Remember Mark Foley?

Well, he's baaack!

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

From the article:

"According to campaign contribution records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump gave at least $9,500 to Foley's political campaigns over a period of 10 years."

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

Now we'll get to hear that just because someone is sitting behind a candidate at a rally, nothing can be made of it.


Nope, you'll get to hear tat only a freaking moron thinks that :
A) Hillary didn't know he was there
B) That Foley's "sins" (Foley resigned from Congress on September 29, 2006 acting on a request by the Republican Leadership after allegations surfaced that he had sent suggestive emails and sexually explicit instant messages[1] to teenage boys who had formerly served and were at that time serving as Congressional pages.[2]" while disgusting not on par with 50 dead.

Why do you hate Gay's?
Well, he's baaack!

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

From the article:

"According to campaign contribution records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump gave at least $9,500 to Foley's political campaigns over a period of 10 years."

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

Now we'll get to hear that just because someone is sitting behind a candidate at a rally, nothing can be made of it.


Sending sexual messages is the same as mass murder. Gotcha.
Sending sexual messages to a child?

The point is trump was making fun of hillary for having the father of the shooter behind her in the audience and he had a pedophile right behind him. AND trump confidently said his friends were all behind him. Lol bet he didn't realize mark was there. Oops.

It's one thing to have the father of a creep in the audience and having the actual creep in attendence

Sending sexual messages to teenagers (then getting fired, and rightfully so) is as bad as mass murder by our enemy who has sworn to kill us? Both deserve the same sentence?
The Foley connection gives credence to Trump's affiliation with NAMBLA. I mean I'm not saying Trump is a member of NAMBLA but others are talking about it. Smart people, the best. So who am I to say there isn't a connection. In fact a very smart person told me the other day the reason Trump won't release his tax returns is due to exposing his contributions to NAMBLA. I'm not saying this is the case but other people are. Tremendous people are talking about it folks. heard that a friend of a friend of a cousin of Daniel Boone knows a guy in fuck-nuts Arkansas who says Trump is a pedophile.
It's all part of the democrat plan to get Trump assassinated.

Liberal attacks on Trump are so unhinged, it might get him killed | New York Post

If you want to know what democrats are up to, look at what they accuse others of doing.

They sure have put a whole lot of inflammatory incitement out there. It may be only a matter of time before some nutter acts on it. But incitement is an age-old Democrat specialty.

Just take a look at all the Race-Baiting incitement they put out there on a daily basis. It's all part of 'Communist Organizing.' They're Saul Alinsky disciples. I hope Trump is aware of what's going on and stays safe.
Democrat nutters are acting on the incitement. They just can't get to Trump so it's setting fire to someone's home, beating someone else with a crowbar. Oh no the incitement is there.

Incitement & division is what Democrat Communist Organizing is all about. This current President has made a living stirring shit up and dividing the People. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'. Democrats dutifully adhere to his manifesto.
Well, he's baaack!

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

From the article:

"According to campaign contribution records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump gave at least $9,500 to Foley's political campaigns over a period of 10 years."

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

Now we'll get to hear that just because someone is sitting behind a candidate at a rally, nothing can be made of it.


I knew Republicans weren't ashamed or sorry for Mark Foley. If they were then why elect Roy Moore?

Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) is taking steps to protect the teenagers in the Senate Page Program from Roy Moore. The congresswoman asked the Senate Sergeant at Arms to “take steps to prepare the Page Program for the possible election of Roy Moore,” the Alabama Republican accused of pursuing sexual relationships with girls as young as 14. The 30 Senate pages, who are essentially interns, are mostly high school juniors and seniors, some as young as 16.

“I write you today to share my urgent concern regarding the threat to the safety of the young men and women working in the United States Senate Page Program if Roy Moore becomes the U.S. senator to Alabama,” Rep. Moore wrote.

“The nature of life on Capitol Hill necessitates long hours in close proximity to lawmakers and staff that can create power dynamics of which young people are not fully aware,” she added.

The congresswoman noted that in 2006, then-Rep. Mark Foley (R-Fla.) resigned from Congress after it came out that he had sent sexually suggestive texts and emails to teenage boys in the Congressional Page Program.
The Foley connection gives credence to Trump's affiliation with NAMBLA. I mean I'm not saying Trump is a member of NAMBLA but others are talking about it. Smart people, the best. So who am I to say there isn't a connection. In fact a very smart person told me the other day the reason Trump won't release his tax returns is due to exposing his contributions to NAMBLA. I'm not saying this is the case but other people are. Tremendous people are talking about it folks. heard that a friend of a friend of a cousin of Daniel Boone knows a guy in fuck-nuts Arkansas who says Trump is a pedophile.
It's all part of the democrat plan to get Trump assassinated.

Liberal attacks on Trump are so unhinged, it might get him killed | New York Post

If you want to know what democrats are up to, look at what they accuse others of doing.

They sure have put a whole lot of inflammatory incitement out there. It may be only a matter of time before some nutter acts on it. But incitement is an age-old Democrat specialty.

Just take a look at all the Race-Baiting incitement they put out there on a daily basis. It's all part of 'Communist Organizing.' They're Saul Alinsky disciples. I hope Trump is aware of what's going on and stays safe.
Democrat nutters are acting on the incitement. They just can't get to Trump so it's setting fire to someone's home, beating someone else with a crowbar. Oh no the incitement is there.

Incitement & division is what Democrat Communist Organizing is all about. This current President has made a living stirring shit up and dividing the People. It's all in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals'. Democrats dutifully adhere to his manifesto.

What a hoot. If you haven't noticed there could be no negative news out about Trump and Trump will purposely tweet something that will divide us.

You are a partisan brainwashed hack in case you don't know it.
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