Remember Mark Foley?

The Foley connection gives credence to Trump's affiliation with NAMBLA. I mean I'm not saying Trump is a member of NAMBLA but others are talking about it. Smart people, the best. So who am I to say there isn't a connection. In fact a very smart person told me the other day the reason Trump won't release his tax returns is due to exposing his contributions to NAMBLA. I'm not saying this is the case but other people are. Tremendous people are talking about it folks. heard that a friend of a friend of a cousin of Daniel Boone knows a guy in fuck-nuts Arkansas who says Trump is a pedophile.
It's all part of the democrat plan to get Trump assassinated.

Liberal attacks on Trump are so unhinged, it might get him killed | New York Post

If you want to know what democrats are up to, look at what they accuse others of doing.
Trump daily outrage. Quick someone tell CNN.

Yeah, it's getting pretty old & stale at this point. Hopefully most Americans will go around the corrupt MSM and keep the corrupt witch and her rapist husband out of the White House. But we'll see i guess.
Lets remember that not only was this guy fucking young boys but the GOP was told about it and they covered it up for years.
The Foley connection gives credence to Trump's affiliation with NAMBLA. I mean I'm not saying Trump is a member of NAMBLA but others are talking about it. Smart people, the best. So who am I to say there isn't a connection. In fact a very smart person told me the other day the reason Trump won't release his tax returns is due to exposing his contributions to NAMBLA. I'm not saying this is the case but other people are. Tremendous people are talking about it folks. heard that a friend of a friend of a cousin of Daniel Boone knows a guy in fuck-nuts Arkansas who says Trump is a pedophile.
It's all part of the democrat plan to get Trump assassinated.

Liberal attacks on Trump are so unhinged, it might get him killed | New York Post

If you want to know what democrats are up to, look at what they accuse others of doing.

They sure have put a whole lot of inflammatory incitement out there. It may be only a matter of time before some nutter acts on it. But incitement is an age-old Democrat specialty.

Just take a look at all the Race-Baiting incitement they put out there on a daily basis. It's all part of 'Communist Organizing.' They're Saul Alinsky disciples. I hope Trump is aware of what's going on and stays safe.
The Foley connection gives credence to Trump's affiliation with NAMBLA. I mean I'm not saying Trump is a member of NAMBLA but others are talking about it. Smart people, the best. So who am I to say there isn't a connection. In fact a very smart person told me the other day the reason Trump won't release his tax returns is due to exposing his contributions to NAMBLA. I'm not saying this is the case but other people are. Tremendous people are talking about it folks. heard that a friend of a friend of a cousin of Daniel Boone knows a guy in fuck-nuts Arkansas who says Trump is a pedophile.
It's all part of the democrat plan to get Trump assassinated.

Liberal attacks on Trump are so unhinged, it might get him killed | New York Post

If you want to know what democrats are up to, look at what they accuse others of doing.
The Foley connection gives credence to Trump's affiliation with NAMBLA. I mean I'm not saying Trump is a member of NAMBLA but others are talking about it. Smart people, the best. So who am I to say there isn't a connection. In fact a very smart person told me the other day the reason Trump won't release his tax returns is due to exposing his contributions to NAMBLA. I'm not saying this is the case but other people are. Tremendous people are talking about it folks. heard that a friend of a friend of a cousin of Daniel Boone knows a guy in fuck-nuts Arkansas who says Trump is a pedophile.
It's all part of the democrat plan to get Trump assassinated.

Liberal attacks on Trump are so unhinged, it might get him killed | New York Post

If you want to know what democrats are up to, look at what they accuse others of doing.

They sure have put a whole lot of inflammatory incitement out there. It may be only a matter of time before some nutter acts on it. But incitement is an age-old Democrat specialty.

Just take a look at all the Race-Baiting incitement they put out there on a daily basis. It's all part of 'Communist Organizing.' They're Saul Alinsky disciples. I hope Trump is aware of what's going on and stays safe.
Democrat nutters are acting on the incitement. They just can't get to Trump so it's setting fire to someone's home, beating someone else with a crowbar. Oh no the incitement is there.
Well, he's baaack!

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

From the article:

"According to campaign contribution records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump gave at least $9,500 to Foley's political campaigns over a period of 10 years."

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

Now we'll get to hear that just because someone is sitting behind a candidate at a rally, nothing can be made of it.


Sending sexual messages is the same as mass murder. Gotcha.

Reading is fundamental. You appear to have taken both the fun and the mental out of it.
Well, he's baaack!

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

From the article:

"According to campaign contribution records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump gave at least $9,500 to Foley's political campaigns over a period of 10 years."

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

Now we'll get to hear that just because someone is sitting behind a candidate at a rally, nothing can be made of it.


Sending sexual messages is the same as mass murder. Gotcha.
Sending sexual messages to a child?

