated these killings, They should have prevented him having guns.

If that happened, I personally think he should not have been given the guns back. Having said that, if he has wanted guns, he would have found a way. But, again, HE is responsible. Not a gun.
bud, if he was going to do it, he was going to do it.

'Penis extension' or not.

(penis extension? Study under Freud?)
The stats do not support that.The murder rates in the US are far higher than in countries with common sense gun laws. Maybe this character would have found another way. Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.
Having the gun makes it easy for him.

Maybe this character would have found another way.

Maybe if the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he would have won the race.

Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.

Maybe if your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle

Having the gun makes it easy for him.

blaming the gun instead of the killer makes it easier to take the human element out of it.

The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

He didn't use everybody's gun, he used his.
The stats do not support that.The murder rates in the US are far higher than in countries with common sense gun laws. Maybe this character would have found another way. Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.
Having the gun makes it easy for him.

Maybe this character would have found another way.

Maybe if the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he would have won the race.

Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.

Maybe if your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle

Having the gun makes it easy for him.

blaming the gun instead of the killer makes it easier to take the human element out of it.

The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

No, the stats don't lie. But the stats only give us numbers; not reasons or cause or any other factors that lead to a high murder rate.
Its guns mate. Where have you been ?

Answer a question for me: If the laws in the UK and Europe were changed and more people bought firearms, proportionately speaking, would the murder rate be as high as the U.S.'s?

We already know, since they once had the ability to own guns...and their gun murder rates were low, even then.
Because if he couldn't get his hands on a gun, he'd have never done a thing.
Bur, without the penis extension in play, they may have had a better chance of survival.

bud, if he was going to do it, he was going to do it.

'Penis extension' or not.

(penis extension? Study under Freud?)
The stats do not support that.The murder rates in the US are far higher than in countries with common sense gun laws. Maybe this character would have found another way. Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.
Having the gun makes it easy for him.

Tommy IF you would have read the FULL article in your OP and noticed the perpetrator was a Muslim, would you STILL have posted your OP or not?

This thing is about the RELIGION and NOT the gun as your thread title you have the RELIGION thing as the key factor and NOT the gun:

Religious nut shoots wife and kids

I would have to ask....which part of Christianity allows for murder.....? I know he was apparently a muslim, and they do allow the killing of infidels and those who leave the faith...but murder is not allowed in Christianity.
"He said that the reason he shot these individuals is because in God's eyes, it was all right for him to deal with someone in this manner who had been involved in adultery, extra marital affairs," said Phoenix Police Sergeant Tommy Thompson.

It appears that guns & religious nuts are a very bad combination.

Guns and socialists are a bad combination, more so than nuts who are religious.....socialists organize like ants and murder people in the millions....
bud, if he was going to do it, he was going to do it.

'Penis extension' or not.

(penis extension? Study under Freud?)
The stats do not support that.The murder rates in the US are far higher than in countries with common sense gun laws. Maybe this character would have found another way. Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.
Having the gun makes it easy for him.

Maybe this character would have found another way.

Maybe if the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he would have won the race.

Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.

Maybe if your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle

Having the gun makes it easy for him.

blaming the gun instead of the killer makes it easier to take the human element out of it.

The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Except in the U.S.....since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%......which blows a big bullet hole in your theory about people and guns......

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery and murder......another fact that blows another bullet hole in your theory about guns.....
Well if you want to bring up the cars argument...............if there were no cars there would be no car crime.
That goes for most things you can think of, doesn't it? If there were no bricks. If there were no high buildings. If there were no rope. If there were no fire. If there were no golf clubs.....Ect. ect. ect.

You have a remarkably low powered intellect...if indeed it's powered at all.
The stats do not support that.The murder rates in the US are far higher than in countries with common sense gun laws. Maybe this character would have found another way. Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.
Having the gun makes it easy for him.

Maybe this character would have found another way.

Maybe if the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he would have won the race.

Or maybe his anger would have cooled and he would have had second thoughts.

Maybe if your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle

Having the gun makes it easy for him.

blaming the gun instead of the killer makes it easier to take the human element out of it.

The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Except in the U.S.....since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%......which blows a big bullet hole in your theory about people and guns......

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery and murder......another fact that blows another bullet hole in your theory about guns.....
And yet you are many times safer in Western Europe than the US.

Do you think this fellow should have been allowed to own guns ?
Well if you want to bring up the cars argument...............if there were no cars there would be no car crime.
That goes for most things you can think of, doesn't it? If there were no bricks. If there were no high buildings. If there were no rope. If there were no fire. If there were no golf clubs.....Ect. ect. ect.

You have a remarkably low powered intellect...if indeed it's powered at all.
Except those things are necessities. You dont need a gun.
Maybe if the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he would have won the race.

Maybe if your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle

blaming the gun instead of the killer makes it easier to take the human element out of it.

The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Except in the U.S.....since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%......which blows a big bullet hole in your theory about people and guns......

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery and murder......another fact that blows another bullet hole in your theory about guns.....
And yet you are many times safer in Western Europe than the US.

Do you think this fellow should have been allowed to own guns ?

Was he a criminal before he murdered his family? Should he have been allowed to walk around free before he murdered his family? Should he have been arrested before he murdered his family?

You advocate for a "Minority Report" world that can't exist.

Should those 1.1 million Americans who used their legal guns to stop violent rapes, robberies and murders been disarmed?

