Remember folks when you read this ...THERE WERE NEVER NEVER any WMDs!!!

If Bush & Co. had told us we were going to war over sarin or some stockpile of other chemical weapons, we would have told him to shove it.

They used the term "mushroom cloud", we were terrified about nukes, and that's it.

This was never about sarin or nation-building. None of the spin of the apologists can change that.


did you forget the UN resolutions? Was the UN lying ?

Don't know, don't care.

No one forced us to go in. Not the UN, not Congress.

That was the decision of the Commander In Chief ALONE.

And here we are.



Yes they did....almost all the GOP and a majority of the Democrats. And shame on them. It was like the Tonkin Gulf Resolution all over again.

James Carville authored the novel idea that turning the Iraq War against Bush would be a pretty good tactical decision. When Bush landed on that carrier they saw red. They saw a threat. A successful war might sweep more of these pacifist Democrats out of Washington.

lol.. riiiiiiiiiiiiiight
did you forget the UN resolutions? Was the UN lying ?

Don't know, don't care.

No one forced us to go in. Not the UN, not Congress.

That was the decision of the Commander In Chief ALONE.

And here we are.



Yes they did....almost all the GOP and a majority of the Democrats. And shame on them. It was like the Tonkin Gulf Resolution all over again.

James Carville authored the novel idea that turning the Iraq War against Bush would be a pretty good tactical decision. When Bush landed on that carrier they saw red. They saw a threat. A successful war might sweep more of these pacifist Democrats out of Washington.

lol.. riiiiiiiiiiiiiight

yes, that is right. and, in your stupidity, you continue the bullshit
most of the world believed the bad intel about WMDs.


In 2008 MSNBC reports the US removed 550 metric tons of yellowcake(Used to make nuclear weapons) from Iraq. This is the same yellowcake Joe Wilson, husband of Valerie Plame said Saddam never tried to get.

I hope George W. Bush is not waiting for an apology from the democrats who called him a liar.

Aside from the fact that Joe Wilson accused President Bush of lying in one of his SOU address that Saddam attempted to purchase yellowcake from Nigeria, the ore we sold for the Iraqis had been in Iraq since at least 1980 when the French were building a Nuclear Reactor for them. Furthermore, yellowcake itself can't be used as a WMD.
Of course there was WMD all over Iraq.... The largest group was 550 METRIC TONS of yellowcake.... No matter how you shitheads try to spin it, yellowcake is considered WMD, and although it was a known location, once it was transmitted to the U.N. that we were going to start a war with Saddam, the U.N. inspectors, that had been guarding this stockpile left it UNGUARDED, and it was that way for MONTHS before U.S. forces were able to reestablish a guard on it. It was SO UNGUARDED that nearby towns people broke in, dumped the yellowcake, and were using the barrels to store water in!

Also from the link...."Earlier this year, the military withdrew four devices for controlled radiation exposure from the former nuclear complex. The lead-enclosed irradiation units, used to decontaminate food and other items, contain elements of high radioactivity that could potentially be used in a weapon, according to the official. Their Ottawa-based manufacturer, MDS Nordion, took them back for free, the official said."

U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News

WMD? Yellowcake? Hahaha. Not true unless you can get people to ingest it somehow cause it's not that radioactive.

Furthermore...... Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq
Just more fall out from the Bush inspired Iraq Civil War. As confirmed by your Huffington Post piece.

Actually, Huffing Glue confirms these are Sadam era WMD's - which the USA has known about the entire time. You know this, but chose to lie about it because you have no honor or integrity.

{The analysis from The Times draws on interviews with American soldiers and previously unreleased government documents to show that the U.S. government has been aware that chemical weapons, intact or partially damaged and then repurposed, have been circulating in Iraq -- and harming soldiers -- since 2003. The newspaper confirmed U.S. soldiers had come across mustard shells at Muthanna in 2008, and said three Times journalists saw old chemical stocks there in 2013.}

So again, Obama has known that Iraq had WMD's his entire term, and has lied continuously for partisan reasons.
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and i'm pretty sure we didn't go to war over a few chemical weapons... if that was the plan, that's an awful lot of people dead for absolutely no reason.

I'm pretty sure you scumbags just got caught. You've been lying, with the aid of the corrupt press, for a decade. There were WMD's in Iraq the whole time - we KNEW Saddam had WMD's - we KNEW that Powell told the truth to the UN - yet your filthy party and the corrupt press that serves them have engaged in a decade of cover up and lies.
4,000+ young American lives, tens of thousands of lost limbs and minds, thousands of destroyed families over one trillion dollars that we didn't have, and an even more destabilized Middle East.

