Remember those atacms biden said that he wasn't going to send to ukriane..

We're going to send the Ukrainians longer-range missiles to hit the Russians in their own rear-area depots and staging areas?


Let's expedite the F-16s and send 'em a few squadrons of A-10s while we're at it.
About 90% of the GOP Senators and half the GOP House Reps are Zionist 911 W "Biden Republicans"

The GOP primary voters need to purge the party of the Zionists...

The entire congress opposes the populace.
Halting Russian aggression beyond the borders of NATO is crucial and is worth a few score billions...
Negative....Not my monkey, not my circus.

I bet you will be voting for the neocon's prom queen Nikki Haley.
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Halting Russian aggression beyond the borders of NATO is crucial and is worth a few score billions...

No, we shouldn't even be involved but we all know what this is all about..........biden grifting in ukraine. That is it.
This is going to change the course of the war....Delivery in '24!

The Russians will be dropping out any day now.

And at $1.5 million a pop, imagine the margins for L-M.

Yes Sir, a lot of good, honest, hard lobbying, politically connected Americans are gonna get paid. PACs will get fat for sure.

Oh say can you see!
We're going to send the Ukrainians longer-range missiles to hit the Russians in their own rear-area depots and staging areas?


Let's expedite the F-16s and send 'em a few squadrons of A-10s while we're at it.
Why not soldiers?
Negative....Not my monkey, not my circus.
That's what American Isolationists said about Germany attacking France in 1918.

That's what the gullible Neville Chamberlain said about Czechoslovakia during the 1938 Munich conference with Adolf Hitler.

That's what American Isolationists said about Germany going into Poland in 1939 and Japan going into China in1936-1937.

Every time we listen to you Isolationist idiots we end-up having to do FAR more heavy lifting later than if we had acted sooner.

Enough already.

Ukraine is another "Line in the Sand" and we doom ourselves to spending far more blood and treasure later if we don't help now.

As long as the Ukrainians are willing to stand-up for themselves and fight-off their barbarian Russian neighbors, we should help.

As much as we can, as often as we can, for as long as we can.

I bet you will be voting for the neocon's prom queen Nikki Haley.
I choose the Constitution over your ignorant, arrogant, dictatorial Orange Baboon-God and his Cult of Personality.

I could very easily vote for Nikki Haley for President, with Chris Christie or Tim Scott as her Vice Presidential running mate.

Besides... "she would look lovely on a postage stamp." :cool:
in August of last year?
Zelensky: look biden ole buddy ole pal, send us the missiles or I spill the goods on the bribe.

Wow. That would be huge! Where can I find the evidence of that conversation? A recording, perhaps? Maybe an eyewitness? A link?
Out of control.

McCarthy said no blank check. Was he lying???
The problem is we need more Zionists Jews in Congress so we can get this shit done.

A civilian committee ran by President Bush Jr. and Michelle Obama would certainly be a start in the right direction.

If only we had a nice couples portrait of the two of them together to help launch this idea...
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That's what American Isolationists said about Germany attacking France in 1918.

On the afternoon of August 3, 1914, two days after declaring war on Russia, Germany declares war on France, moving ahead with a long-held strategy, conceived by the former chief of staff of the German army, Alfred von Schlieffen, for a two-front war against France and Russia. Hours later, France makes its own declaration of war against Germany, readying its troops to move into the provinces of Alsace and Lorraine, which it had forfeited to Germany in the settlement that ended the Franco-Prussian War in 1871.

On April 2, 1917, President Woodrow Wilson asks Congress to send U.S. troops into battle against Germany in World War I.

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