Remember The RW Scum Monica "I Plead The 5th" Goodling?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
Do you guys remember a mere 6 years ago when the rabid RW political hack attack dog Monica Goodling was unleashed upon the populace to spread the havoc of the Republicans?

She was employed to fire Democrats and/or any DOJ employee that didn't tow the RW REpublican Bush Administration line.

When called in front of Congress she immediately took the 5th.

Remember these gems....?

[ame=]MONICA GOODLING: Takes the 5th Amendment - YouTube[/ame]

She crossed the line, Congress knew she crossed the line, she knew she crossed the line and even said as much.

Goodling Says She 'Crossed the Line'

Yet the RWers defended her to the hilt at the time, [ame=]Fox Distorts the News - YouTube[/ame]

There was no talk of who's going to jail from Boehner, and Darryl Issa was quiet as a church where to be found.

Yet, these are the same rat bastards that are first in line to crucify Lois Lerner today.

I mean, their memories are so short it's not even funny.

The American People aren't as forgetful, they see through the hypocrasy and will reward folks accordingly.

Keep it up're doing a BANG UP job!
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She has a right to take the 5th. If she did so selectively, like Lois Lerner tried to do, that's different.
She has a right to take the 5th. If she did so selectively, like Lois Lerner tried to do, that's different.

Except that didn't happen.

In any case..Rove taught everyone how to deal with congressional hearings.

Tell them to go pound sand.

This is another Obama umbrella moment. The right will pretend their laced panties are bunched up UNTIL they are reminded this happened before.

Suddenly ass cheeks unclench...panties are unbunched and everything is fine
This is another Obama umbrella moment. The right will pretend their laced panties are bunched up UNTIL they are reminded this happened before.

Suddenly ass cheeks unclench...panties are unbunched and everything is fine

Actually, what they do is find some way to pretend that the last time "things were different"...somehow.

They just make shat up as they go along, like how they made up the BS rule of how you couldn't criticize the President during a time of war when Bush'n'co was out warmongering and the news from the wars weren't good.

They change the rules to match their current position, aka when they're in power and when they're out of power.

See Katzndogz's post above as Exhibit A. The assertion is made that it didn't happen that way before, something was different. What was different? No one knows, as he didn't say, but somehow, something was different when the CON$ did it. Something made it OK then.
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Oh, I forgot about that Marc..

This is different because:

It happened on a Tuesday...
Obama was in his 30's then
Bush had 9/11
Tech bubble
Monica Goodling said I plead the 5th and Lois said I'm taking the 5th...Just like a taker would
Oh, I forgot about that Marc..

This is different because:

It happened on a Tuesday...
Obama was in his 30's then
Bush had 9/11
Tech bubble
Monica Goodling said I plead the 5th and Lois said I'm taking the 5th...Just like a taker would
Yes, you got it. :thup:
Really? Are you still trying to go with the bullshit ‘he did it too’ defense?

I guess when that is the best that you can do then that is what you have to cling to but just to let you know – there is not a weaker argument out there. A previous illegal act does not somehow alleviate current illegal activities.

If you are talking about people claiming the 5th though, that is their right and I have no issues with anyone ever claiming the fifth. Never have. They sure as hell should nail any guilty party to the wall though. Government employees in positions of power should be held accountable when abusing that power. Hell, I would support a law that increased legal ramifications in abuse of power cases.
Really? Are you still trying to go with the bullshit ‘he did it too’ defense?

I guess when that is the best that you can do then that is what you have to cling to but just to let you know – there is not a weaker argument out there. A previous illegal act does not somehow alleviate current illegal activities.

If you are talking about people claiming the 5th though, that is their right and I have no issues with anyone ever claiming the fifth. Never have. They sure as hell should nail any guilty party to the wall though. Government employees in positions of power should be held accountable when abusing that power. Hell, I would support a law that increased legal ramifications in abuse of power cases.

It is about hypocrisy and people having no right to point the finger, although they do.

So freaking what?

Clinton fired 93 lawyers and kept 1.

How far back do we want to play the "tit for tat" game?
It's just the way it is! No one gets to testify as to their innocence then claim the 5th on cross examination. The 5th is a right not to testify, at all.
Oh and btw, this bizarro attempt to defend Lerner by bringing up Goodling has already been tried on this board several times before.
Obamabots, because someone else did it that EXCUSES everyone in this administration..and notice they called the woman, SCUM

they'd go back 100 years if they could..

Do you guys remember a mere 6 years ago when the rabid RW political hack attack dog Monica Goodling was unleashed upon the populace to spread the havoc of the Republicans?

She was employed to fire Democrats and/or any DOJ employee that didn't tow the RW REpublican Bush Administration line.

When called in front of Congress she immediately took the 5th.

Remember these gems....?

MONICA GOODLING: Takes the 5th Amendment - YouTube

She crossed the line, Congress knew she crossed the line, she knew she crossed the line and even said as much.

Goodling Says She 'Crossed the Line'

Yet the RWers defended her to the hilt at the time, Fox Distorts the News - YouTube

There was no talk of who's going to jail from Boehner, and Darryl Issa was quiet as a church where to be found.

Yet, these are the same rat bastards that are first in line to crucify Lois Lerner today.

I mean, their memories are so short it's not even funny.

The American People aren't as forgetful, they see through the hypocrasy and will reward folks accordingly.

Keep it up're doing a BANG UP job!

as far as i am concerned Marc.....ANYONE who pleads the 5th,has got something to hide.....and looks guilty....
Really? Are you still trying to go with the bullshit ‘he did it too’ defense?

I guess when that is the best that you can do then that is what you have to cling to but just to let you know – there is not a weaker argument out there. A previous illegal act does not somehow alleviate current illegal activities.

If you are talking about people claiming the 5th though, that is their right and I have no issues with anyone ever claiming the fifth. Never have. They sure as hell should nail any guilty party to the wall though. Government employees in positions of power should be held accountable when abusing that power. Hell, I would support a law that increased legal ramifications in abuse of power cases.


So freaking what?

Clinton fired 93 lawyers and kept 1.

How far back do we want to play the "tit for tat" game?

Obamabots, because someone else did it that EXCUSES everyone in this administration..and notice they called the woman, SCUM

they'd go back 100 years if they could..

:lol: :lol:
This is another Obama umbrella moment. The right will pretend their laced panties are bunched up UNTIL they are reminded this happened before.

Suddenly ass cheeks unclench...panties are unbunched and everything is fine

Actually, what they do is find some way to pretend that the last time "things were different"...somehow.

They just make shat up as they go along, like how they made up the BS rule of how you couldn't criticize the President during a time of war when Bush'n'co was out warmongering and the news from the wars weren't good.

They change the rules to match their current position, aka when they're in power and when they're out of power.

See Katzndogz's post above as Exhibit A. The assertion is made that it didn't happen that way before, something was different. What was different? No one knows, as he didn't say, but somehow, something was different when the CON$ did it. Something made it OK then.

Kinda like the difference between "Acts of Terror" and "Terrorist attacks"...


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