Remember those riots after Tony Timpa's death?


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
'You're gonna kill me!': Dallas police body cam footage reveals the final minutes of Tony Timpa's life

I listened to the Rush Limbaugh interview with "The Breakfast Club". Someone asked Rush what would have happened if this had happened to a white person. I thought to myself ... IF? There is no way it hasn't happened. Rush replied "You wouldn't even hear about". The members of "The Breakfast Club", living in their bubble of false narrative, responded "What! DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, yeah huh" That's not an exact quote but it was something like that. Anyway Rush was right. There is no way this is the only incident either. The media just doesn't care because, although it would contribute to a police brutality conversation and point to issues with it on occasion, it doesn't drive home the systemic racism narrative.

Maybe I'm wrong, and this was huge news for days and I don't remember.

Anyway, I'm sure plenty will dissect this incident and all the others involving white people because, ya know, it's different and stuff.
'You're gonna kill me!': Dallas police body cam footage reveals the final minutes of Tony Timpa's life

I listened to the Rush Limbaugh interview with "The Breakfast Club". Someone asked Rush what would have happened if this had happened to a white person. I thought to myself ... IF? There is no way it hasn't happened. Rush replied "You wouldn't even hear about". The members of "The Breakfast Club", living in their bubble of false narrative, responded "What! DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, yeah huh" That's not an exact quote but it was something like that. Anyway Rush was right. There is no way this is the only incident either. The media just doesn't care because, although it would contribute to a police brutality conversation and point to issues with it on occasion, it doesn't drive home the systemic racism narrative.

Maybe I'm wrong, and this was huge news for days and I don't remember.

Anyway, I'm sure plenty will dissect this incident and all the others involving white people because, ya know, it's different and stuff.

The statistics have been presented over and over again. It's the opposite of what media claims, as expected.

But the low IQ diverse morons do not care. They use any excuse to loot that CNN provides.
'You're gonna kill me!': Dallas police body cam footage reveals the final minutes of Tony Timpa's life

I listened to the Rush Limbaugh interview with "The Breakfast Club". Someone asked Rush what would have happened if this had happened to a white person. I thought to myself ... IF? There is no way it hasn't happened. Rush replied "You wouldn't even hear about". The members of "The Breakfast Club", living in their bubble of false narrative, responded "What! DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, yeah huh" That's not an exact quote but it was something like that. Anyway Rush was right. There is no way this is the only incident either. The media just doesn't care because, although it would contribute to a police brutality conversation and point to issues with it on occasion, it doesn't drive home the systemic racism narrative.

Maybe I'm wrong, and this was huge news for days and I don't remember.

Anyway, I'm sure plenty will dissect this incident and all the others involving white people because, ya know, it's different and stuff.
Justine Damond.
Tony Timpa was white. Doesn’t fit left wing fucknut narrative.

Will be ignored.

Liberals are such faggots, it’s really unbelievable.

Apparently White Lives don’t Matter.
There was NO video here. The video was hid for three years. This is something we are trying to change. When someone dies at the hands of a police officer the video needs released immediately. If there is no video the firings needs to start.

What happened with Floyd had very little to do with the media. It was a private video circulated on social media. The mainstream media didn't come in until late.

But this is another case where things did at least start out right. The grand jury said there was cause to prosecute the officers. With that being the case there is no reason to protest. But this was dragged out for years. That's what is generally tried. It would have been tried with the officer charged with killing Floyd if it hadn't been for the protest.

Now do I support the protesters setting up in the front yard of the District Attorney? Absolutely. He is a part of the problem and another thing we are trying to change. We can no longer leave these kinds of decisions up to one with a conflict of interests.
Maybe I'm wrong, and this was huge news for days and I don't remember.

if it was huge news, then how did the media not cover it? I remember it. I also remember Kelly Thomas and Daniel Shaver

I don't think it was huge news cause I didn't hear a thing about it. Maybe I was on vacation. Definitely don't remember any protests from it.
The media doesnt cover officers killing whites, especially black officers, because they cant spin the racism angle.
Same with black officers killing blacks.
It means we cant ever discuss the actual problem. Police brutality.
The media doesnt cover officers killing whites, especially black officers, because they cant spin the racism angle.
Same with black officers killing blacks.
It means we cant ever discuss the actual problem. Police brutality.

The murder of Justine Diamond was most certainly covered.
The media doesnt cover officers killing whites, especially black officers, because they cant spin the racism angle.
Same with black officers killing blacks.
It means we cant ever discuss the actual problem. Police brutality.

The murder of Justine Diamond was most certainly covered.
I meant in general. Idk who any of the people mentioned are.
The racial bias over police brutality is quite obvious.
There was NO video here. The video was hid for three years. This is something we are trying to change. When someone dies at the hands of a police officer the video needs released immediately. If there is no video the firings needs to start.