For that?

No thanks.

Wow, so with all those facts thrown in your face, Mac, why didn't you reply to THOSE instead of revealing your cognitive dissonance?
Last edited:
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the UN was LIED TO... or did you forget Colin Powell standing there with pretend yellowcake?

The UN was lied to by your filthy party. Powell laid out facts - as is now revealed. Iraq had and still has chemical and biological weapons.

You and the corrupt press have lied to the American people for a decade.

you might also want to use the google and look up the final report of hans blix, the UN inspector.


You might want to use Gooogle and look up "caught red handed in a lie."

Because you have been - right before the midterms.
most of the world believed the bad intel about WMDs.


In 2008 MSNBC reports the US removed 550 metric tons of yellowcake(Used to make nuclear weapons) from Iraq. This is the same yellowcake Joe Wilson, husband of Valerie Plame said Saddam never tried to get.

I hope George W. Bush is not waiting for an apology from the democrats who called him a liar.


The 550 tons of yellowcake WAS NOT yellowcake from Africa, that Saddam was ACTIVELY SEEKING to EXPAND his nuclear President Bush and his administration were telling us about.



The 550 tons of yellowcake was from DECADES AGO, for a program Saddam had in place in 1981, but the Israeli came in and bombed the crap out of his Nuclear Plant, and destroyed the facility. The USA and the UN and the whole world was aware of this OLD Yellowcake.... we also were aware of it in 1991 too, when we bombed a second nuclear plant of Saddam's during the Persian Gulf War/operation dessert storm....taking it out like a light.

Wilson WAS PROVEN RIGHT.... Saddam WAS NOT actively seeking to acquire yellowcake from Niger, as was told by President Bush in the State of the Union to us, and told to the UN....



STOP regurgitating the lies you have bought in to....STOP IT NOW! For the sake of our Country, Only TRUTH will set us free....

And before you complain that this is ......there are PLENTY OF LINKS in the article supporting it. Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

And then there is this from NBCNEWS U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News
Accusations that Saddam had tried to purchase more yellowcake from the African nation of Niger — and an article by a former U.S. ambassador refuting the claims — led to a wide-ranging probe into Washington leaks that reached high into the Bush administration.

Tuwaitha and an adjacent research facility were well known for decades as the centerpiece of Saddam's nuclear efforts.

Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War.

There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.

Saddam was NOT actively seeking to purchase yellowcake from Niger Africa, and the CIA knew this in 2002, after they had sent Wilson there....and the administration tried to discredit Wilson and Wilson's wife because they were upset with him for REVEALING THE TRUTH. Wake up!!!! It happened right before your very eyes. Seriously, it did....we were conned.

And then there is this as well...

U.S. and Iraqi forces have guarded the 23,000-acre site — surrounded by huge sand berms — following a wave of looting after Saddam's fall that included villagers toting away yellowcake storage barrels for use as drinking water cisterns.

It does NOT state that they emptied barrels of yellowcake to use these storage barrels as water containers as Vigilante stated earlier!!!

It said they used barrels (that were meant) for storage of yellowcake as water DID not STATE the barrels were full of yellowcake and emptied by these looters....????
Just as I've been saying for months.....the nuke WMD will be found to have been moved as well.
most of the world believed the bad intel about WMDs.


In 2008 MSNBC reports the US removed 550 metric tons of yellowcake(Used to make nuclear weapons) from Iraq. This is the same yellowcake Joe Wilson, husband of Valerie Plame said Saddam never tried to get.

I hope George W. Bush is not waiting for an apology from the democrats who called him a liar.


The 550 tons of yellowcake WAS NOT yellowcake from Africa, that Saddam was ACTIVELY SEEKING to EXPAND his nuclear President Bush and his administration were telling us about.



The 550 tons of yellowcake was from DECADES AGO, for a program Saddam had in place in 1981, but the Israeli came in and bombed the crap out of his Nuclear Plant, and destroyed the facility. The USA and the UN and the whole world was aware of this OLD Yellowcake.... we also were aware of it in 1991 too, when we bombed a second nuclear plant of Saddam's during the Persian Gulf War/operation dessert storm....taking it out like a light.

Wilson WAS PROVEN RIGHT.... Saddam WAS NOT actively seeking to acquire yellowcake from Niger, as was told by President Bush in the State of the Union to us, and told to the UN....



STOP regurgitating the lies you have bought in to....STOP IT NOW! For the sake of our Country, Only TRUTH will set us free....

