Remember the scout leader who pushed over a rock in a nattl park?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
7NEWS - Man seen in video pushing over rock formation in Utah park claims he has a disability and impairment - U.S. & World Story

GREEN RIVER, Utah - A Utah Boy Scout leader who came under fire for pushing over a boulder in a state park filed a suit last month claiming he was suffering permanent "disability" and "impairment" from an auto accident four years ago. ...

Utah State Parks director Fred Hayes ... said that the sandstone formations have stood there since the Jurassic era, some 165 million years ago. He said the men in the video could face criminal charges for their actions because it is against the law to deface state parks...

Now, Taylor is facing additional scrutiny after it was revealed that he filed a lawsuit claiming he endured "great pain and suffering, disability, impairment, loss of life" stemming from a 2009 car accident, according to ABC News affiliate KTVX-TV in Salt Lake City.

According to KTVX, Taylor said in the documents he has incurred an estimated $5,000 in medical related expenses as a result of the crash.

Alan Macdonald, who is being sued by Taylor because it was his daughter who hit Taylor’s car, told KTVX that he was "highly offended" by Taylor’s actions.

"In the video I see a big strong guy who steps up to a 2,000 pound rock and dislodges it and I just think to myself, that guy doesn't have a bad back," Macdonald said

Taylor's attorney Mark Stubbs told KUTV THAT just because his client is beginning to recover from his injured back doesn't mean he hasn't suffered from pain in the past. He said the video is just one part of a larger case..


Not to mention that he's teaching pretty crappy values to boy scouts.
The left hates the Boy Scouts, so I'm sure they love this story.

And you are totally full of shit. This old blue collar liberal has been a registered leader in the BSA for over 30 years. What those fellows did was completely against all policy in Scouting. They are a shame to the organization, and should be booted out, immediatly.
Why do idiots claiming extreme personal disability always pull this stuff?

Man seen toppling boulder claims 'debilitating injuries' -

Does he think nobody would ever see it?

The Park is considering charging him with a crime.

They should..and he should have to pay to put it back up there.

People go to that park just to see the rock formations......and he thinks he can just push one over?

Charge him with vandalism and make him put the rock back
there is absolutely no fucking way that rock can be put back in place by humans, it took millions of years for the forces of nature to put it there and no human intervention can replace it !! :up:
If he says Bush made him do it, then repents to the obamessiah, the libs will flock to his defense!!
BSA kicked them out.

Good deal. The BSA had to kick rush out of scouting decades ago.
The left hates the Boy Scouts, so I'm sure they love this story.

And you are totally full of shit. This old blue collar liberal has been a registered leader in the BSA for over 30 years. What those fellows did was completely against all policy in Scouting. They are a shame to the organization, and should be booted out, immediatly.

I do believe they have been relieved of their posts...

Fired, if you will...
It's a ROCK....all rocks are old aren't they? Who's to say it wouldn't have fallen on a tourist during a rain storm? BE PREPARED is the BSA motto....I believe he should be given a free dinner and a bottle of champagne for his courageous act.
heard on the news this morning the guy who pushed the stone has some kind back diability? Yeah right buddy. what ever insurance that guy has should look at the video cause he looks fine to me.
It's a ROCK....all rocks are old aren't they? Who's to say it wouldn't have fallen on a tourist during a rain storm? BE PREPARED is the BSA motto....I believe he should be given a free dinner and a bottle of champagne for his courageous act.

Any time we did any modifications to any land we were on, we got permission first from whoever was responsible for the area. When we cleared out an old overgrown hiking trail for some kids project, we made sure the campground administrator knew what we were doing.

If these guys really thought they were doing something good, they should have gotten permission first.
It's a ROCK....all rocks are old aren't they? Who's to say it wouldn't have fallen on a tourist during a rain storm? BE PREPARED is the BSA motto....I believe he should be given a free dinner and a bottle of champagne for his courageous act.

Any time we did any modifications to any land we were on, we got permission first from whoever was responsible for the area. When we cleared out an old overgrown hiking trail for some kids project, we made sure the campground administrator knew what we were doing.

If these guys really thought they were doing something good, they should have gotten permission first.

Here's the deal....the parks are being run by goreble warming dingbats who consider us taxpayers to be trespassers and intruders. They run the parks like little dictators; consider OUR parks to be THEIR parks and tell us what's best in there when few of them know how to build a campfire in the rain. Most of our land in Arizona is owned by the federal government.....each administration comes in with political appointees telling families who've ranched the land for over a hundred years their bullshit rules. We need to take back our parks, our ranchlands, our soverign right to do what's right by the land not to satisfy some bonehead peckerwood's little rulebook. :mad:
It's a ROCK....all rocks are old aren't they? Who's to say it wouldn't have fallen on a tourist during a rain storm? BE PREPARED is the BSA motto....I believe he should be given a free dinner and a bottle of champagne for his courageous act.

Any time we did any modifications to any land we were on, we got permission first from whoever was responsible for the area. When we cleared out an old overgrown hiking trail for some kids project, we made sure the campground administrator knew what we were doing.

If these guys really thought they were doing something good, they should have gotten permission first.

all they needed to do was make a circle around it with some rocks to mark the rock formation and report it to a ranger for proper inspection. IMHO it looked like they were just being assholes.
It's a ROCK....all rocks are old aren't they? Who's to say it wouldn't have fallen on a tourist during a rain storm? BE PREPARED is the BSA motto....I believe he should be given a free dinner and a bottle of champagne for his courageous act.

Any time we did any modifications to any land we were on, we got permission first from whoever was responsible for the area. When we cleared out an old overgrown hiking trail for some kids project, we made sure the campground administrator knew what we were doing.

If these guys really thought they were doing something good, they should have gotten permission first.

all they needed to do was make a circle around it with some rocks to mark the rock formation and report it to a ranger for proper inspection. IMHO it looked like they were just being assholes.


And toppling the formation was not the only solution. It could have been roped off if it was dangerous. Any scout leader should know better

They were a couple of assholes showing off. Not only did they post their crime on Facebook, but Samson there has an active disability claim

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