Remember folks when you read this ...THERE WERE NEVER NEVER any WMDs!!!

Of course there was WMD all over Iraq.... The largest group was 550 METRIC TONS of yellowcake.... No matter how you shitheads try to spin it, yellowcake is considered WMD, and although it was a known location, once it was transmitted to the U.N. that we were going to start a war with Saddam, the U.N. inspectors, that had been guarding this stockpile left it UNGUARDED, and it was that way for MONTHS before U.S. forces were able to reestablish a guard on it. It was SO UNGUARDED that nearby towns people broke in, dumped the yellowcake, and were using the barrels to store water in!

Also from the link...."Earlier this year, the military withdrew four devices for controlled radiation exposure from the former nuclear complex. The lead-enclosed irradiation units, used to decontaminate food and other items, contain elements of high radioactivity that could potentially be used in a weapon, according to the official. Their Ottawa-based manufacturer, MDS Nordion, took them back for free, the official said."

U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News
If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


That's just it buddy boy - that's not what was said .... anybody who didn't know what WMD were , was an idiot ...hmmmm idiot ....... I forgot we're dealing with Liberals.... never mind ... carry on

you think Mac is a "liberal"?


damn, you're stupid. :lmao:

I'm used to simplistic assumptions around here, believe me.

If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


That's just it buddy boy - that's not what was said .... anybody who didn't know what WMD were , was an idiot ...hmmmm idiot ....... I forgot we're dealing with Liberals.... never mind ... carry on

you think Mac is a "liberal"?


damn, you're stupid. :lmao:

I'm used to simplistic assumptions around here, believe me.


well, I suppose we couldn't expect much more from that one. but it did strike my funny bone when I read that.
If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


That's just it buddy boy - that's not what was said .... anybody who didn't know what WMD were , was an idiot ...hmmmm idiot ....... I forgot we're dealing with Liberals.... never mind ... carry on

And what are you, the male version of EconChick, nothing more than personal insults and name-calling?

You know damn well they talked about mushroom clouds.

Grow up.

Nobody ever said they didn't douchebag - that was only one facet of the accusations against Hussein . Revisionist Liberals are trying to paint an entirely different scenario than reality and actuality allots. They are creating a fantasy narrative .

They are trying to paint an image where the entire thing was a facade engineered bu George W. and Co. --- well sorry dumb ass , but that shit won't fly, like trying to fly lead balloons - it won't work .
Of course there was WMD all over Iraq.... The largest group was 550 METRIC TONS of yellowcake.... No matter how you shitheads try to spin it, yellowcake is considered WMD, and although it was a known location, once it was transmitted to the U.N. that we were going to start a war with Saddam, the U.N. inspectors, that had been guarding this stockpile left it UNGUARDED, and it was that way for MONTHS before U.S. forces were able to reestablish a guard on it. It was SO UNGUARDED that nearby towns people broke in, dumped the yellowcake, and were using the barrels to store water in!

Also from the link...."Earlier this year, the military withdrew four devices for controlled radiation exposure from the former nuclear complex. The lead-enclosed irradiation units, used to decontaminate food and other items, contain elements of high radioactivity that could potentially be used in a weapon, according to the official. Their Ottawa-based manufacturer, MDS Nordion, took them back for free, the official said."

U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News
ah, no.
Yellowcake Uranium Found In Iraq Bush Was Right Well Not So Much Crooks and Liars
If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


That's just it buddy boy - that's not what was said .... anybody who didn't know what WMD were , was an idiot ...hmmmm idiot ....... I forgot we're dealing with Liberals.... never mind ... carry on

And what are you, the male version of EconChick, nothing more than personal insults and name-calling?

You know damn well they talked about mushroom clouds.

Grow up.

Nobody ever said they didn't douchebag - that was only one facet of the accusations against Hussein . Revisionist Liberals are trying to paint an entirely different scenario than reality and actuality allots. They are creating a fantasy narrative .