And before you complain that this is ......there are PLENTY OF LINKS in the article supporting it. Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

And then there is this from NBCNEWS U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News
Accusations that Saddam had tried to purchase more yellowcake from the African nation of Niger — and an article by a former U.S. ambassador refuting the claims — led to a wide-ranging probe into Washington leaks that reached high into the Bush administration.

Tuwaitha and an adjacent research facility were well known for decades as the centerpiece of Saddam's nuclear efforts.

Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War.

There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.

Saddam was NOT actively seeking to purchase yellowcake from Niger Africa, and the CIA knew this in 2002, after they had sent Wilson there....and the administration tried to discredit Wilson and Wilson's wife because they were upset with him for REVEALING THE TRUTH. Wake up!!!! It happened right before your very eyes. Seriously, it did....we were conned.

And then there is this as well...

U.S. and Iraqi forces have guarded the 23,000-acre site — surrounded by huge sand berms — following a wave of looting after Saddam's fall that included villagers toting away yellowcake storage barrels for use as drinking water cisterns.

It does NOT state that they emptied barrels of yellowcake to use these storage barrels as water containers as Vigilante stated earlier!!!

It said they used barrels (that were meant) for storage of yellowcake as water DID not STATE the barrels were full of yellowcake and emptied by these looters....????

I love it when someone as uninformed as you bumps up against someone like me that actually worked in the nerve center of the Pentagon.

As I argued for months about the Iraq Status of Forces of Agreement that every liberal denied until Panetta, Gates, Ambassadors Crocker and Hill, and several generals came out and it will be with what I said about both chemical and nuclear WMD.

I didn't expect the NY Times to one of the first though. LMAO
Just as I've been saying for months.....the nuke WMD will be found to have been moved as well.

I don't know; but nukes are irrelevant. Saddam had chemical and biological WMD's - proven fact. Which means Obama, the rest of the shameful democrats, and the corrupt press have been blatantly lying for a decade.

Obama KNEW the WMD's were present, yet STILL attacked Bush. What a pile of shit Obama is, lying fuck. Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

Have Your Yellowcake

Claim: The removal of yellowcake uranium from Iraq in 2008 proved that Saddam Hussein had been trying to restart Iraq's nuclear program.

Status: False.

Example: [Collected via e-mail, August 2008]

Uranium in Iraq?

I wonder why this hasn't been on the evening news . . .

Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq

Last major stockpile from Saddam's nuclear efforts arrives in Canada

U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News

Secret U.S. Mission Hauls Uranium From Iraq On July 5, 2008, the Associated Press (AP) released a story titled: Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq. The opening paragraph is as follows:

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program - a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium - reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

See anything wrong with this picture? We have been hearing from the far-left for more than five years how, 'Bush lied.' Somehow, that slogan loses its credibility now that 550 metric tons of Saddam's yellowcake, used for nuclear weapon enrichment, has been discovered and shipped to Canada for its new use as nuclear energy.

It appears that American troops found the 550 metric tons of uranium in 2003 after invading Iraq. They had to sit on this information and the uranium itself, for fear of terrorists attempting to steal it. It was guarded and kept safe by our military in a 23,000-acre site with large sand beams surrounding the site.

This is vindication for the Bush administration, having been attacked mercilessly by the liberal media and the far-left pundits on the blogosphere. Now that it is proven that President Bush did not lie about Saddam's nuclear ambitions, one would think the mainstream media would report the story? Once the AP released the story, the mainstream media should have picked it up and broadcast it worldwide.

This never happened, due in large part I believe, to the fact that the mainstream media would have to admit they were wrong about Bush's war motives all along. Thankfully, the AP got it right when it said, "The removal of 550 metric tons of 'yellowcake' — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy."

Closing the book on Saddam's nuclear legacy? Did Saddam have a nuclear legacy after all? I thought Bush lied? As it turns out, the people who lied were Joe Wilson and his wife.

Valerie Plame engaged in a clear case of nepotism and convinced the CIA to send her husband on a fact finding mission in February 2002, seeking to determine if Saddam Hussein attempted to buy yellowcake from Niger. The CIA and British intelligence believed Saddam contacted Niger for that purpose but needed proof.

During his trip to Niger, Wilson actually interviewed the former prime minister of Niger, Ibrahim Assane Mayaki. Mayaki told Wilson that in June of 1999, an Iraqi delegation expressed interest in 'expanding commercial relations' for the purposes of purchasing yellowcake.

Wilson chose to overlook Mayaki's remarks and reported to the CIA that there was no evidence of Hussein wanting to purchase yellowcake from Niger. However, with British intelligence insisting the claim was true, President Bush used that same claim in his State of the Union address in January of 2003. Outraged by Bush's insistence that the claim was true, Wilson wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in the summer of 2003 slamming Bush.