What happened with Floyd had very little to do with the media. It was a private video circulated on social media. The mainstream media didn't come in until late.

But this is another case where things did at least start out right. The grand jury said there was cause to prosecute the officers. With that being the case there is no reason to protest. But this was dragged out for years. That's what is generally tried. It would have been tried with the officer charged with killing Floyd if it hadn't been for the protest.

Now do I support the protesters setting up in the front yard of the District Attorney? Absolutely. He is a part of the problem and another thing we are trying to change. We can no longer leave these kinds of decisions up to one with a conflict of interests.

I'm all for the protests and I will support them, I will not support the riots that are destroying personal property, and are instigating violence.
The media doesnt cover officers killing whites, especially black officers, because they cant spin the racism angle.
Same with black officers killing blacks.
It means we cant ever discuss the actual problem. Police brutality.

The murder of Justine Diamond was most certainly covered.
I meant in general. Idk who any of the people mentioned are.
The racial bias over police brutality is quite obvious.

It's a racial fact.
The media doesnt cover officers killing whites, especially black officers, because they cant spin the racism angle.
Same with black officers killing blacks.
It means we cant ever discuss the actual problem. Police brutality.

The murder of Justine Diamond was most certainly covered.
I meant in general. Idk who any of the people mentioned are.
The racial bias over police brutality is quite obvious.

It's a racial fact.
What is
There was NO video here. The video was hid for three years. This is something we are trying to change. When someone dies at the hands of a police officer the video needs released immediately. If there is no video the firings needs to start.

What happened with Floyd had very little to do with the media. It was a private video circulated on social media. The mainstream media didn't come in until late.

But this is another case where things did at least start out right. The grand jury said there was cause to prosecute the officers. With that being the case there is no reason to protest. But this was dragged out for years. That's what is generally tried. It would have been tried with the officer charged with killing Floyd if it hadn't been for the protest.

Now do I support the protesters setting up in the front yard of the District Attorney? Absolutely. He is a part of the problem and another thing we are trying to change. We can no longer leave these kinds of decisions up to one with a conflict of interests.

I'm all for the protests and I will support them, I will not support the riots that are destroying personal property, and are instigating violence.

To stop a violence protest you have to address and acknowledge people when they are peacefully protesting. Not call for them to be fired and walking out on them.
There was NO video here. The video was hid for three years. This is something we are trying to change. When someone dies at the hands of a police officer the video needs released immediately. If there is no video the firings needs to start.

What happened with Floyd had very little to do with the media. It was a private video circulated on social media. The mainstream media didn't come in until late.

But this is another case where things did at least start out right. The grand jury said there was cause to prosecute the officers. With that being the case there is no reason to protest. But this was dragged out for years. That's what is generally tried. It would have been tried with the officer charged with killing Floyd if it hadn't been for the protest.

Now do I support the protesters setting up in the front yard of the District Attorney? Absolutely. He is a part of the problem and another thing we are trying to change. We can no longer leave these kinds of decisions up to one with a conflict of interests.

I'm all for the protests and I will support them, I will not support the riots that are destroying personal property, and are instigating violence.

To stop a violence protest you have to address and acknowledge people when they are peacefully protesting. Not call for them to be fired and walking out on them.

Like in Michigan?
There was NO video here. The video was hid for three years. This is something we are trying to change. When someone dies at the hands of a police officer the video needs released immediately. If there is no video the firings needs to start.

What happened with Floyd had very little to do with the media. It was a private video circulated on social media. The mainstream media didn't come in until late.

But this is another case where things did at least start out right. The grand jury said there was cause to prosecute the officers. With that being the case there is no reason to protest. But this was dragged out for years. That's what is generally tried. It would have been tried with the officer charged with killing Floyd if it hadn't been for the protest.

Now do I support the protesters setting up in the front yard of the District Attorney? Absolutely. He is a part of the problem and another thing we are trying to change. We can no longer leave these kinds of decisions up to one with a conflict of interests.

I'm all for the protests and I will support them, I will not support the riots that are destroying personal property, and are instigating violence.

To stop a violence protest you have to address and acknowledge people when they are peacefully protesting. Not call for them to be fired and walking out on them.

Like in Michigan?

Not sure what you are referencing.
There was NO video here. The video was hid for three years. This is something we are trying to change. When someone dies at the hands of a police officer the video needs released immediately. If there is no video the firings needs to start.

What happened with Floyd had very little to do with the media. It was a private video circulated on social media. The mainstream media didn't come in until late.

But this is another case where things did at least start out right. The grand jury said there was cause to prosecute the officers. With that being the case there is no reason to protest. But this was dragged out for years. That's what is generally tried. It would have been tried with the officer charged with killing Floyd if it hadn't been for the protest.

