Remember: It's the Right Who Are Anti Science

Flacaltenn, why do you admonish Jillian for thinking that Government acts in our best interests and then cite "Gov't Consensus" as proof of no fracking (or harm from it)?
Flacaltenn, why do you admonish Jillian for thinking that Government acts in our best interests and then cite "Gov't Consensus" as proof of no fracking (or harm from it)?

You've crushed my self-esteem -- or TRIED TO... :2up:

I carefully crafted a response that fits her narrative of "authority". Ya gotta speak their language. But I'm respecting you for keeping tabs on me.. Lots of independent studies also exist.

Actually --- ANY Mining practices need some oversight. I'm not opposed to that. The wastewater discharge back into the ground is a big issue. But like coal mining, people die at mines that were CONSTANTLY inspected and shut down by the Govt. It is not as effective as it should be.
By assigning a quality to "the left" based on actions by a few nobodies, all of the righties on this thread have certainly proven themselves to be incompetent in the realm of logic.

And since logic is required for science, that explains why they're so incompetent at science.

Who cares s0n? Only the climate obsessed. Like I could give a rats ass about learning all the P's and Q's about the science of climate change?

All Ive ever cared about being in this shithole forum is who's winning?

And that is not in question is it s0n??


Every similar poll by any reputable polling company since 2009 shows the same thing as this poll ( happy to post up any of the m by request ).......but for the k00ks, its getting WORSE!!!

Look at that shit above.............NOBODY GIVES A SHIT ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING IN 2015're


Whats that about "logic" s0n?

When ideology trumps science
While the issue remains cloudy, there is some silver lining behind these numbers. Social scientists such as Dan Kahan, a professor of psychology at Yale University, have noted that asking people about their climate beliefs can be tricky since ideology can guide people's answers (ClimateWire, July 24, 2014).

So, when the pollsters questioned people differently, asking whether there is solid evidence the Earth is getting warmer, 72 percent of people said it was, up from 57 percent in 2009. Only 25 percent said the Earth is not getting warmer, up from 11 percent in 2009.

Only 3 percent of people were still undecided, which means most people have made up their minds already on the climate. Of the people who agreed the Earth is warming, about half (46 percent) said it is caused by human activity.

The increased belief in climate change was reflected last week in the Senate, when 98 senators from both parties voted that climate change is real and not a hoax. Only one, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), voted otherwise. Going on the record on their beliefs was a historic step for Republicans who have otherwise insisted that "they are not scientists" when questioned on climate change.

But about half the senators still maintained that climate change is not driven by human activity (E&ENews PM, Jan. 21). That vote was along partisan lines.

Among the public, too, climate beliefs correlate with ideology, the Pew pollsters noted. People who vote Republican are less likely to believe in climate change than people who vote Democratic.

Big Gap between What Scientists Say and Americans Think about Climate Change

As events progress, the numbers will change to reflect those events. That is going to be a very large factor in the political equations in the coming decade. The GOP is definately on the losing side on this.
When ideology trumps science
While the issue remains cloudy, there is some silver lining behind these numbers. Social scientists such as Dan Kahan, a professor of psychology at Yale University, have noted that asking people about their climate beliefs can be tricky since ideology can guide people's answers (ClimateWire, July 24, 2014).

So, when the pollsters questioned people differently, asking whether there is solid evidence the Earth is getting warmer, 72 percent of people said it was, up from 57 percent in 2009. Only 25 percent said the Earth is not getting warmer, up from 11 percent in 2009.

Only 3 percent of people were still undecided, which means most people have made up their minds already on the climate. Of the people who agreed the Earth is warming, about half (46 percent) said it is caused by human activity.

The increased belief in climate change was reflected last week in the Senate, when 98 senators from both parties voted that climate change is real and not a hoax. Only one, Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), voted otherwise. Going on the record on their beliefs was a historic step for Republicans who have otherwise insisted that "they are not scientists" when questioned on climate change.

But about half the senators still maintained that climate change is not driven by human activity (E&ENews PM, Jan. 21). That vote was along partisan lines.

Among the public, too, climate beliefs correlate with ideology, the Pew pollsters noted. People who vote Republican are less likely to believe in climate change than people who vote Democratic.

Big Gap between What Scientists Say and Americans Think about Climate Change

As events progress, the numbers will change to reflect those events. That is going to be a very large factor in the political equations in the coming decade. The GOP is definately on the losing side on this.

Hail Mary Pass conjecture.

In the last 2 mid-terms, Democrats have gotten their clocks cleaned. At least until 2020, the House will remain red ( thank God for governors redistricting). What the Pew and Gallup polls in recent years reflects is that MOST Americans have far, far more pressing concerns than global warming. Real life stuff.........that is never going to change in the current economy.

In the coming decade, much is going to change thanks to the debt bomb and continuing corruption in the markets and crony capitalism engineered by the big banks......placed into hyper-drive by Bush and now amped up even more under Obama...the middle class will continue to be crushed. Trust me......only the dedicated AGW folks think global warming is going to be on the top of their concern list. Americans with real responsibilities and lots to worry about wont be caring about some boogie predictions by goofball scientists that are always getting it wrong. They'll be concerned with the realities right in front of them. The ONLY way this changes is having a 3 week heat wave of 70 degrees in Alaska in the middle of January.

Most ironic?

Every AGW climate crusader despises a growth economy........which is the only way that global warming moves up the list in the Pew poll above. The AGW folks embrace a 2% growth GDP as closer to utopian..........completely contrary to placing the nation in a position to place greater focus on global warming.

Lets face it.........since 2007, global warming has fallen increasingly off the radar of most Americans when compared to almost 2 dozen more pressing concerns............every poll shows it clearly. Only a handful of people place it near the top and we know their thinking is

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