Wilson did this in spite of the fact that Mayaki said Saddam did try to buy the yellowcake from Niger. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence disagreed with Wilson and supported Mayaki's claim. This meant nothing to Wilson who was opposed to the Iraq war and thus had ulterior motives in covering up the prime minister's statements.

It was a simple tactic really. If the far-left and their friends in the media could prove Bush lied about Hussein wanting to purchase yellowcake from Niger, it would undermine President Bush's credibility and give them more cause for asking what other 'lies' he may have told.

Yet, the real lie came from Wilson, who interpreted his own meaning from the prime minister's statements and concluded all by himself that the claim of Saddam attempting to purchase yellowcake was 'unequivocally wrong.' Curiously, the CIA sat on this information and did not inform the CIA Director, who sided with Bush on the yellowcake claim. This was made public in a bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report in July 2004.

Valerie Plame also engaged in her own lie campaign by spreading the notion that the Bush administration 'outed' her as a CIA agent. Never mind that it was Richard Armitage — no friend of the Bush administration — who leaked Plame's identity to the press. Never mind that Plame had not been in the field as a CIA agent in some six years.

The truth is, due to their opposition to the war, Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame, the mainstream media and their left-wing friends on the blogosphere engaged in a propaganda campaign to undermine the Bush administration. Now that Saddam's uranium has been made public and is no longer a threat to the world, do you think these aforementioned parties will apologize and admit they were wrong? Don't count on it. The rest of the Ame! rican people should hear the truth about Saddam's uranium. It is up to you and me to inform them every chance we get.

As far as the anti-war crowd is concerned, the next time they say that, 'Bush lied,' we should tell them to, 'Have the yellowcake and eat it too.'
Origins: In 2001, the government of Italy came into possession of documents that purportedly demonstrated Iraqi officials were attempting to buy uranium yellowcake from Niger (yellowcake can be enriched in centrifuges to produce weapons-grade uranium), and the Italian government shared these documents with intelligence officials in the U.S. and U.K. The CIA dispatched former ambassador Joseph Wilson to Niger in February 2002 on an eight-day trip to that country to investigate; later, on 6 July 2003, Wilson wrote an op-ed piece published in the New York Times ("What I Didn't Find in Africa") charging that "some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat" and criticizing the Bush administration for citing the yellowcake evidence as proof of a possible Iraqi nuclear threat and using this claim as a key element in persuading members of Congress to pass a resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq and in "selling the war" to the American public. (In 2004, a bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report challenged the claims Wilson made in his op-ed piece, saying that "rather than debunking intelligence about purported uranium sales to Iraq, [Wilson's report had] bolstered the case for most intelligence analysts.")

Shortly after the publication of Wilson's op-ed piece, syndicated columnist Robert Novak revealed that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA operative, information he said had been obtained from two senior administration officials. Critics charged that the exposure of Valerie Plame's identity was a deliberate tit-for-tat retaliation orchestrated by the Bush administration that endangered lives (including Plame's) in order to punish Wilson for taking his disagreement with the White House public. Both sides (and their supporters) accused the other of lying and double-dealing, and more than five years after the beginning of U.S. military involvement in Iraq, the "Plame affair" remains one of the more contentious political issues associated with that war.

Flash forward five years: In July 2008, the U.S. government announced that it had completed the secret removal of 550 metric tons of yellowcake from the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center in Iraq, material which was sold and shipped to Cameco, a Canadian uranium producer. The U.S. was anxious to transfer the yellowcake out of Iraq for a variety of safety concerns:
Although the material cannot be used in its current form for a nuclear weapon or even a so-called dirty bomb, officials decided that in Iraq’s unstable environment, it was important to make sure it did not fall into the wrong hands.

There are also health dangers associated with concentrated forms of natural uranium, and since little is secure in Iraq, officials wanted to remove it.

After the American invasion in 2003, Tuwaitha was looted. Barrels used to store the yellowcake were stolen and sold to local people, who used them to store water and food and to wash clothes, according to a report by the atomic energy agency.
The item reproduced in the example block above cites the July 2008 removal of yellowcake from Iraq as proof that Iraq had in fact been buying yellowcake in an attempt to restart its nuclear program (and ultimately produce nuclear weapons) before the U.S. invasion of March 2003, and that therefore the Bush administration was right and Joseph Wilson was wrong. However, that claim is erroneous.