Do you prefer that a woman who stops a rape with a gun, be disarmed so that the rape can happen? I rape better than armed self defense? Is it better a woman is murdered or that she use a gun to stop it?
Well if you want to bring up the cars argument...............if there were no cars there would be no car crime.
That goes for most things you can think of, doesn't it? If there were no bricks. If there were no high buildings. If there were no rope. If there were no fire. If there were no golf clubs.....Ect. ect. ect.

You have a remarkably low powered intellect...if indeed it's powered at all.
Except those things are necessities. You dont need a gun.

Tell that to the 1.1 million Americans who used their guns to save lives....rapes, robberies and murders that did not happen because the victims had guns.

Tell that to the 100 million unarmed men, women and children murdered by their governments......did they need guns?
Maybe if the dog hadn't stopped to piss, he would have won the race.

Maybe if your aunt had balls, she'd be your uncle

blaming the gun instead of the killer makes it easier to take the human element out of it.

The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Except in the U.S.....since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%......which blows a big bullet hole in your theory about people and guns......

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery and murder......another fact that blows another bullet hole in your theory about guns.....
And yet you are many times safer in Western Europe than the US.

Do you think this fellow should have been allowed to own guns ?

You are not many times safer in Europe, only in certain locations....go to the muslim neighborhoods in those European cities and see how safe you are....and Britain is more violent than the United States...and the rest of europe.....

We have tiny, tiny areas in left wing controlled cities that are dangerous..everywhere else in this country is as safe or safer than Europe...and Europe is becoming more and more dangerous...and you won't have guns to make it safer....
Well if you want to bring up the cars argument...............if there were no cars there would be no car crime.
That goes for most things you can think of, doesn't it? If there were no bricks. If there were no high buildings. If there were no rope. If there were no fire. If there were no golf clubs.....Ect. ect. ect.

You have a remarkably low powered intellect...if indeed it's powered at all.
Except those things are necessities. You dont need a gun.

Here is your choice.....

A woman is about to be can go back in time to just before the you allow her to keep and use her legal gun to stop the rape, or do you take the gun away from her and allow her to be raped, tortured and murdered.....

Will you answer that question or will you hide like you anti-gunners always do when presented with that choice...?
Well if you want to bring up the cars argument...............if there were no cars there would be no car crime.
That goes for most things you can think of, doesn't it? If there were no bricks. If there were no high buildings. If there were no rope. If there were no fire. If there were no golf clubs.....Ect. ect. ect.

You have a remarkably low powered intellect...if indeed it's powered at all.
Except those things are necessities. You dont need a gun.

According to you, the best outcome is that these two women were raped, rather than having and using a gun to stop the rape....right?

Two women abducted and raped by man in car in north London
The stats dont lie though. We have humans in Europe but our murder rate in every EU country is many times lower than the US. What we dont have is your crazy gun laws.

and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Except in the U.S.....since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%......which blows a big bullet hole in your theory about people and guns......

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery and murder......another fact that blows another bullet hole in your theory about guns.....
And yet you are many times safer in Western Europe than the US.

Do you think this fellow should have been allowed to own guns ?

Was he a criminal before he murdered his family? Should he have been allowed to walk around free before he murdered his family? Should he have been arrested before he murdered his family?

You advocate for a "Minority Report" world that can't exist.

Should those 1.1 million Americans who used their legal guns to stop violent rapes, robberies and murders been disarmed?

Do you prefer that a woman who stops a rape with a gun, be disarmed so that the rape can happen? I rape better than armed self defense? Is it better a woman is murdered or that she use a gun to stop it?
So you are comfortable that he was given his guns back.
and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Except in the U.S.....since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%......which blows a big bullet hole in your theory about people and guns......

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery and murder......another fact that blows another bullet hole in your theory about guns.....
And yet you are many times safer in Western Europe than the US.

Do you think this fellow should have been allowed to own guns ?

Was he a criminal before he murdered his family? Should he have been allowed to walk around free before he murdered his family? Should he have been arrested before he murdered his family?

You advocate for a "Minority Report" world that can't exist.

Should those 1.1 million Americans who used their legal guns to stop violent rapes, robberies and murders been disarmed?

Do you prefer that a woman who stops a rape with a gun, be disarmed so that the rape can happen? I rape better than armed self defense? Is it better a woman is murdered or that she use a gun to stop it?
So you are comfortable that he was given his guns back.

Link the story to me, so I can see exactly what happened, and what legal process was followed. There are 14 pages here and I haven't seen the point of the story covering those details....
and what does that have to do with blaming an inanimate object, instead of the person using it?
I am not absolving him of the blame. But the gun made it easier or him. Everybody having guns has been proven not to work. Thousands of times a year.

Except in the U.S.....since the 1990s as more Americans own and actually carry guns, our gun murder rate went down 49%, our gun crime rate went down 75%, and our violent crime rate went down 72%......which blows a big bullet hole in your theory about people and guns......

And Americans use their legal guns 1.1 million times a year to save lives...from rape, robbery and murder......another fact that blows another bullet hole in your theory about guns.....
And yet you are many times safer in Western Europe than the US.

Do you think this fellow should have been allowed to own guns ?

Was he a criminal before he murdered his family? Should he have been allowed to walk around free before he murdered his family? Should he have been arrested before he murdered his family?

You advocate for a "Minority Report" world that can't exist.

Should those 1.1 million Americans who used their legal guns to stop violent rapes, robberies and murders been disarmed?

Do you prefer that a woman who stops a rape with a gun, be disarmed so that the rape can happen? I rape better than armed self defense? Is it better a woman is murdered or that she use a gun to stop it?
So you are comfortable that he was given his guns back.

And you didn't answer my questions...

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