They are trying to paint an image where the entire thing was a facade engineered bu George W. and Co. --- well sorry dumb ass , but that shit won't fly, like trying to fly lead balloons - it won't work .

Well, I can certainly understand why you would want to deflect blame away from Bush, the Commander in Chief who sent us there.

If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


That's just it buddy boy - that's not what was said .... anybody who didn't know what WMD were , was an idiot ...hmmmm idiot ....... I forgot we're dealing with Liberals.... never mind ... carry on

And what are you, the male version of EconChick, nothing more than personal insults and name-calling?

You know damn well they talked about mushroom clouds.

Grow up.

Nobody ever said they didn't douchebag - that was only one facet of the accusations against Hussein . Revisionist Liberals are trying to paint an entirely different scenario than reality and actuality allots. They are creating a fantasy narrative .

They are trying to paint an image where the entire thing was a facade engineered bu George W. and Co. --- well sorry dumb ass , but that shit won't fly, like trying to fly lead balloons - it won't work .

the entire thing was a façade. that was pointed out to you at that time. it is ignorant rightwingnut twits who are doing the revisionist thing.

If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


That's just it buddy boy - that's not what was said .... anybody who didn't know what WMD were , was an idiot ...hmmmm idiot ....... I forgot we're dealing with Liberals.... never mind ... carry on

you think Mac is a "liberal"?


damn, you're stupid. :lmao:

I'm used to simplistic assumptions around here, believe me.

simplistic assumptions - Yes - I can see you make them on a regular basis. Start at the beginning - read the thread , and then perhaps you'll have a clue as to WTF you are talking about ... until then STFU and have a nice day.
It sadly ironic to me that this idiotic thread comes up at the same time Ebola reaches us, because the "wmd" claimed only posed any possible threat to Americans because we went to Iraq.
and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


That's just it buddy boy - that's not what was said .... anybody who didn't know what WMD were , was an idiot ...hmmmm idiot ....... I forgot we're dealing with Liberals.... never mind ... carry on

And what are you, the male version of EconChick, nothing more than personal insults and name-calling?

You know damn well they talked about mushroom clouds.

Grow up.

Nobody ever said they didn't douchebag - that was only one facet of the accusations against Hussein . Revisionist Liberals are trying to paint an entirely different scenario than reality and actuality allots. They are creating a fantasy narrative .

They are trying to paint an image where the entire thing was a facade engineered bu George W. and Co. --- well sorry dumb ass , but that shit won't fly, like trying to fly lead balloons - it won't work .

the entire thing was a façade. that was pointed out to you at that time. it is ignorant rightwingnut twits who are doing the revisionist thing.


Jillian - you my dear are not even worth replying to ... the lioght is on and nobody is home ... regards and have a nice life.
and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


That's just it buddy boy - that's not what was said .... anybody who didn't know what WMD were , was an idiot ...hmmmm idiot ....... I forgot we're dealing with Liberals.... never mind ... carry on

And what are you, the male version of EconChick, nothing more than personal insults and name-calling?

You know damn well they talked about mushroom clouds.

Grow up.

Nobody ever said they didn't douchebag - that was only one facet of the accusations against Hussein . Revisionist Liberals are trying to paint an entirely different scenario than reality and actuality allots. They are creating a fantasy narrative .

They are trying to paint an image where the entire thing was a facade engineered bu George W. and Co. --- well sorry dumb ass , but that shit won't fly, like trying to fly lead balloons - it won't work .

the entire thing was a façade. that was pointed out to you at that time. it is ignorant rightwingnut twits who are doing the revisionist thing.


Ok, then what was it when Clinton, Gore, Albright, Kerry, etc. all claimed there were WMD's back in the nineties?
If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


did you forget the UN resolutions? Was the UN lying ?

Don't know, don't care.

No one forced us to go in. Not the UN, not Congress.

That was the decision of the Commander In Chief ALONE.

And here we are.