The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers under the supervision of U.N. inspectors. It was not a "secret" cache that was recently "discovered" by the U.S, and the yellowcake had not been purchased by Iraq in the years immediately preceding the 2003 invasion. The uranium was the remnants of decades-old nuclear reactor projects that had put out of commission many years earlier: One reactor at Al Tuwaitha was bombed by Israel in 1981, and another was bombed and disabled during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Moreover, the fact that the yellowcake had been in Iraq since before the 1991 Gulf War was plainly stated in the Associated Press article cited in the example above:
Tuwaitha and an adjacent research facility were well known for decades as the centerpiece of Saddam's nuclear efforts.

Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.
Or, as the New York Times stated more plainly:
The yellowcake removed from Iraq was not the same yellowcake that President Bush claimed, in a now discredited section of his 2003 State of the Union address, that Mr. Hussein was trying to purchase in Africa.
The U.S. did manage to ameliorate a substantial security concern by secretly shipping stored yellowcake out of Iraq in mid-2008, but that act was not, as claimed above, proof that Iraq had been purchasing uranium and attempting to restart its nuclear program prior to the U.S. invasion.

Last updated: 25 October 2008

Urban Legends Reference Pages © 1995-2014 by
This material may not be reproduced without permission.
snopes and the logo are registered service marks of
Frank, Mitch. "Tale of the Cake."
Time. 14 July 2003.
Murphy, Brian. "US Removes Uranium from Iraq."
ABC News. 5 July 2008.
Rubin, Alyssa J. and Campbell Robertson. "U.S. Helps Remove Uranium from Iraq."
The New York Times. 7 July 2008.
Schmidt, Susan. "Plame's Input Is Cited on Niger Mission."
The Washington Post. 10 July 2004 (p. A9).
Wilson, Joseph C. "What I Didn't Find in Africa."
The New York Times. 6 July 2003.
Associated Press. "Secret U.S. Mission Hauls Uranium from Iraq." 5 July 2008.
BBC News. "Timeline: 'Niger Uranium' Row." 9 July 2003.
NPR. "Timeline: The CIA Leak Case."
2 July 2007.
ScienceDaily. "Cleaning Up Iraqi Nuclear Facilities, Radioactive Waste."
21 October 2008.
[TBODY] [/TBODY] Yellowcake Uranium Removed from Iraq

Have Your Yellowcake

Claim: The removal of yellowcake uranium from Iraq in 2008 proved that Saddam Hussein had been trying to restart Iraq's nuclear program.

Status: False.

Example: [Collected via e-mail, August 2008]

Uranium in Iraq?

I wonder why this hasn't been on the evening news . . .

Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq

Last major stockpile from Saddam's nuclear efforts arrives in Canada

U.S. removes yellowcake from Iraq - World news - Mideast N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq NBC News

Secret U.S. Mission Hauls Uranium From Iraq On July 5, 2008, the Associated Press (AP) released a story titled: Secret U.S. mission hauls uranium from Iraq. The opening paragraph is as follows:

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program - a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium - reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

See anything wrong with this picture? We have been hearing from the far-left for more than five years how, 'Bush lied.' Somehow, that slogan loses its credibility now that 550 metric tons of Saddam's yellowcake, used for nuclear weapon enrichment, has been discovered and shipped to Canada for its new use as nuclear energy.

It appears that American troops found the 550 metric tons of uranium in 2003 after invading Iraq. They had to sit on this information and the uranium itself, for fear of terrorists attempting to steal it. It was guarded and kept safe by our military in a 23,000-acre site with large sand beams surrounding the site.

This is vindication for the Bush administration, having been attacked mercilessly by the liberal media and the far-left pundits on the blogosphere. Now that it is proven that President Bush did not lie about Saddam's nuclear ambitions, one would think the mainstream media would report the story? Once the AP released the story, the mainstream media should have picked it up and broadcast it worldwide.

This never happened, due in large part I believe, to the fact that the mainstream media would have to admit they were wrong about Bush's war motives all along. Thankfully, the AP got it right when it said, "The removal of 550 metric tons of 'yellowcake' — the seed material for higher-grade nuclear enrichment — was a significant step toward closing the books on Saddam's nuclear legacy."

Closing the book on Saddam's nuclear legacy? Did Saddam have a nuclear legacy after all? I thought Bush lied? As it turns out, the people who lied were Joe Wilson and his wife.

Valerie Plame engaged in a clear case of nepotism and convinced the CIA to send her husband on a fact finding mission in February 2002, seeking to determine if Saddam Hussein attempted to buy yellowcake from Niger. The CIA and British intelligence believed Saddam contacted Niger for that purpose but needed proof.

During his trip to Niger, Wilson actually interviewed the former prime minister of Niger, Ibrahim Assane Mayaki. Mayaki told Wilson that in June of 1999, an Iraqi delegation expressed interest in 'expanding commercial relations' for the purposes of purchasing yellowcake.

