Remember January 25, 2019...The Beginning of the End

You attack America and the center to right.

The left are your besties...

Seriously, what do you think you will gain with your lie? Yeah I get it, your handler at think progress told you that you should pretend to be libertarian, but your massah isn't here. So what do you think your utterly moronic lie does for you? Your fellow leftists love you, Americans despise you. No different than if you were honest.

I have never attacked America, I spent 20 years defending it from all enemies foreign and domestic.

you make all sorts of accusations about me yet do not have a single post from me backing them up.

All you have left is lie about me as I live in your head 24/7
Actually, Pelosi does not have a wall around her house at all.

Her house is built on a hill and the house sits on top of the garage.


Oh, look at lefty lie.

Well, you ARE a Communist, so lying is your way.


A wall all the way around on all of them.

BTW you dumb fucking commie, there IS a wall on Pelosi's San Francisco house, look at the top of the stairs where the walkway goes, you drooling retard.

View attachment 242327

The walkway is to her neighbors house you stupid fuck.

no, my theory is that if you worship the POTUS and kiss his ass daily it is funny as hell to pretend to be against the government.

We get that you hate Trump, white people, America and apple pie.

But at the same time you've made it abundantly clear that you LOVE government, that you see the state as the greatest good for every situation. Medical care? Well government does it best? Industry? Government needs to "regulate" them. Energy, glowbull warming means ONLY our rulers can decide what energy goes to whom...

you are a typical total government turd

No matter WHAT the question is, government is the answer.
Every libertarian in this forum pounds on GG for being a bogus libertarian. You would think this idiot would get a clue after a couple of years of this.
Every libertarian in this forum pounds on GG for being a bogus libertarian. You would think this idiot would get a clue after a couple of years of this.

now you are lying about sad that you have been so totally destroyed by me that all you people can do is lie and then lie some more.
Actually, Pelosi does not have a wall around her house at all.

Her house is built on a hill and the house sits on top of the garage.


Oh, look at lefty lie.

Well, you ARE a Communist, so lying is your way.


A wall all the way around on all of them.

BTW you dumb fucking commie, there IS a wall on Pelosi's San Francisco house, look at the top of the stairs where the walkway goes, you drooling retard.

View attachment 242327

The walkway is to her neighbors house you stupid fuck.
There you go, defending Dims again.
Actually, Pelosi does not have a wall around her house at all.

Her house is built on a hill and the house sits on top of the garage.


Oh, look at lefty lie.

Well, you ARE a Communist, so lying is your way.


A wall all the way around on all of them.

BTW you dumb fucking commie, there IS a wall on Pelosi's San Francisco house, look at the top of the stairs where the walkway goes, you drooling retard.

View attachment 242327

The walkway is to her neighbors house you stupid fuck.
There you go, defending Dims again.

Once again, stating the trutht is defending the Dems in your world.

Basically what you are saying is that telling the truth is something you Repubs never do.
Actually, Pelosi does not have a wall around her house at all.

Her house is built on a hill and the house sits on top of the garage.


Oh, look at lefty lie.

Well, you ARE a Communist, so lying is your way.


A wall all the way around on all of them.

BTW you dumb fucking commie, there IS a wall on Pelosi's San Francisco house, look at the top of the stairs where the walkway goes, you drooling retard.

View attachment 242327

The walkway is to her neighbors house you stupid fuck.
Exhibit B: Defending Nazi Piglosi.
Actually, Pelosi does not have a wall around her house at all.

Her house is built on a hill and the house sits on top of the garage.

Oh, look at lefty lie.

Well, you ARE a Communist, so lying is your way.


Here is Water's house...looks nothing like your fake meme...

Exhibit A; Defending Maxine Waters.

Once again, stating the truth is defending the Dems in your world.

Basically what you are saying is that telling the truth is something you Repubs never do.

Why do you hate facts and truth so much?
Every libertarian in this forum pounds on GG for being a bogus libertarian. You would think this idiot would get a clue after a couple of years of this.

now you are lying about sad that you have been so totally destroyed by me that all you people can do is lie and then lie some more.
I referred to what other libertarians say about you. How is that a lie about you?
Actually, Pelosi does not have a wall around her house at all.

Her house is built on a hill and the house sits on top of the garage.


Oh, look at lefty lie.

Well, you ARE a Communist, so lying is your way.


A wall all the way around on all of them.

BTW you dumb fucking commie, there IS a wall on Pelosi's San Francisco house, look at the top of the stairs where the walkway goes, you drooling retard.

View attachment 242327

The walkway is to her neighbors house you stupid fuck.
Exhibit B: Defending Nazi Piglosi.

Once again, stating the truth is defending the Dems in your world.

Basically what you are saying is that telling the truth is something you Repubs never do.

Why do you hate facts and truth so much?
Actually, Pelosi does not have a wall around her house at all.

Her house is built on a hill and the house sits on top of the garage.

Oh, look at lefty lie.

Well, you ARE a Communist, so lying is your way.


Here is Water's house...looks nothing like your fake meme...

Exhibit A; Defending Maxine Waters.

Once again, stating the truth is defending the Dems in your world.

Basically what you are saying is that telling the truth is something you Repubs never do.

Why do you hate facts and truth so much?
Every lying Dim claims he is stating the truth.
Every libertarian in this forum pounds on GG for being a bogus libertarian. You would think this idiot would get a clue after a couple of years of this.

now you are lying about sad that you have been so totally destroyed by me that all you people can do is lie and then lie some more.
I referred to what other libertarians say about you. How is that a lie about you?

link please.

you are making it up.

not that there are many libertarians on here.
Golfing Gonad trying to pass himself off as a libertarian again?.....LMAO!

At least I am not a Trump ass licker like you...:290968001256257790-final:
Just because I don't want an endless parade subversives bringing down a duly elected prez, that doesn't make me a "Trump ass licker".

I've had plenty of criticisms of his missteps and dumb moves, but you're so deep into irrational hatred of the man to see anything else.

BTW, what we're seeing right now with the Mueller jihad is exactly the thing that would have happened to a Ron Paul or Harry Browne....The Big Club doesn't want any upstarts getting in, and if they have to use Stasi tactics to rid themselves of such an interloper, they will...Your support Mueller's inquisition makes you an ass licker of The State, of the highest order, and today's deserving awardee....

Golfing Gonad trying to pass himself off as a libertarian again?.....LMAO!

At least I am not a Trump ass licker like you...:290968001256257790-final:
Better to lick Trump's ass than what you're licking now. One might expect more from a millionaire ex-marine.

I am neither a millionaire nor an ex-Marine.

As a family we are in the top 10% of income earners, not anywhere close to a million.

I am a Retired Marine. There are no ex-Marines...Once a Marine, always a Marine.

Funny how you are the 4th person in this thread to have to lie about me...I have so totally destroyed all of you that is all you have left...lies
You know, I wonder what Trump is going to do in 3 weeks when they refuse to fund his border wall? He's said that he's got a way to get the money, but the question is, will it be legal? he just gonna shut down the government again?
The Democrats agreed to talk. If they're lying, Trump will declare a National emergency and build it without their cooperation. If he doesn't get the wall built, he's finished and will lose his support.

Agreeing to talk is limited only to funding for border security. It has nothing to do with your whore's wall. Just the budget.appropriation for the year as is always done.

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