Remember occupy Wall Street? How big-time banks have donated hundreds of millions of dollars to BLM and similar groups To distract from a poor economy


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
Silicon Valley Banks failing was the second largest bank failure in American history. And smaller banks like signature bank have also failed leaving many Americans out in the dark and many others worried if their deposits are safe ā€¦.But Before its failure Silicon Valley Bank managed to donate $75 million in bank funds (not personal funds) to Black Lives Matter and similar groups. Silicon Valleyā€˜s bank board was also filled with democratic donors Including multimillionaires who claim that they were scared when Donald Trump got elected in 2016. Itā€™s shocking isnā€™t it these people are ā€œscaredā€ of Trump yet they are multimillionaires. Itā€™s all a facade to try and distract working class people and poor people into supporting BLM and supporting Democrats and neoconservativesā€¦they want us to give away all our money to things like Politicians in Ukraine. Notice where our money is going to in Ukraineā€¦. is that actually going directly to poor people or working class people in Ukraine? No itā€™s going into the pockets of politicians and we donā€™t know where that money is goingā€¦..

ā€¦..People who donā€™t deserve million dollar payoffs. People who are corrupt. Thatā€™s right $75 million from svb right into the pockets of Black Lives Matter.. JP Morgan has pledged 30 billion $$$ to so-called racial causes including 100 million usd for so-called minority owned banks. these are unimaginable things that are happening in America and itā€™s up to we the people to do something about it.

president Zelenskyy of Ukraine and his cronies have gotten billions of dollars and all sorts of support from not only the Democrats and the neoconservatives but also from big time banks and investment firms. Thatā€™s where so much of this money is going to thatā€™s a disgrace.

Nancy Pelosi has also been shown to be a big-time proponent of banksters she has all sorts of dealings with banks. Remember how she took a knee along with all of her other pro BLM colleagues back in 2020. Itā€™s not what you think it is they do this stuff for money they do this stuff to try and shut people up to try and distract people from our terrible economy while they make millions of dollars.

Let me also say another thing here. We still have good people in the banking system going back in the US history we had great banks but thereā€™s a problem clearly now many of the big banks including J.P. Morgan have given billions of dollars to so-called race equity causes. That doesnā€™t help anybody it hurts the country. Take a look at the following video and see it for yourself the first 20 minutes or so of Tucker Carlson one of his best lead offs ever show us this

This guy Zielinski gets billions of dollars from Democrats from neoconservatives from the banks from big-time investment firms while the poor white man and the poor black man in America starve on the streets. None of the great Democrats of the 20th century would ever stand for this corruption. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m reaching out to my fellow Democrats here please watch the video above and learn from it.

And just imagine how things are for the poor man in Ukraine ā€¦do you think that theyā€™re getting any piece of this money that is being sent to Ukraine? , think about that one.

I remember the ā€œoccupy Wall Street movementā€. Something I mightā€™ve even disagreed with but it was quite some time ago and it was all sorts of people who were protesting against what they saw as corruption by the big-time banks. Remember that folks now itā€™s gone. One might think that Black Lives Matter would be protesting against banks but no ā€¦.they get their money from these types of people now. A lot of the banks have donated tons of money millions if not billions of dollars to the Black Lives Matter and similar groups. And thatā€™s why we see Black Lives Matter leaders building mansions living unbelievable lives of luxury stealing money looting money from their donors and getting free money for doing nothing but hating America.

All the meanwhile the poor black man and the poor white man in this country continue to struggle and nobodyā€™s looking out for them with exception of people like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump and us we the American people so many of us on this forum who might donate to charity who go to church to donate to Catholic charities or donate to various Christian organizations or any kind of charity you can imagine that actually stands up for what is right.

This was one of Tucker Carlsonā€˜s greatest leads ever. Here is tucker Carlson standing up for the workingman you donā€™t see this on many if any of the other news networks.
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And still you believe the lies Tucker Carlson is telling you. How gullible are you?????
Lol. This from someone who STILL believes Russiagate, ivermectin is horse pills, Joe Rogan is a right winger, the vax is safe and effective, Biden has his faculties, 1/6 was an insurrection, and on and on.
Lol. This from someone who STILL believes Russiagate, ivermectin is horse pills, Joe Rogan is a right winger, the vax is safe and effective, Biden has his faculties, 1/6 was an insurrection, and on and on.