Wilson chose to overlook Mayaki's remarks and reported to the CIA that there was no evidence of Hussein wanting to purchase yellowcake from Niger. However, with British intelligence insisting the claim was true, President Bush used that same claim in his State of the Union address in January of 2003. Outraged by Bush's insistence that the claim was true, Wilson wrote an op-ed in the New York Times in the summer of 2003 slamming Bush.

Wilson did this in spite of the fact that Mayaki said Saddam did try to buy the yellowcake from Niger. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence disagreed with Wilson and supported Mayaki's claim. This meant nothing to Wilson who was opposed to the Iraq war and thus had ulterior motives in covering up the prime minister's statements.

It was a simple tactic really. If the far-left and their friends in the media could prove Bush lied about Hussein wanting to purchase yellowcake from Niger, it would undermine President Bush's credibility and give them more cause for asking what other 'lies' he may have told.

Yet, the real lie came from Wilson, who interpreted his own meaning from the prime minister's statements and concluded all by himself that the claim of Saddam attempting to purchase yellowcake was 'unequivocally wrong.' Curiously, the CIA sat on this information and did not inform the CIA Director, who sided with Bush on the yellowcake claim. This was made public in a bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee report in July 2004.

Valerie Plame also engaged in her own lie campaign by spreading the notion that the Bush administration 'outed' her as a CIA agent. Never mind that it was Richard Armitage — no friend of the Bush administration — who leaked Plame's identity to the press. Never mind that Plame had not been in the field as a CIA agent in some six years.

The truth is, due to their opposition to the war, Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame, the mainstream media and their left-wing friends on the blogosphere engaged in a propaganda campaign to undermine the Bush administration. Now that Saddam's uranium has been made public and is no longer a threat to the world, do you think these aforementioned parties will apologize and admit they were wrong? Don't count on it. The rest of the Ame! rican people should hear the truth about Saddam's uranium. It is up to you and me to inform them every chance we get.

As far as the anti-war crowd is concerned, the next time they say that, 'Bush lied,' we should tell them to, 'Have the yellowcake and eat it too.'
Origins: In 2001, the government of Italy came into possession of documents that purportedly demonstrated Iraqi officials were attempting to buy uranium yellowcake from Niger (yellowcake can be enriched in centrifuges to produce weapons-grade uranium), and the Italian government shared these documents with intelligence officials in the U.S. and U.K. The CIA dispatched former ambassador Joseph Wilson to Niger in February 2002 on an eight-day trip to that country to investigate; later, on 6 July 2003, Wilson wrote an op-ed piece published in the New York Times ("What I Didn't Find in Africa") charging that "some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat" and criticizing the Bush administration for citing the yellowcake evidence as proof of a possible Iraqi nuclear threat and using this claim as a key element in persuading members of Congress to pass a resolution authorizing use of force against Iraq and in "selling the war" to the American public. (In 2004, a bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report challenged the claims Wilson made in his op-ed piece, saying that "rather than debunking intelligence about purported uranium sales to Iraq, [Wilson's report had] bolstered the case for most intelligence analysts.")

Shortly after the publication of Wilson's op-ed piece, syndicated columnist Robert Novak revealed that Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was a CIA operative, information he said had been obtained from two senior administration officials. Critics charged that the exposure of Valerie Plame's identity was a deliberate tit-for-tat retaliation orchestrated by the Bush administration that endangered lives (including Plame's) in order to punish Wilson for taking his disagreement with the White House public. Both sides (and their supporters) accused the other of lying and double-dealing, and more than five years after the beginning of U.S. military involvement in Iraq, the "Plame affair" remains one of the more contentious political issues associated with that war.

Flash forward five years: In July 2008, the U.S. government announced that it had completed the secret removal of 550 metric tons of yellowcake from the Tuwaitha Nuclear Research Center in Iraq, material which was sold and shipped to Cameco, a Canadian uranium producer. The U.S. was anxious to transfer the yellowcake out of Iraq for a variety of safety concerns:
Although the material cannot be used in its current form for a nuclear weapon or even a so-called dirty bomb, officials decided that in Iraq’s unstable environment, it was important to make sure it did not fall into the wrong hands.

There are also health dangers associated with concentrated forms of natural uranium, and since little is secure in Iraq, officials wanted to remove it.

After the American invasion in 2003, Tuwaitha was looted. Barrels used to store the yellowcake were stolen and sold to local people, who used them to store water and food and to wash clothes, according to a report by the atomic energy agency.
The item reproduced in the example block above cites the July 2008 removal of yellowcake from Iraq as proof that Iraq had in fact been buying yellowcake in an attempt to restart its nuclear program (and ultimately produce nuclear weapons) before the U.S. invasion of March 2003, and that therefore the Bush administration was right and Joseph Wilson was wrong. However, that claim is erroneous.

