Remember the democrats predicting that economy would tank within a year of Trump's presidency?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Hillary the witch "Donald Trump's ideas about the economy and the world will cause MILLIONS of Americans to loser their jobs."

There is everyone's favorite pathetic commie economist ("nobel prize winner in economics"). The GDP will never reach 3%. Never.

Another fucking classic.

BTW, I could not find the number of predictions that said the market was going to crash within 6 months of the presidency.

I remember there were a bunch of those. Cannot find them now. Anyone save those by any chance?
LMAO Just another one of those HItlery predictions that were full of shit. Guess she forgot Trump is a billionaire and a business man.

The economy is doing great and UE is the best its been in decades.

The stock market is doing well also.

Oh and lets not forget they all predicted Hitlery would be POTUS. Guess not. LOL

I wonder how things would be if Hitlery were POTUS?? Sure hope we never find out.
Yet Trump's economy for the second straight year will not meet either of the GDPs of Obama's last two years in office.
Won't you be surprised if it does??

Since I don't have a crystal ball like you do I'll just wait and see. LOL
Most wingers allow their ideology to distort their reason.

Add to that a general ignorance of macroeconomics, and it just gets silly.
Bush's tax cuts did their magic in 2007/08 please be patience, Reagan's tax cuts - and then his constant tax raises - took time too. And don't forget Harding Coolidge and Hoover, they created some real magic too. LOL People never learn and are so easily played.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well."
Tax cuts spur economic growth

"The Republican Congress has passed a tax plan in which more than four-fifths of the long-term tax cuts are steered to the extremely wealthy, and are offset by future tax increases for a significant fraction of the party’s own voting base. Republicans plan substantial cuts to government services that those voters use and like."

Analysis | How tax cuts for the wealthy became Republican orthodoxy

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