This is why you're an idiot. You believe everything you just posted. This is why 400 people a day are still dying in the USA from covid while the rest of the world has moved on.

I have no idea who Joe Rogan is other than a radio host who used a lot of people who subsequently died of covid, to promote horse wormer to cure covid.
.People who donā€™t deserve million dollar payoffs. People who are corrupt. Thatā€™s right $75 million from svb right into the pockets of Black Lives Matter..

So, you are saying they did this to distract from the poor economy?
Silicon Valley Banks failing was the second largest bank failure in American history. And smaller banks like signature bank have also failed leaving many Americans out in the dark and many others worried if their deposits are safe ā€¦.But Before its failure Silicon Valley Bank managed to donate $75 million in bank funds (not personal funds) to Black Lives Matter and similar groups. Silicon Valleyā€˜s bank board was also filled with democratic donors Including multimillionaires who claim that they were scared when Donald Trump got elected in 2016. Itā€™s shocking isnā€™t it these people are ā€œscaredā€ of Trump yet they are multimillionaires. Itā€™s all a facade to try and distract working class people and poor people into supporting BLM and supporting Democrats and neoconservativesā€¦they want us to give away all our money to things like Politicians in Ukraine. Notice where our money is going to in Ukraineā€¦. is that actually going directly to poor people or working class people in Ukraine? No itā€™s going into the pockets of politicians and we donā€™t know where that money is goingā€¦..

ā€¦..People who donā€™t deserve million dollar payoffs. People who are corrupt. Thatā€™s right $75 million from svb right into the pockets of Black Lives Matter.. JP Morgan has pledged 30 billion $$$ to so-called racial causes including 100 million usd for so-called minority owned banks. these are unimaginable things that are happening in America and itā€™s up to we the people to do something about it.

president Zelenskyy of Ukraine and his cronies have gotten billions of dollars and all sorts of support from not only the Democrats and the neoconservatives but also from big time banks and investment firms. Thatā€™s where so much of this money is going to thatā€™s a disgrace.

Nancy Pelosi has also been shown to be a big-time proponent of banksters she has all sorts of dealings with banks. Remember how she took a knee along with all of her other pro BLM colleagues back in 2020. Itā€™s not what you think it is they do this stuff for money they do this stuff to try and shut people up to try and distract people from our terrible economy while they make millions of dollars.

Let me also say another thing here. We still have good people in the banking system going back in the US history we had great banks but thereā€™s a problem clearly now many of the big banks including J.P. Morgan have given billions of dollars to so-called race equity causes. That doesnā€™t help anybody it hurts the country. Take a look at the following video and see it for yourself the first 20 minutes or so of Tucker Carlson one of his best lead offs ever show us this

This guy Zielinski gets billions of dollars from Democrats from neoconservatives from the banks from big-time investment firms while the poor white man and the poor black man in America starve on the streets. None of the great Democrats of the 20th century would ever stand for this corruption. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m reaching out to my fellow Democrats here please watch the video above and learn from it.

And just imagine how things are for the poor man in Ukraine ā€¦do you think that theyā€™re getting any piece of this money that is being sent to Ukraine? , think about that one.

I remember the ā€œoccupy Wall Street movementā€. Something I mightā€™ve even disagreed with but it was quite some time ago and it was all sorts of people who were protesting against what they saw as corruption by the big-time banks. Remember that folks now itā€™s gone. One might think that Black Lives Matter would be protesting against banks but no ā€¦.they get their money from these types of people now. A lot of the banks have donated tons of money millions if not billions of dollars to the Black Lives Matter and similar groups. And thatā€™s why we see Black Lives Matter leaders building mansions living unbelievable lives of luxury stealing money looting money from their donors and getting free money for doing nothing but hating America.

All the meanwhile the poor black man and the poor white man in this country continue to struggle and nobodyā€™s looking out for them with exception of people like Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump and us we the American people so many of us on this forum who might donate to charity who go to church to donate to Catholic charities or donate to various Christian organizations or any kind of charity you can imagine that actually stands up for what is right.