The yellowcake removed from Iraq in 2008 was material that had long since been identified, documented, and stored in sealed containers under the supervision of U.N. inspectors. It was not a "secret" cache that was recently "discovered" by the U.S, and the yellowcake had not been purchased by Iraq in the years immediately preceding the 2003 invasion. The uranium was the remnants of decades-old nuclear reactor projects that had put out of commission many years earlier: One reactor at Al Tuwaitha was bombed by Israel in 1981, and another was bombed and disabled during Operation Desert Storm in 1991. Moreover, the fact that the yellowcake had been in Iraq since before the 1991 Gulf War was plainly stated in the Associated Press article cited in the example above:
Tuwaitha and an adjacent research facility were well known for decades as the centerpiece of Saddam's nuclear efforts.

Israeli warplanes bombed a reactor project at the site in 1981. Later, U.N. inspectors documented and safeguarded the yellowcake, which had been stored in aging drums and containers since before the 1991 Gulf War. There was no evidence of any yellowcake dating from after 1991, the official said.
Or, as the New York Times stated more plainly:
The yellowcake removed from Iraq was not the same yellowcake that President Bush claimed, in a now discredited section of his 2003 State of the Union address, that Mr. Hussein was trying to purchase in Africa.
The U.S. did manage to ameliorate a substantial security concern by secretly shipping stored yellowcake out of Iraq in mid-2008, but that act was not, as claimed above, proof that Iraq had been purchasing uranium and attempting to restart its nuclear program prior to the U.S. invasion.

Last updated: 25 October 2008

Urban Legends Reference Pages © 1995-2014 by
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Frank, Mitch. "Tale of the Cake."
Time. 14 July 2003.
Murphy, Brian. "US Removes Uranium from Iraq."
ABC News. 5 July 2008.
Rubin, Alyssa J. and Campbell Robertson. "U.S. Helps Remove Uranium from Iraq."
The New York Times. 7 July 2008.
Schmidt, Susan. "Plame's Input Is Cited on Niger Mission."
The Washington Post. 10 July 2004 (p. A9).
Wilson, Joseph C. "What I Didn't Find in Africa."
The New York Times. 6 July 2003.
Associated Press. "Secret U.S. Mission Hauls Uranium from Iraq." 5 July 2008.
BBC News. "Timeline: 'Niger Uranium' Row." 9 July 2003.
NPR. "Timeline: The CIA Leak Case."
2 July 2007.
ScienceDaily. "Cleaning Up Iraqi Nuclear Facilities, Radioactive Waste."
21 October 2008.

Darlin, we from the intel community laugh our asses off at shit coming out of Snopes half the time.

I haven't read most of this thread yet, but that article can be trounced just based on open sources.
Just as I've been saying for months.....the nuke WMD will be found to have been moved as well.

I don't know; but nukes are irrelevant. Saddam had chemical and biological WMD's - proven fact. Which means Obama, the rest of the shameful democrats, and the corrupt press have been blatantly lying for a decade.

Obama KNEW the WMD's were present, yet STILL attacked Bush. What a pile of shit Obama is, lying fuck.

Yep, the thing people can argue about chem WMD is it was old stuff....even though some of it has been used by ISIS in Syria despite how old it is. I mention nuke because Obama knows about that too and they won't be able to claim it was from the Iran Iraq war.
Just more fall out from the Bush inspired Iraq Civil War. As confirmed by your Huffington Post piece.

Actually, Huffing Glue confirms these are Sadam era WMD's - which the USA has known about the entire time. You know this, but chose to lie about it because you have no honor or integrity.

{The analysis from The Times draws on interviews with American soldiers and previously unreleased government documents to show that the U.S. government has been aware that chemical weapons, intact or partially damaged and then repurposed, have been circulating in Iraq -- and harming soldiers -- since 2003. The newspaper confirmed U.S. soldiers had come across mustard shells at Muthanna in 2008, and said three Times journalists saw old chemical stocks there in 2013.}

So again, Obama has known that Iraq had WMD's his entire term, and has lied continuously for partisan reasons.

More precisely, Raygun era WMD. Fact is the old stockpiles, lost, abandoned or hidden on purpose were not the WMD the Bush Administration was claiming Saddam was actively producing. No amount of lying or calling people childish names will ever change that.
Just more fall out from the Bush inspired Iraq Civil War. As confirmed by your Huffington Post piece.