Yet they conveniently forget all the leftists who claimed there were WMD's back in the nineties.

No they don't forget - they IGNORE - it's been posted in this very thread several times and they completely ignore it - because it's a smoking gun that can't be refuted.
If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


did you forget the UN resolutions? Was the UN lying ?

the UN was LIED TO... or did you forget Colin Powell standing there with pretend yellowcake?

you might also want to use the google and look up the final report of hans blix, the UN inspector.


The UN lies.
If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


did you forget the UN resolutions? Was the UN lying ?

the UN was LIED TO... or did you forget Colin Powell standing there with pretend yellowcake?

you might also want to use the google and look up the final report of hans blix, the UN inspector.


So, now you are saying that Bush (who you call an idiot) and Powell (who you call an uncle tom) were so brilliant that they convinced the entire world to believe a lie? That everyone on the UN security council was too stupid to check anything before passing 18 resolutions requiring Saddam to reveal his WMDs?

Bean is right, you are too stupid to reply to. Go find a messge board that caters to idiots.
Of course there was WMD all over Iraq.... The largest group was 550 METRIC TONS of yellowcake.... No matter how you shitheads try to spin it, yellowcake is considered WMD, and although it was a known location, once it was transmitted to the U.N. that we were going to start a war with Saddam, the U.N. inspectors, that had been guarding this stockpile left it UNGUARDED, and it was that way for MONTHS before U.S. forces were able to reestablish a guard on it. It was SO UNGUARDED that nearby towns people broke in, dumped the yellowcake, and were using the barrels to store water in!

Also from the link...."Earlier this year, the military withdrew four devices for controlled radiation exposure from the former nuclear complex. The lead-enclosed irradiation units, used to decontaminate food and other items, contain elements of high radioactivity that could potentially be used in a weapon, according to the official. Their Ottawa-based manufacturer, MDS Nordion, took them back for free, the official said."

U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News
ah, no.
Yellowcake Uranium Found In Iraq Bush Was Right Well Not So Much Crooks and Liars

Ah, YES! Because your left wing article states it was KNOWN WMD, and not weapons grade, means nothing since it IS WMD, by any TRUTHFUL posters definition, and was in Iraq during and before the war, as acknowledged and was left unguarded, and COULD HAVE BEEN used in the form it was in to produce dirty bombs. Nice try though, as I've had that bullshit thrown at me before by many subversives!
If memory serves correctly, I don't think anyone disputed the idea that Saddam's Iraq possessed chemical weapons.

The dispute was over nuclear weapons and their weaponized precursor components - none of which have been found, unless I've missed something.

and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


did you forget the UN resolutions? Was the UN lying ?

Don't know, don't care.

No one forced us to go in. Not the UN, not Congress.

That was the decision of the Commander In Chief ALONE.

And here we are.



Yes they did....almost all the GOP and a majority of the Democrats. And shame on them. It was like the Tonkin Gulf Resolution all over again.
and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


did you forget the UN resolutions? Was the UN lying ?

Don't know, don't care.

No one forced us to go in. Not the UN, not Congress.

That was the decision of the Commander In Chief ALONE.

And here we are.



Yes they did....almost all the GOP and a majority of the Democrats. And shame on them. It was like the Tonkin Gulf Resolution all over again.

yes, thats my point. This is not a party problem. Its a lack of intelligence problem in the halls of government.
and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


did you forget the UN resolutions? Was the UN lying ?

Don't know, don't care.

No one forced us to go in. Not the UN, not Congress.

That was the decision of the Commander In Chief ALONE.

And here we are.



Yes they did....almost all the GOP and a majority of the Democrats. And shame on them. It was like the Tonkin Gulf Resolution all over again.

James Carville authored the novel idea that turning the Iraq War against Bush would be a pretty good tactical decision. When Bush landed on that carrier they saw red. They saw a threat. A successful war might sweep more of these pacifist Democrats out of Washington. It was highly hypocritical, but hypocrisy never stopped them before.

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