The point is trump was making fun of hillary for having the father of the shooter behind her in the audience and he had a pedophile right behind him. AND trump confidently said his friends were all behind him. Lol bet he didn't realize mark was there. Oops.

It's one thing to have the father of a creep in the audience and having the actual creep in attendence
You can tell how dishonest the left is. Instead of conceding the fact that terrorists father was invited to Hillary’s rally, they come in with this weak claim, probably photoshopping, that a Republican showed up at a rally. No videos. Just his head in the crowd. Maybe they have a picture of Charles Manson in that crowd somewhere.
Are you in the denial phase?
What was Foley convicted of?

"As a result of the disclosures, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement conducted investigations of the messages to find possible criminal charges.[4] Each ended with no criminal finding. In the case of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the "FDLE conducted as thorough and comprehensive investigation as possible considering Congress and Mr. Foley denied us access to critical data," said FDLE Commissioner Gerald Bailey with the closure of the case.[5] The House Ethics Committee also conducted an investigation into the response of the House Republican leadership and their staff to possible earlier warnings of Foley's conduct.[6]"

Mark Foley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Republicans can defend anything including pedophilia
Well, he's baaack!

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

From the article:

"According to campaign contribution records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump gave at least $9,500 to Foley's political campaigns over a period of 10 years."

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

Now we'll get to hear that just because someone is sitting behind a candidate at a rally, nothing can be made of it.

Teen aged boyz ... the Greek word for which is pedophilia.

Yup ... remember the name and the face (roundish blondish Irish face) and the resignation.

This is yet another reason why texting is NOT a good idea.
Glass houses. The left celebrates perverts.

‘Sex slave’ claims Bill Clinton visited Epstein’s ‘orgy island’

Former President Bill Clinton took a romantic jaunt in 2002 to convicted pedophile pal Jeffrey Epstein’s “orgy island” with “two young girls” from New York, according to a shocking new interview.

Virginia Roberts, who’s accused Epstein of turning her into a “sex slave” at age 17 and forcing her to sleep with his powerful friends, claimed Clinton stayed in one of the many villas on Epstein’s US Virgin Islands estate — where group sex was a “regular occurrence.”

According to flight logs, Clinton flew on Epstein’s private Boeing 727, which Roberts said was outfitted with a special bed for kinky, high-altitude romps, the Web site said.

“It was a lot of the same things that went down on the ground,” she claimed. “There would be sexual conduct; there would be foreplay. There was a bed in there, so we could basically re-enact exactly what happened in the house. It would start off with massaging or we would start off with foreplay. Sometimes it would lead to, you know, orgies.”

Roberts denied she ever slept with Clinton and said she never witnessed him having sex with anyone else.

But on “orgy island,” the stunning blonde allegedly engaged in group sex with Epstein, Britain’s Prince Andrew and eight other girls.

Epstein pimped out Roberts and other underage girls to his prominent pals — so he could gather information on them to blackmail them later on, Roberts alleged in a new affidavit.​
Nambla for trump
Well, he's baaack!

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

From the article:

"According to campaign contribution records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics, Trump gave at least $9,500 to Foley's political campaigns over a period of 10 years."

Disgraced Former US Rep. Mark Foley Spotted at Trump Rally

Now we'll get to hear that just because someone is sitting behind a candidate at a rally, nothing can be made of it.

So? The DNC had a pedophile as a guest speaker.

One more defense of Trump by trying to show how much like Hillary he is.

Libs trying to demonize others with things they do themselves doesn't really cut it.
That's the point! Trump makes fun of Hillary's crowd so now he has to take it. He just got got. You don't like it? tough
Holocaust survivor and Democrat Barney Frank hired teenage homosexual, male prostitutes with taxpayer money, yet he is a MSM icon. Go figure.
Foley is worse or even comparable to the Taliban? I'm hardly a trump supporter but this comparison is just stupid

No one is comparing them in a who's the worst contest. Trump claimed that Hilary KNEW he was there and was invited because he says thats how it goes.

But then he has a pedophile behind him and people go "Welll...I mean you cant control everyone, right?"

Which is it?
Taliban boy was invited.
So was Foley. Trump and Foley met at a rape party. Trump attends rape parties all the time.

It's OK though because there are worst things than raping children, right?
The Foley connection gives credence to Trump's affiliation with NAMBLA. I mean I'm not saying Trump is a member of NAMBLA but others are talking about it. Smart people, the best. So who am I to say there isn't a connection. In fact a very smart person told me the other day the reason Trump won't release his tax returns is due to exposing his contributions to NAMBLA. I'm not saying this is the case but other people are. Tremendous people are talking about it folks. heard that a friend of a friend of a cousin of Daniel Boone knows a guy in fuck-nuts Arkansas who says Trump is a pedophile.
Trump said he wanted to fuck his own daughter when she was 16

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