Actually, Huffing Glue confirms these are Sadam era WMD's - which the USA has known about the entire time. You know this, but chose to lie about it because you have no honor or integrity.

{The analysis from The Times draws on interviews with American soldiers and previously unreleased government documents to show that the U.S. government has been aware that chemical weapons, intact or partially damaged and then repurposed, have been circulating in Iraq -- and harming soldiers -- since 2003. The newspaper confirmed U.S. soldiers had come across mustard shells at Muthanna in 2008, and said three Times journalists saw old chemical stocks there in 2013.}

So again, Obama has known that Iraq had WMD's his entire term, and has lied continuously for partisan reasons.

More precisely, Raygun era WMD. Fact is the old stockpiles, lost, abandoned or hidden on purpose were not the WMD the Bush Administration was claiming Saddam was actively producing. No amount of lying or calling people childish names will ever change that.

Boo, I told ya you're one of the few libs I enjoy debating with because you always keep it respectful.

So let me point out the contradiction in your own statement. You say "well yeah this is WMD but not the WMD Bush...."

You just admitted there was WMD there regardless of who said what.
the UN was LIED TO... or did you forget Colin Powell standing there with pretend yellowcake?

The UN was lied to by your filthy party. Powell laid out facts - as is now revealed. Iraq had and still has chemical and biological weapons.

You and the corrupt press have lied to the American people for a decade.

you might also want to use the google and look up the final report of hans blix, the UN inspector.


You might want to use Gooogle and look up "caught red handed in a lie."

Because you have been - right before the midterms.

All had been manufactured before 1991, participants said. Filthy, rusty or corroded, a large fraction of them could not be readily identified as chemical weapons at all. Some were empty, though many of them still contained potent mustard agent or residual sarin. Most could not have been used as designed, and when they ruptured dispersed the chemical agents over a limited area, according to those who collected the majority of them.

In case after case, participants said, analysis of these warheads and shells reaffirmed intelligence failures. First, the American government did not find what it had been looking for at the war’s outset, then it failed to prepare its troops and medical corps for the aged weapons it did find.
More precisely, Raygun era WMD.

Reagan left office in 1989, not 2003.

Fact is the old stockpiles, lost, abandoned or hidden on purpose were not the WMD the Bush Administration was claiming Saddam was actively producing. No amount of lying or calling people childish names will ever change that.

Of course you lie, you hold party above all and have not a hint of integrity. These ware 2003 era and have been used against U.S. Soldiers.

{The analysis from The Times draws on interviews with American soldiers and previously unreleased government documents to show that the U.S. government has been aware that chemical weapons, intact or partially damaged and then repurposed, have been circulating in Iraq -- and harming soldiers -- since 2003. The newspaper confirmed U.S. soldiers had come across mustard shells at Muthanna in 2008, and said three Times journalists saw old chemical stocks there in 2013.}

You don't give a fuck though, you only care about your party. That Bush was correct and Saddam had an active WMD program is only meaningful to you in that you want to lie and distort to cover it up, in order to protect your party. That U.S. soldiers died from these isn't worth a pile of dogshit to you - you only care about what the exposure of facts mean to the power of your party.

That Obama and the press have lied for a decade is nothing to you - you only wish that you could continue the lie, lest facts harm your party in the midterms.

Better a Saran attack in the New York Subways than the GOP taking the Senate - you have priorities - party above all - always.
the UN was LIED TO... or did you forget Colin Powell standing there with pretend yellowcake?

The UN was lied to by your filthy party. Powell laid out facts - as is now revealed. Iraq had and still has chemical and biological weapons.

You and the corrupt press have lied to the American people for a decade.

you might also want to use the google and look up the final report of hans blix, the UN inspector.


You might want to use Gooogle and look up "caught red handed in a lie."

Because you have been - right before the midterms.

All had been manufactured before 1991, participants said. Filthy, rusty or corroded, a large fraction of them could not be readily identified as chemical weapons at all. Some were empty, though many of them still contained potent mustard agent or residual sarin. Most could not have been used as designed, and when they ruptured dispersed the chemical agents over a limited area, according to those who collected the majority of them.

In case after case, participants said, analysis of these warheads and shells reaffirmed intelligence failures. First, the American government did not find what it had been looking for at the war’s outset, then it failed to prepare its troops and medical corps for the aged weapons it did find.


That's not the latest information. It can be found RIGHT OUT IN OPEN SOURCE that ISIS - whose had control of that area for sometime - has been able to use some of that older stuff in Syria. Not all of it could be used (those that were from Iran/Iraq war) but some of it could.

So much for saying all of it's too old.

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