Remember how Reagan handled Berkeley protesters ?

He kicked their fucking asses, that's how!

This of course was when Reagan was governor.

Watch how he dresses down the media.

Here’s How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters

When then-Governor Ronald Reagan was dealing with protesters at the University of California – Berkeley, he didn’t tender his resignation or worry about creating safe spaces.

What he did is considered one of the most controversial acts by a Governor in american history.

Police soon opened fire with buckshot and tear gas. One student was killed, 128 were admitted to local hospitals.

When asked about the order, Reagan responded firmly.

“All of it began the first time some of you who know better, and are old enough to know better, let young people think that they have the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest”

Here's How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters [VIDEO]

And Reagan was an actor. The best presidents are not politicians!

He kicked their fucking asses, that's how!

This of course was when Reagan was governor.

Watch how he dresses down the media.

Here’s How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters

When then-Governor Ronald Reagan was dealing with protesters at the University of California – Berkeley, he didn’t tender his resignation or worry about creating safe spaces.

What he did is considered one of the most controversial acts by a Governor in american history.

Police soon opened fire with buckshot and tear gas. One student was killed, 128 were admitted to local hospitals.

When asked about the order, Reagan responded firmly.

“All of it began the first time some of you who know better, and are old enough to know better, let young people think that they have the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest”

Here's How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters [VIDEO]

That was protesting again the war, totally different, and at a time when young people should be quiet. That was then and this is now. Different times. What was Donald doing at the time, getting out of Nam.

I suspect this was a paid group, as the students were behind watching. Every wonder why no one was arrested?
He kicked their fucking asses, that's how!

This of course was when Reagan was governor.

Watch how he dresses down the media.

Here’s How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters

When then-Governor Ronald Reagan was dealing with protesters at the University of California – Berkeley, he didn’t tender his resignation or worry about creating safe spaces.

What he did is considered one of the most controversial acts by a Governor in american history.

Police soon opened fire with buckshot and tear gas. One student was killed, 128 were admitted to local hospitals.

When asked about the order, Reagan responded firmly.

“All of it began the first time some of you who know better, and are old enough to know better, let young people think that they have the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest”

Here's How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters [VIDEO]

And Reagan was an actor. The best presidents are not politicians!

He kicked their fucking asses, that's how!

This of course was when Reagan was governor.

Watch how he dresses down the media.

Here’s How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters

When then-Governor Ronald Reagan was dealing with protesters at the University of California – Berkeley, he didn’t tender his resignation or worry about creating safe spaces.

What he did is considered one of the most controversial acts by a Governor in american history.

Police soon opened fire with buckshot and tear gas. One student was killed, 128 were admitted to local hospitals.

When asked about the order, Reagan responded firmly.

“All of it began the first time some of you who know better, and are old enough to know better, let young people think that they have the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest”

Here's How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters [VIDEO]

That was protesting again the war, totally different, and at a time when young people should be quiet. That was then and this is now. Different times. What was Donald doing at the time, getting out of Nam.

I suspect this was a paid group, as the students were behind watching. Every wonder why no one was arrested?

So, you are saying young people should be quiet??? I am always curious why violence and mayhem is not met with arrests.
He kicked their fucking asses, that's how!

This of course was when Reagan was governor.

Watch how he dresses down the media.

Here’s How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters

When then-Governor Ronald Reagan was dealing with protesters at the University of California – Berkeley, he didn’t tender his resignation or worry about creating safe spaces.

What he did is considered one of the most controversial acts by a Governor in american history.

Police soon opened fire with buckshot and tear gas. One student was killed, 128 were admitted to local hospitals.

When asked about the order, Reagan responded firmly.

“All of it began the first time some of you who know better, and are old enough to know better, let young people think that they have the right to choose the laws they would obey as long as they were doing it in the name of social protest”

Here's How Ronald Reagan Dealt With Protesters [VIDEO]

America was lucky to have him.
I love it !

He tells the police to use any methods they choose to stop the protesters!!!

Bububuuuut that's not politically correct! We must understand why these protesters are protesting, they are misunderstood and we need to help them by understanding and compromising when they throw temper tantrums.

Actually Reagan's way is much easier and more effective.

Yay! Dead kids!

Saint Reagan was the best!
Disingenuous isn't it.

If the dead kids had not been rioting, harming true innocent people, and destroying property, they'd still be alive. Darwin awards apply.

The kid who died wasn't "rioting".

He was sitting on a roof, watching.

But don't let that stop your little fascist jerk-off party.
Don't be an idiot. The rioters were destroying people and attacking cops. When guns are being fired, you DO NOT sit on a roof to watch.

People have a right to peacefully protest. The moment they become violent, they lose the right.

I don't really care if you want to defend them and their stupidity. However, they WERE NOT MURDERED. The word has a very specific meaning.

Get over it.

This isn't about "rights", this is about right and wrong.

But again, don't let me stop you cheering for the killing of kids.

I think you should shout it from the rooftops.

This is about temper tantrums and you are right, rioting, destroying others property, looting, and threatening others is absolutely wrong.

The have an absolute right to protest peacefully, they have no right to riot.

Yay! Dead kids!

Saint Reagan was the best!
Disingenuous isn't it.

If the dead kids had not been rioting, harming true innocent people, and destroying property, they'd still be alive. Darwin awards apply.

The kid who died wasn't "rioting".

He was sitting on a roof, watching.

But don't let that stop your little fascist jerk-off party.
Don't be an idiot. The rioters were destroying people and attacking cops. When guns are being fired, you DO NOT sit on a roof to watch.

People have a right to peacefully protest. The moment they become violent, they lose the right.

I don't really care if you want to defend them and their stupidity. However, they WERE NOT MURDERED. The word has a very specific meaning.

Get over it.

This isn't about "rights", this is about right and wrong.

But again, don't let me stop you cheering for the killing of kids.

I think you should shout it from the rooftops.
They can peacefully protest, but when you get violent or start destroying property you get whats coming to you.
It will be interesting to see if the Berkeley cops, (who by the way are receiving lots of angry comments about the fact that they stood by and watched these unhinged leftists get violent), continue to stand down when the next riot erupts.

One thing is for sure, the current governor will do nothing to stop the leftist from rioting.
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