Now do I support the protesters setting up in the front yard of the District Attorney? Absolutely. He is a part of the problem and another thing we are trying to change. We can no longer leave these kinds of decisions up to one with a conflict of interests.

I'm all for the protests and I will support them, I will not support the riots that are destroying personal property, and are instigating violence.

To stop a violence protest you have to address and acknowledge people when they are peacefully protesting. Not call for them to be fired and walking out on them.

Like in Michigan?

Not sure what you are referencing.

I wasn't sure what you were referring to, however, people went to the Michigan state capitol and demonstrated, the governor failed to acknowledge them, the protest remained peaceful. The same governor told this weeks protesters that are protesting the death of Floyd, "we got your message".

So I question your theory. Once they went to looting and violence I was behind the protesters, now they are rioters and I don't support them and hope all those breaking the law get sent to jail.

I still believe the cop is responsible for Floyd's death, I wrote to the mayor of Minneapolis that they need to clean up their police force. the cop had a history of poor judgement and he should have been released years ago.
There was NO video here. The video was hid for three years. This is something we are trying to change. When someone dies at the hands of a police officer the video needs released immediately. If there is no video the firings needs to start.

What happened with Floyd had very little to do with the media. It was a private video circulated on social media. The mainstream media didn't come in until late.

But this is another case where things did at least start out right. The grand jury said there was cause to prosecute the officers. With that being the case there is no reason to protest. But this was dragged out for years. That's what is generally tried. It would have been tried with the officer charged with killing Floyd if it hadn't been for the protest.

Now do I support the protesters setting up in the front yard of the District Attorney? Absolutely. He is a part of the problem and another thing we are trying to change. We can no longer leave these kinds of decisions up to one with a conflict of interests.

I'm all for the protests and I will support them, I will not support the riots that are destroying personal property, and are instigating violence.

To stop a violence protest you have to address and acknowledge people when they are peacefully protesting. Not call for them to be fired and walking out on them.

Like in Michigan?

Not sure what you are referencing.

I wasn't sure what you were referring to, however, people went to the Michigan state capitol and demonstrated, the governor failed to acknowledge them, the protest remained peaceful. The same governor told this weeks protesters that are protesting the death of Floyd, "we got your message".

So I question your theory. Once they went to looting and violence I was behind the protesters, now they are rioters and I don't support them and hope all those breaking the law get sent to jail.

I still believe the cop is responsible for Floyd's death, I wrote to the mayor of Minneapolis that they need to clean up their police force. the cop had a history of poor judgement and he should have been released years ago.

The governor should have met with them. Did you see how upset people were over things being closed a couple months? They were this upset after a couple months.

The police brutality issue is something that has went on for years.

P.S. We are opening back up.
There was NO video here. The video was hid for three years. This is something we are trying to change. When someone dies at the hands of a police officer the video needs released immediately. If there is no video the firings needs to start.

What happened with Floyd had very little to do with the media. It was a private video circulated on social media. The mainstream media didn't come in until late.

But this is another case where things did at least start out right. The grand jury said there was cause to prosecute the officers. With that being the case there is no reason to protest. But this was dragged out for years. That's what is generally tried. It would have been tried with the officer charged with killing Floyd if it hadn't been for the protest.

Now do I support the protesters setting up in the front yard of the District Attorney? Absolutely. He is a part of the problem and another thing we are trying to change. We can no longer leave these kinds of decisions up to one with a conflict of interests.

I'm all for the protests and I will support them, I will not support the riots that are destroying personal property, and are instigating violence.

To stop a violence protest you have to address and acknowledge people when they are peacefully protesting. Not call for them to be fired and walking out on them.

Like in Michigan?

Not sure what you are referencing.

I wasn't sure what you were referring to, however, people went to the Michigan state capitol and demonstrated, the governor failed to acknowledge them, the protest remained peaceful. The same governor told this weeks protesters that are protesting the death of Floyd, "we got your message".

So I question your theory. Once they went to looting and violence I was behind the protesters, now they are rioters and I don't support them and hope all those breaking the law get sent to jail.

I still believe the cop is responsible for Floyd's death, I wrote to the mayor of Minneapolis that they need to clean up their police force. the cop had a history of poor judgement and he should have been released years ago.

The governor should have met with them. Did you see how upset people were over things being closed a couple months? They were this upset after a couple months.

The police brutality issue is something that has went on for years.

P.S. We are opening back up.

The point is, she didn't meet with them and they didn't riot.

Police brutality has gone on back in the 1700's in this country. My wife's uncle was shot by the police in a case of mistaken identity. I'm not sure how we fix it. Other than city officials need to be more aware of what is happening in their own police force. Maybe a citizen's task force for each city to review procedures and review officers files. There will always be a bad few however maybe we can weed them out earlier.

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