This was one of Tucker Carlsonā€˜s greatest leads ever. Here is tucker Carlson standing up for the workingman you donā€™t see this on many if any of the other news networks.

Did you even look at the website you linked to??????
The money didn't go to "Black lives matter". These companies pledged funds for diversity training and hiring and your hate site claimed it as a donation to BLM.
This is why you're an idiot. You believe everything you just posted. This is why 400 people a day are still dying in the USA from covid while the rest of the world has moved on.

I have no idea who Joe Rogan is other than a radio host who used a lot of people who subsequently died of covid, to promote horse wormer to cure covid.
Lol. Iā€™ll remove Rogan from your long list of lies you believe.

Are you up-to-date on your covid boosters?

Do you wear a mask while driving your car?
Did you even look at the website you linked to??????
The money didn't go to "Black lives matter". These companies pledged funds for diversity training and hiring and your hate site claimed it as a donation to BLM.
This was reported on Tucker Carlson. Silicon Valley gave 75 million to black Lives Matter and similar groups. Thatā€™s what was said why people like you ignore things or attempt to completely change what somebody says is a shame and youā€™re about to go on the ignore list if it keeps off Iā€™m not putting up with this anymore. Oh I remember you youā€™re the person who claims to support unions but you donā€™t actually support unions you wonā€™t vote to support them.

Youā€™re talking about another thread where a poster brought up a brilliant point from the Claremont group(Tucker might have use statistics from that group so what do you need to grow up check yourself before you wreck yourself.) and you are acting like a monster by calling them a hate group youā€™re completely wrong and out of your mind all the side dead what is literally show which anti-American companies which racist companies are giving money to Black Lives Matter in order to distract from a terrible American economy. Why donā€™t they give that money to homeless people.

You calling another group a ā€œhate groupā€ is ridiculous. Youā€™re the type of person who apparently supports BLM and racism.

Let me guess you support abortion?

JP Morgan pledged 30 billion to so-called diversity causes or equity causes including $100 million for minority owned banks. This is horrible.

You must live in Afghanistan or some country that is brutal like North Korea. This is the United States of America we are all Americans itā€™s not about Black people not about white people not about minorities ā€¦.. either people support equality or they are racist and you are not in the camp of supporting equalityā€¦ especially with how you consider Tucker Carlson hate news.

have a nice day my friend and you just need to watch the news stop listening to propaganda.

Itā€™s in the first place if you support Black Lives Matter youā€™re racist itā€™s no different than supporting white lives matter or supporting the KKK or supporting Al-Qaeda.
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This was reported on Tucker Carlson. 75 million with a Black Lives Matter in similar groups. JP Morgan pledged 30 billion to so-called diversity causes or equity causes including $100 million for minority owned banks. This is horrible. It is actually something from the devil. People can choose to ignore it and itā€™s often the people who ignore it who donā€™t care about humanity. So have a nice day my friend and you just need to watch the news stop listening to propaganda.

Itā€™s in the first place you support Black Lives Matter youā€™re racist itā€™s no different than supporting white lives matter or supporting the KKK or supporting Al-Qaeda.

Tucker Carlson??? The racist who ADMITS to lying to lying to the American people about a "stolen election" to boost his ratings, told you racist lies about donations to BLM to boost his ratings, and you bring this bullshit HERE without so much as reading the report????

Use the brain God gave you and start fact checking these lying clowns. Read their links, back check the reliability of their stories, and the reliability of their witnesses. Consider their possible agenda. USE CRITICAL THINKING.

It took me 3 clicks on the underlying documents to debunk the entire claim.

If you have the skills and ability to write these long blithering posts backing up their lies, you have the skills and ability to confirm whether the report is true or not. Stop believing people who are lying to you and start checking on what you're being told.
There should be many Democrats who are against abortion we should have many Democrats who vehemently stand up to BLM. Thatā€™s what we need in this country. The Democratic Party of the 20th century stood for honor and integrity. Itā€™s a horrible thing that the only people in this country who stand against abortion and who stand up for American history seem to be just a few Republicans And maybe Tulsi Gabbard?. It doesnā€™t include Mitt Romney or Mitch McConnell these guys are showing themselves now to be hacks.

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